Sentences with phrase «to moisten something»

You'll want to introduce dry food (perhaps softened at first by moistening it with water) so that your cat will be familiar with both dry and wet foods.
These I turn to a paste by moistening them slightly with stock or milk, amalgamating the whole well.
It Helps moisten them & holds them together nicely
Oil the grates with a rag and rub just enough high smoke point - oil on the vegetables so that they don't stick — you're just moistening them at this point.
Let cake chill before cutting it into ice cream (or other shapes) and before moistening it with apple juice.
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees C. Place your cranberries in a small bowl of water to moisten them whilst you prepare the rest of your stuffing.
You for sure can make it 100 % whole wheat, but I think adding more banana would moisten it more.
Sprinkle 1 tablespoon of the water over the mixture, stirring with a fork to moisten it evenly.
I added some salsa to moisten it after it baked and thought that helped a bit.
If your pad sticks to your nipple moisten it with water before attempting to remove it.
You can simply moisten it under a little water, and wipe baby's bottom.
That's bad for the babies — they rely on their dads to moisten them nightly as they develop on leaves, or else they'll dry out and die.
If a 6 - week - old puppy refuses to eat dry kibble softened in water, try moistening it with a little warm goat's milk.
The nictitating membrane is a transparent or translucent lid that passes over the eye for protection and to moisten it while maintaining vision.
It is usually best to start with a wet kitten food, or to soak some dry kibbles designed for kittens in water to thoroughly moisten them.
(If your hands get too sticky to form a smooth ball, moisten them slightly with water.)
Also, I wondered if a 2nd egg would have helped moisten them up a little and bring in more gooey - ness.
You can also place them in a wipe warmer so they are ready to go or use a spray bottle to moisten them at each diaper change.
Lim's eyes had become so dry and tired from wearing contact lenses and false lashes every day that she had to use artificial tears to moisten them, the anchor told Yonhap.
Drizzle enough on the kale to moisten it all, and toss.
To keep this recipe low fat all i did was add some almond milk to moisten it up enough to stick.
the egg mixture will moisten it up and bring it back to life!)
Run a lime or orange wedge around the rim of an empty glass to moisten it, and then gently twist it in the sugar / salt.
After the fabric squares are dry, use a spray bottle of water to moisten them just before ironing.
It is lightly spritzed with lemon syrup, moistening it and bringing it one step closer to a melt - in - your - mouth pudding.
There are probably additional ingredients I can add to moisten it up.
Don't panic, the moisture from the zucchini will come out while baking and moisten it up perfectly.
After injecting your pork shoulder and letting rest, rub TABASCO ® Sauce all over the pork shoulder to moisten it.
Next time I'll use coconut oil or nut butter to moisten it a bit more.
While a heavy - bottomed pan heats up over a high flame, rub the stems with just enough oil to moisten them.
I did find it a bit dry inside the tofu bits and used the salsa to moisten it up.
I drizzle the potatoes with olive oil at the beginning and then again about 1/2 way through cooking to moisten them up and allow for the crispiness to develop.
Then I doubled the waffley goodness by gliding a buttery knife over the hot waffles — just enough to moisten them a little so that the cinnamon - sugar I then sprinkled on would stick.
I put some on and then about 1/2 way through cooking I added a little more to moisten them up and allow for the crispiness to develop.
It only takes a tiny bit of water to moisten it.
If the pad gets stuck to your nipple you can moisten it with water before removing it.
Moisten them to effectively clean up all baby messes - faces, hands and bums!
You can store them in a box next to your changing station, and keep a pump bottle filled with water or water plus something like Baby Bits wipes solution to moisten them.
Place your wipes in a container and pour on enough solution to moisten them.
The TaoTronics is an ultrasonic humidifier that releases water vapourinto the dry air to moisten it.
What can I use to moisten them
They come in tiny tablets, and you just add water to moisten them.
Would that I were the gemstone (of the signet ring I gave you), if only for one single hour, so that, when you moisten it with your lips to seal a letter, I can give you all the kisses that I have pressed on it.»
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