Sentences with phrase «to need resources»

A library and computer lab will provide the much needed resources for children for generations to come.
An initiative was launched in 2006 to bring tourism to the region, a much needed resource for its impoverished communities.
Keep that promise by volunteering your time at or providing needed resources for your local animal rescue or shelter.
But a part of doing it oneself effectively is to use needed resources from outside the relationship.
Gay - positive imagery is not only a much - needed resource in our own community, but the society - at - large.
Once a list of needed resources and materials have been identified, decide the best way to organize those materials to maximize instructional time.
So, a front end loaded whole life policy with a permanent growing death benefit is inherently wise and effective for providing peace of mind and loved ones with needed resources.
Technology is everywhere and our schools need the resources to keep pace in the 21st century.
Students just need resources and guidance to question, investigate, share, and reflect.
Let's spread the word about your blog, you and your experiences as a badly needed resource that all of us can benefit from... and help build your following.
• Evidence - Based method: Academic research on student performance is used to identify needed resources to meet all state standards.
They also need resources to manage their own health and well - being in addition to that of their children.
Treatment foster parents do not need any resources aside from training.
He and his team also seek to address sector - wide challenges and secure needed resources for the sector.
Assisted clients in obtaining needed resources, provided counseling and taught daily living skills.
Naturally, from our perspective, additional people needing resources are a threat.
We have also provided some ideas to help you organize your own personal fund raising initiatives should you not qualify for assistance or need resources beyond what they organizations can fund.
Even if you only need the resources, it will still save you a lot of time and effort for very little money.
Your organization needs the resources to work effectively in this new age of recruiting.
They are responsible for identifying the barriers students face and strategically aligning and delivering needed resources so that teachers can teach and students can focus on learning.
We often need resources and ideas for those students in our classrooms who haven't yet learned certain social and emotional skills.
Our students need the resource materials and space to enhance their learning experience.
Busy moms need a resource that gives them comprehensive information without a lot of unnecessary details and presents them with options instead of a one - size - fits - all program.
Schools and educators serving students with higher needs need the resources to do so effectively.
Even buying needed resources ahead might not work because demand conditions might be lower going forward.
«We realize the retail trade needs resources to do this,» he says.
Players need this resource to call new units on the battlefield, to cast special abilities and to use spells.
It eliminates the need to use wood and other fuels for fires to boil water, and so saves needed resources.
Game plan: Create to ensure needed resources are in place, major steps to create a contract are laid out in an orderly cohesive manner.
Being unable to successfully provide needed resources to their children can be stressful to mothers..
I have seen this model at work, and in my experience, it goes a long way in bringing much needed resources to the shelter.
So, a front end loaded whole life policy with a permanent growing death benefit is inherently wise and effective for providing peace of mind and loved ones with needed resources.
They would need resources in the same order of magnitude.
A board ready to fight for true racial and economic justice in our schools — we're nowhere near done and our schools need resources.
Parents need these resources to understand what their child will be evaluated on and if gaps exist in their learning, how to partner with teachers to improve targeted instruction that meets the need.
(3) A community resources committee shall develop links between the court and social service resources available in the community, identify needed resources and develop strategies for putting them in place.
This multimedia outreach initiative provides much - needed resources for families with young children (ages 2 — 8) as they encounter the tough transitions that come with divorce.
Educators need resources and flexibility to support student learning.
People know that you have the resources and they want you to buy players from clubs who do not need your resources, and who are not necessarily prepared to sell.
Your lawyer can help you get needed resources, for example, food, clothing, and housing.
Each person needs resources to survive and human wants can far exceed the resources for basic survival level.
Perhaps it is because teachers and students need resources to support their collaboration.
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