Sentences with phrase «to mix things»

For me that is the fun of mixing things up.
Let's face it, you've probably heard mixed things about men's ability to wear sandals.
Guys button down shirts aren't always all that exciting, so something as simple as an elbow patch really does mix things up a beat.
I have never understood why he does not mix things up more to keep opponents guessing.
I love mixing thing up which is pretty evident in my first posts.
I can't just say, «Mix these things together in whatever portions you want» (though you can totally do that).
With numerous buttons open on the controller to be mapped, a block button would have been great, or barring that a weak attack and strong attack would really help mix things up.
While the first two games followed very similar templates, the latest installment really mixes things up by introducing full co-op play to the main campaign.
Another idea for mixing things up: take it a step further with your seasonings.
Try mixing things up and adding some color with additions like olives, mild peppers, fresh chopped herbs, thinly sliced red cabbage, shredded carrots, or sunflower seeds.
The single - player campaign also mixes things up slightly with four boss battles, which take you away from the downhill slopes of normal levels and to battle - type arenas.
I normally don't like mixing things very often, but I LOVE this salad!
But right now, when the company has nothing to lose by mixing things up in earnest, is when they can — and probably will — go for broke.
You have done such a good job of mixing things up and keeping it from getting boring while also not spending a ton!
I started mixing things by the spoonful, especially ingredients I wouldn't feel bad about eating.
I love mixing things with Greek yogurt to spice it up!
This is perfect if you want to just mix things up and take your intensity to the next level.
I'm really enjoying mixing things up and doing a variety of workouts every week.
So mix things up and be bold with a bright leather jacket.
Other factors to consider would be things like belts, hats and even mixing things up with a choice of sunglasses to really make the difference to your outfits.
I am always mixing things up with diet and exercise, mostly because I get bored easily, but also because I see changes and results when I keep my body and metabolism guessing.
If your employer has a flexible dress code that allows you to incorporate trendy colors, prints and pieces, have some fun mixing things up!
Does this print mixing thing goes with a slew of fun or u have a thumbs pointing down on my take?
Keep mixing things up until you find the dating relationship that is your destiny.
I keep reading mixed things about feeding them twice or three times a day.
I tend to eat the same thing for breakfast and lunch most days and then mix things up for dinner.
He's fantastic at mixing things up, cracking eggs and can even make a few things completely on his own.
Good thing the gameplay makes up for this by constantly mixing things up.
While not common, it certainly mixes things up and makes it fun.
You may have to stop blending halfway through to mix things around a little, if there are chunks of potato that aren't getting blended.
Yes you can look amazing by occasionally mixing things.
There's nothing exceptional about the story, which can't fully commit to the inherent sci - fi roots, but the structure of the campaign at least mixes things up.
In desserts, ginger is often matched with apple, but this pie mixes things up and introduces the root to blueberry.
Would not be surprised to see both Managers mix things up a bit not wanting to show their full hands.
My son's favorite kind of activities involve mixing things together.
No, that's where a lot of biologists mix things up.
When I was 6, I would go around the house mixing things together to see what would happen.
After a few weeks, its fine to revisit your old routine; just continue to periodically mix things up to keep your body burning as many calories as possible.
I get a real glimpse of each child and his or her temperament when we cook together — in the classroom mixing things up, working away.
Its warm neutrals will get you through a daytime shift, while the smoky end mixes things up for cocktail hour.
Quite than waiting your dating to become program and tedious, get yourself an excellent couples sex information for lovers and begin to proactively and deliberately mix things up.
The results are mixed some things work well, while others don't and you may not know why!
It definitely mixes things up, though it might not drop your jaw.
With changing paddle sizes mixing things up, it really is a joy.
This tight yet supple battle system is enhanced further by enemy and map designs that continually mix things up, always with clear tactical implications.
The difficulty mixes things up a little if you return, but it's the other modes that interest.
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