Sentences with phrase «to negotiate one's contract»

Our goal in negotiating our contract with our company should be to obtain a fair return for our efforts while leaving enough on the table for the company to succeed.
A person who, for a commission or a fee, brings parties together and assists in negotiating contracts between them.
We have helped manage communications and negotiated contract terms with vendors of claims - processing products.
Hi, I am in the process of negotiating a contract to buy a house.
I think it's important to remember that when negotiating a contract with a gallery.
Successfully negotiated contracts in terms of quality, price, and performance to ensure receipt of the best value.
Based on our collection of resume samples, essential duties include negotiating contracts, getting permits, making sure safety rules are respected, budgeting, and making worker schedules.
Some law firms bill at a higher rate on business matters if the attorneys obtain a favorable result, such as negotiating a contract that saves the client thousands of dollars.
Can I not negotiate a contract where I have some say in the cover of my novel?
She help negotiate the contract and made sure everything was settled prior to closing.
Responsible for supplier selection, negotiating contract pricing and discounts as well as issuing blanket purchase orders.
Successfully negotiate contracts between banks, owners, and buyers, and provide property management oversight — leasing, and showing.
Effectively negotiated contracts with outside vendors and responsible for collecting rents and making bank deposits.
Evaluate and prepare site audits while negotiating contracts for conducting studies and research trials.
-- IP attorneys are much, much better at negotiating contracts and a ton cheaper.
Managed vendor relationships by negotiating contract rates and service level agreements.
Companies now have the ability to negotiate contracts directly with their workers.
I'm currently negotiating a contract for a home via my agent and a listing agent.
The second value generator involves negotiated contract product pricing with suppliers.
* 16 years negotiating contracts and managing third - party relationships, risks, and responsibilities.
That does not have any affect on lawyers negotiating the contract in the first place.
But this fear of «killing a career» by negotiating a contract hurts us all.
Some union workers are getting raises above 2 percent under recently negotiated contracts.
The next morning he was back negotiating contracts worth many millions of dollars, which is easier to do once you realize that it's all just a game.
Good point about how agents can help authors negotiate contracts with the smaller publishers.
One CEO I know recently completed negotiating a contract that could be worth $ 1 billion in revenue to his firm over the term.
So waiting a little bit to see more, and possibly negotiate a contract, where he isn't automatically paid quite as much seem like a good plan to me.
... a major league player call a press conference to demand the club negotiate his contract — downward?
Each partnership would independently negotiate contracts to determine if employees of the charter school would be hired and accountable to the charter school or the district.
Learn more about our approach to negotiating contracts here.
All authors should negotiate a contract beforehand that protects their rights and lifetime earnings.
It's becoming more rare to find these exceptions, usually now made by a previously negotiated contract with literary agents or in book auctions or bidding wars for the celebrity author.
Whether it's about negotiating contracts, advances, or percentages on royalties, agents always look for the most lucrative deals.
The majority of veterans are able to negotiate their contract so that the seller pays all or most of the closing costs for the loan.
You really didn't have to do much besides negotiate a contract with a company.
Using highly negotiated contracts, banks are buying these miles and points by the billions from airlines with few details about the actual cost and value of these deals.
Employees do not always negotiate contracts on the same footing as their employer.
Both the participant as well as prosecution will need to consider their possibilities and ultimately make a decision whether to proceed to a complete blown court proceeding or simply help an appeal negotiating contract.
That method of legal services delivery impacts your rights (embedded somewhere in those terms and conditions) more than the theories of bespoke negotiated contracts.
These candidates are more likely to receive a detailed, carefully negotiated contract.
Reviewed, revised and negotiated all contracts entered into by the parent company and over forty affiliates.
As a licensed Realtor, I can assist in all aspects of real estate transactions from finding and showing properties, to negotiating contracts all the way to the closing table.
Designed sponsorship packages and negotiated contracts for existing and prospective partner companies.
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