Sentences with phrase «to mull something over»

To think carefully about or ponder a decision, problem, or idea. Full definition
After mulling it over for several days, I have concluded that what made this conference so different was three things: the people, the people and the people.
While mulling it over, he found himself staring at posters in the university's halls about monkey pox research, complete with photos of debilitated children: «You could see what this disease did to people.
I've mulled it over in my head, and have come up with a basic... [Read more...]
After months of mulling it over, Red Apple Group CEO John Catsimatidis released a statement Monday saying he would not make a bid for mayor in 2017.
In a follow - up study, researchers prompted participants either to trust their instincts or to mull them over when deciding.
I bought a Boho top last month (and actually not thrifted - surprize there for folks that know me) and am still mulling it over on how to do it right.
Luxe now joins that list as its competitor, Zirx, is reported to be mulling it over as well.
After talking to my spouse concerning the cushion and also mulling it over for a couple of days, I made a decision to pull the trigger as well as order one.
Not only that while he spends the next month mulling it over we will miss out on other targets as they sign for our rivals.
You've mulled it over with management.
King mulled it over for more than 10 years before sitting down to figure out how 5 - year - old Danny Torrance fared after his narrow escape from the horrifyingly haunted...
What they do not lay out is the methodology of listening to another's point of view and mulling it over before dumping data.
I just prefer to try on in my home and have a few days to mull it over if I need to.
I'm not sure I entirely agree with the sentiment, but I do believe one of the greatest risks you can take with a Big Idea is to keep mulling it over and tinkering with it ad nauseam because you're fretful that it's not yet perfect.
I've been mulling it over actually, and I think one of two things need to happen.
BORELLI NOT RUNNING; ZEBROWSKI MULLING IT OVER added by dskriloff on December 13, 2012 View all posts by dskriloff →
Westendorp recalls mulling it over for a few days before realizing that Kirkwood's argument did not hold water.
So if you think there's something there, maybe mull it over and go for a second date to see if there's any real chemistry bubbling under the surface — good luck!
Unlike traditional online dating, on Hinge you can't see a list of matches, click on them one at a time, and then mull it over and decide if you'd like to talk to them.
While watching the movie itself, I thought it a bit anti-climatic, but when mulling it over later, the images echo very strongly in my mind.
Been mulling it over forever but there always seemed to be a new version on the horizon.
Just don't mull it over for too long, or you might miss out on your chance to save.
I'd mull it over heavily if I happened to work at Google!
I suggest mulling it over, seeing what works in the city or town you're aiming for, and then starting (now) to place applications (or at least research) before you land in your destination.
I decided to let my mind mull it over for a while.
, made waves last month, and I've been mulling it over ever since.
We waited patiently as the banks mulled it over, ordered Broker Price Opinions and made up their minds.
You start mulling it over and think «I can do that».
Im mulling it over My houses speak to me as well.
For my guest post, I wanted to create something slightly out of the norm in terms of how quinoa is typically used, and after mulling it over and experimenting (aka - mess making) for a few days, I came up with these awesome Quinoa Chia Seed Protein Bars.
After months of mulling it over, Red Apple Group CEO John Catsimatidis released a statement Monday saying he would not make a bid for...
«Whether I personally have done something dishonorable, I'm still mulling it over.
Highly illustrative, this app provides the perfect place for mapping your thoughts and mulling them over as your leisure.
After talking to my spouse concerning the cushion and also mulling it over for a couple of days, I made a decision to pull the trigger as well as order one.
But I do go away and mull it over carefully when I've chilled.
You might mull them over with friends, and perhaps outside professionals, before you discuss them with your prospective start - up partners, employers and backers.
King mulled it over for more than 10 years before sitting down to figure out how 5 - year - old Danny Torrance fared after his narrow escape from the horrifyingly haunted Overlook Hotel.
They may even give themselves a few days or weeks to mull it over before finally deciding to pull the trigger.
This coat is amazing Liz — I was mulling it over when I saw it in the window a few weeks ago and now I'm totally sold!
Despite Day - Lewis» approach, his grand performance never feels overpracticed or embalmed; and despite Plummer's lack of prep time, he imbues his J. Paul Getty with a level of polish, malice, and animal greed that suggests he's been mulling him over for years.
DuVernay, who had previously directed two docs, didn't need to mull it over: «I knew I wanted to do something about prisons.»
Pour yourself a glass of wine and mull it over.
He calls it «nymphomaniac pop» and says he's going to go «read the psalms» and eat «Scotch oatmeal cookies» while he mulls it over.
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