Sentences with phrase «to neutralize the virus»

The phrase "to neutralize the virus" means to stop the virus from causing harm or spreading further in the body. It involves disabling or destroying the virus so that it becomes ineffective. Full definition
Although disappointed in the outcome of the STEP trial, Koff says the results will likely give a shot in the arm to a growing effort to identify antibodies capable of neutralizing the virus before it causes a full - blown infection.
(4) Probiotics are thought to interact with immune cells that live in the gut, stimulating the production of secretory IgA which neutralizes viruses and bacteria in the gut (5) and also affects immune cell function systemically throughout the body.
Virus that underwent transcytosis under these conditions was infectious, and infectivity was highly influenced by whether or not the antibody neutralized the virus.
Primary infection antisera did not neutralize all viruses of the same DENV type any better than other types did up to 2 years after infection and did not show improved neutralization to homologous type isolates.
The scientists used a high - resolution imaging technique called x-ray crystallography and found that MR191 neutralizes the virus by mimicking the host receptor and plugging into a spot on the viral surface called the receptor binding site.
The scientists found that on the HIV envelope protein, at a site important for viral function, a small group of sugar molecules, known as glycans, serves as a key «anchor» for antibodies that can broadly neutralize the virus.
Their focus is on therapeutics for novel viral targets not inhibited by current therapies and topical microbicides, which could neutralize the virus prior to infection.
My son saved his dog with a charcoal infusion that helped to neutralize the virus in the intestine.
The rapid antibody response neutralizes the virus immediately, instead of taking the 7 - 14 days that occurs the first time it encountered the virus.
Most cells are replaced because they are damaged by free radicals, which are atoms that have lost an electron due to metabolism, the immune system, which neutralizes viruses or bacteria, and environmental factors, such as: polution, radiation, smoke, or herbicides.
The introduction of ribonucleic acid interference (RNAi) genes is a promising new development that can lead to new ways of neutralizing viruses or killing insect larva.
When the body is invaded by a foreign agent such as a virus, antibodies are formed to neutralize the virus.
And it, firstly, synthesizes the substances that neutralize viruses and bacteria, and, secondly, it detoxifies poisons (toxins of bacteria, disintegrated cells) produced in the body.
One strategy for treatment is based on the administration of a «cocktail» of antibodies that have the ability to neutralize the virus and allow the host to mount an effective immune response.
For the new study, TSRI scientists created a map of the virus» structure and revealed through high - resolution imaging how MR191 targets and neutralizes the virus.
If serum is tested on humans, it should be checked in advance that it can neutralize the virus, says Stephan Günther, a virologist at the Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine, who is now in Nigeria.
Techniques that neutralize viruses which have LEGO - style capsids often don't work on Epstein — Barr, herpes or Kaposi's sarcoma viruses, much to the disappointment of many vaccine developers.
But immunologist Michael Farzan of the Scripps Research Institute in Florida published a Nature paper in March that described a way to neutralize the virus itself.
Interestingly, A14, B9 and B21 GL VHH (with the V gene reverted to germ line but mature DJ regions) were all able to bind the R2 immunogen and neutralize the homologous virus (Fig. 7) but only B21 GL could bind the both immunogens and neutralize both viruses.
The immune system produces antibodies that have the potential to neutralize the viruses and prevent infections in the event the vaccinated person is exposed to HMPV or PIV3 in the future.
The immune system produces antibodies that have the potential to neutralize the virus and prevent infections in the event the vaccinated person is exposed to the actual Zika virus in the future.
They discovered a place on the virus to target and an antibody which can bind to the site, in order to neutralize the virus.
But now a new approach promises to solve the problem by sidestepping the immune system altogether, instead using gene therapy to produce immune molecules that neutralize the virus.
Studying its structure revealed how the antibody binds to and neutralizes the virus.
Sometimes the body?s immune system?s cells purposefully create them to neutralize viruses and bacteria.
Echinacea Angustifolia had a remarkable ability to stimulate the action of the immune system, which can neutralize viruses, destroy bacteria, and increase white blood cell activity to areas of infection.
They stimulate production of protective antibodies in healthy animals that neutralize the virus or bacteria if the animal is later exposed.
As the disease progresses through days six to eight, dogs that are destined to recover produce a strong antibody responses that neutralize the virus.
In actuality, whether a pup recovers from the virus depends on a race between parvovirus particles causing septicemia and dehydration, and the immune system's ability to neutralize the virus.
Within 7 - 14 days enough antibodies are made to neutralize the virus, and the pet eventually recovers from the disease, all other things being equal.
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