Sentences with phrase «to mortgage one's future»

While a little bit of debt can help you graduate fast and invest in your career, too much debt mortgages your future.
- Likely needs to be a forward (coincidentally, the most expensive position)- Needs to be able to be effective within our team's current structure - Needs to fit in once Jordan returns - Needs to be a worthwhile value (not necessarily cheap, but don't mortgage the future for right now.
The Peoples Democratic Party has accused President Muhammadu Buhari of mortgaging the future of Nigerians following his move to borrow $ 5.5 bn foreign loan.
GB and pitt come to mind as other teams that do nt mortgage the future for instant gratifications
The then - owners bet everything on Pistol Pete Maravich, mortgaging a future in draft picks to acquire the LSU star.
Then they could get on with their lives without mortgaging their future with student loan obligations.
and»... Edwards believes that we do America a disservice by mortgaging its future through tax cuts to wealthy and corporate welfare which helps American employers outsource American jobs.»
U idiots voted him in... all he has done is excaerbate the recession and mortgage our future even more with 1 - time spending gimmicks and Obamacare
In»94 the team mortgaged its future and gave up three draft choices, including two No. 1 picks, to acquire the quarterback from the Colts.
I was relatively unhappy with the D - Lo trade, and while I wasn't immediately calling for Maginka's crucifixion, that move made me hesitant to have faith in them as I was worried they'd exercise the much feared «completely mortgage the future to immediately set us up to make short - term, splashy moves that will only be a short - term fix».
I'm done with the ever - present worries about mortgaging the future.
You can't just mortgage your future away for a player who may not even re-sign.
You can't keep mortgaging your future to get patches to your roster.
Outlook: Orlando mortgages its future a bit by trading a first round pick for Rafer Alston, a mediocre point guard who turns 33 in July.
«Shun anything that could mortgage your future because you are the hope and future of this nation», Aregbesola warned.
The party said the plan would plunge Nigeria into further debt and consciously mortgage the future of the unborn generations.
ONIGBESE (DEPTOR) ORANMIYAN, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola had bankrupted and mortgaged the future generations and the unborn of the state of Osun to ABAT LLC.
If you take a personal loan to fund your trip, you're mortgaging your future financial situation for a short - term pleasure.
«When a person is incurring debt, really what they're doing is mortgaging their future paycheques
Goes through the details of how a school district outside San Diego mortgaged the future of the next generation who will live there, if any will live there.
I take it with less faith in accuracy but if any part of it is true, I'm not willing to mortgage the future for KL.
«We may have mortgaged the future in attaining our current level of health and development,» he said.»
The Osun State chapter of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has accused Governor Rauf Aregbesola of mortgaging the future of the state through huge loan due...
It's not often we're this high to have a chance to get one without mortgaging the future (even if they bust it's one pick, not multiple to trade up).
And just because some (theoretical) team will mortgage their futures on «win - now» moves despite this fact doesn't absolve other teams of doing the same thing (if one in fact believes this would be a bad idea).
But mortgaging our future through «buy now, pay later» arrangements has never made sense to us.
The best approach for long term success is just let the season unfold with the players you have but don't mortgage the future to all in for this season.
«We are mortgaging the future.
If he is temporarily successful he may forget these anxieties; but he is in the position of a man who has mortgaged his future in a huge hire - purchase debt.
We have mortgaged our future and quite possibly the future of our children for «things».
The Rams GM is killing it, but may be mortgaging the future.
If you're going to mortgage your future — you should only do that when you have proven during the season that you can hang with the best in the West and have a legit chance at the cup.
Normally, at the trading deadline — you have to mortgage your future to get players.
So, yes, mortgage the future.
So I hereby resolve not to complain too much when a contending team appears to mortgage its future for an extra player, a middle reliever, or a No. 1 starter.
That's the opposite of being true, they mortgaged the future for 2017, that much is clear and not really arguable.
In exchange for two years of middling play from Pierce and Garnett, the Nets» mortgaged their future, giving Boston the picks it needed to both compete in the present and build for the future.
Rambling... what I'm trying to say is, if even correct - Max (xx) seems like a Conor fan trying to find a rationalization, I think it's because figuring out what's beyond the zero - possibility is part of understanding where I'm truly at with the whole thing, beyond adject disappointment in the fight game for, yet again, mortgaging its future for the most money possible today.
(5) Mortgage the future to build through free agency?
Or simply that both sides have become convinced the best thing is not to mortgage their future
Their mortgaging their future AGAIN for an old, injury prone player.
So there you have it, it seems Simeone did not want to tie himself to the club just in case it prevents a move later on while also ensuring he does not mortgage his future.
In grand Roma fashion, the Giallorossi are leveraging their youth / mortgaging their future (depending on one's view) to knock a few million off that price, reportedly offering central - defender Riccardo Marchizza and left - back Luca Pellegrini as make weights in an extended loan with an option to buy deal.
Those who control the purse - strings in DC have irresponsibly spent our nation into near bankruptcy and mortgaged our futures.
She'll fight against deficit spending and will do what's necessary to shrink the national debt that is mortgaging the future of our children and grandchildren.
He dubiously wrote: This is the handiwork of Bola Tinubu, Rauf Aregbesola, Muhammadu Buhari, Yemi Osinbajo and all the other Caliphate - craving and Fulani - loving Yoruba traitors who have sold their souls to the devil and mortgaged the future and heritage of the Yoruba to the Fulani.
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