Sentences with phrase «to need replacing»

We have to pay more for that initially but over the long term it's more cost effective because the items don't need replacing as frequently.
I like both colors of paint, and I definitely think the switches needed replacing with white ones!
This splendid set is a smart investment that provides your child with excellent storage space and sleep solutions that never need replacing.
The filter does need replacing on average once every 3 months.
If you purchase a property in cash are you going to have enough reserves for a roof that need replaced in year 1?
Most wipers need replacing after roughly 6 months of use.
One piece of furniture that doesn't need replaced as the babe grows!
Even though the processor is now a little dated, it's still technically «fresh,» and the phone potentially won't need replacing for several years to come.
You'll pay around $ 25 for two pillows which for 4 weeks before needing replaced.
They also require batteries, which need replacing every few months.
With no cash flow for building up a savings account, it can quickly become a really big problem when a tire goes flat or a roof needs replaced.
Every year we carefully review what needs replacing so that our campers have a safe and fun camp experience.
That's why rotating the tires of your vehicle ensures you'll get more life out of each of them, and that they'll all need replaced at around the same time.
This is made up of old favorites and the boots desperately need replacing.
Why it matters: Most parts of a house will eventually need replacing.
If you think it will need replacing then you should.
If parts need replacing, you can often buy them from the manufacturer.
And what happens when part of your pump needs replace?
Our house is 8 years old and the carpet needs replaced badly.
Some of the carpets throughout the house also need replacing where they have become a bit worn out and tired - looking over the years.
The bait should last awhile but is likely to need replacing more often when they're used outside.
Due to its relative low power, depending on your needs, it will likely need replacing after two years of use.
A loss of suction when you're pumping is the first sign that your valves need replacing.
It is a maintenance free system (no fluid) so something needs replaced and will probably be expensive.
I thought the radiator needs replaced, but it doesn't look like it.
The driver side window doesn't work, but we can hear the switch when we press the button, so most likely a window motor needs replacing there.
Maybe your car broke down, or your hot water heater needed replaced, or your dog needed emergency surgery.
Let's face it, the majority of our squad needs replacing.
Valve membranes need replaced monthly, if pumping often.
Had this car for about nine years now and hardly anything has needed replaced other than brakes and tires.
After about two spring / summer seasons, my sandals usually need replacing.
Was sold a car that had a few band aid fixes to the motor that in the end needed replaced after 1 month.
Chances are, if 2 of your tires need replacing, so does the part of your car between those two tires.
The service manual says only models with a belt need replacing.
This is common, and it often struggles a bit when it does make the car start, so I think its a case that the starter needs replacing.
Sometimes it's difficult to find odd parts for it (meaning parts rarely needing replaced i.e. button on passenger door for window / lock etc.).
Money I've been using for some much needed replacing of various electronic bits that make this whole self publishing thing a reality as well as more professional edits.
Outside of a major, obvious issue, how long can you expect before things need replaced?
Even if I think someone needs replacing, I'll still wish them well wherever they go, though that might be tempered by «except when you play us».
Have fun in the south when a hurricane hits and your properties are flooded and your central air needs replacing.
The only negative comment we have is the mattresses need replaced.
Fortunately, nothing needed replacing around my home in the last few years and they just sit in a drawer.
There's half a dozen guys need replaced to stimulate the players in training, tactics, match prep.
This makes them extremely long lasting and unlikely to need replaced whilst you baby uses bottles.
Most women are walking around wearing old, worn out, tired bras because we tend to forget that bras need replacing!
You can bring them in a bag so that if the current diaper needs replacing already, you can change it immediately.
Really, that cover needs replacing, but the wool liner can make a dead cover work for a while longer.
But with a half - life of around 12 years, it constantly needs replacing.
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