Sentences with phrase «to move to a different state»

I would have fought it, but I had just moved to a different state, so, I just sent them the payment.
However, you may find that auto insurance is cheaper when you use your college address — especially if you've moved to a different state for college.
One unconventional strategy borrowers can take to reduce student loan payments is by moving to a different state.
Where we end up for residency will make a huge difference on timing, as it would not be fun to have to pack up and move to a different state while pregnant!
Due to an increasingly mobile society, child custody litigation often moves to different states over a child's minority.
It's unlikely that you will move to a different state simply because it has lower car insurance rates.
If a parent has moved to a different state from the child's custodial parent, the relocated parent can request a change in forum for a child support or child custody case.
We recently moved to a different state where I know NO ONE and my husband was sent overseas.
We just moved to a different state, different house and I'm having a ball making a lot of decor myself instead of spending a large amount of money on store bought items!
I bought my first house a single dude 4 years ago and have since gotten married and moved to a different state for my wife's job.
Currently I have a mortgage that I am underwater on by about $ 10K - $ 15k, and I am looking to move to a different state in the next year for several unrelated reasons (not buying a new home).
When loosing a network of friends, it takes time to start over... it would have been easier to move to a different state so certain locations wouldn't stir old memories.
It was common to switch insurance when moving to a different state due to the limited networks maintained by each insurer, though, now more insurers provide for a national network of coverage to eliminate the need to change insurance due to a change in where one moves or travels.
So when the head of his dance company moved to a different state and took the company along with her, Josh knew he would struggle having to audition for a new one.
I have a rotational job which requires me to frequently move to different states.
It's a testament to Susan's dedication and belief in Sabein's innocence that she remained invested until the end, despite moving to a different state and starting a new job.
2 years later, Cate moved to a different state and tried to get new auto insurance.
Relocation is heart - wrenching because if a custodial parent moves to a different state, the noncustodial parent often becomes odd man out.
Jurisdiction may be an issue if you or your spouse move to a different state immediately prior to filing for legal separation.
The survey found that 33 percent of people who expect to purchase within the coming 12 months say they would consider moving to a different state if Congress eliminates SALT deductions.
I'm so jealous because we have a baby boy on the way and 1) we're in a rental 2) I don't want to put forth the effort into a place that doesn't belong to us (even though the landlord said we could paint) 3) makes me wish we were still living in our TN house which we still own but have renters in because we live in AL 4) we might be moving to a different state in the next month or so: (So I think I'll just bottle up my energy and make the baby a quilt:)
Moving to a different state or country to get the job of your dreams can also be costly, although your company can decide to pay for it.
«They even want us to move to different states and that's unfair.
We had just left the ministry, moved to a different state, and started to doubt our beliefs.
We moved to a different state during my second trimester, and in our new locale, the only birth options are really home birth with a lay «midwife» or a hospital birth with an OB, (as there are no CNMs).
Other policies can be highly local, for example, health coverage could easily be done on a state or even county level without an easy way for the policies to be circumvented - sure, people can move to a different state / county but what counts as a policy in this case is the obligation residents have to pay in to the system and what their benefits are from it, so moving from state to state would not subvert the policies, it just changes the number of people subject to these policies.
So, did you learn to sense this information because every energy healer I've ever known, and I've worked with some and actually paid some money to help me clear energies or move to a different state or resolve problems... they will always describe themselves as «energetically sensitive».
Now, my cousins are married with kids of their own and people have moved to different states.
It's how I chose my university — through a process of elimination: this place is too cold; I have too many high school friends going to this one; I think I'll move to a different state!
We have moved to different states, taken on new interests, and our focus in life has changed.
I'd be happy with a trusted person who was willing to say, it might not be next year's Hugo winner but you» rre not going to have to change your name and move to a different state.
If I move to a different state that has a different tax rate, how does that affect how my taxes are computed?
The online banking made it easy to keep my account open even when I moved to different states.
A lot of people do (on average 7,628,000 move to a different state each year).
If either or both of you receive advance payments of the premium tax credit for health insurance purchased through a federal or state Marketplace, you should report your marriage (as well as any associated changes, such as a move to a different state, change in income, or change in family size) to the Marketplace.
What if one of us moves to a different state?
Prenups enable you to know — and specify — what you're committing to, even if you move to a different state.
Sam Glover: Yeah, or if you for sure practiced full time doing med mail for five years in one state and then you move to a different state and want to do business law advising, you're deemed competent even though you are starting from zero in the same way that anyone else would be.
For example, if you are moving to a different state and need to switch your home insurance immediately but want to wait to switch your auto, you would still qualify for the multi policy discount by going with the same insurance carrier.
Your old state may have required certain levels and types of coverage that are optional now that you have moved to a different state.
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