Sentences with phrase «to notify someone via email»

You have been notified via email of your win and how to claim your prize.
So I set mine up to only notify me via email if one drops be a variation of 0.9 or higher.
Selected lucky subscribers will be notified via email at the end of the current issue's promotion.
Winner will be notified via the email address linked to their entry.
Now I get notified via email and read it whenever a notice pops up.
The winner will be notified via email via the comment you leave below.
Winner will be notified via email with the specifics on how to claim their prize.
Winner will be notified via email used when leaving blog comment.
The remaining customers were notified via email about the new pricing today.
You will be notified via email prior to the start date of the workshop if the workshop is canceled.
Click on the name of the person that you want notified via an email, that you responded to them.
When a new lead is generated, you'll be instantly notified via email.
Virtual Brokers will then review your application documents and notify you via email of any deficiencies or, alternatively, confirm that your application was completed properly.
You will be notified via email when a herd Share becomes available.
The winners will be will notified via email if chosen to win.
The winner will be notified via email within 48 hours of the closing date, and must respond within 28 days to claim their prize.
The giveaway winner will be notified via email once all entries have been verified and will have 48 hours to respond claiming their prizes.
Finally, you understand that policy amounts may be subject to change and if so, you will be notified via the email address you have provided.
The winner will be notified via email via the comment you leave below.
Winners will be notified via email with the specifics on how to claim their prize.
However, our agent did notify theirs via email on the last night prior to the inspection period closing that we were concerned with the state of the roof and that our lender would likely be unable to finance the loan if extensive repairs were needed.
Your entire network, which in time should become large, will be notified via email whenever you (or anyone else in their network) post an update or make any changes to your Profile.
In addition to walking through Google Scholar for free legal research, Charity also explained how using Google Alerts can assist with legal research by making it easy for you to be automatically notified via email of updates and changes to areas of law that are of particular interest to you.
5 winners» names will be posted on the Spring Baby Shower Faves page once the giveaway ends and each winner will be notified via email after April 15th, 2015.
Once you tick on «Assign to name of the addressee» option in the document, that person will be notified via an Email too.
We'll share the 3 winners names in the comments below and close this giveaway Monday, August 3rd at 5:00 pm P.S.T. Winners will be notified via email as well.
Entering is absolutely free, We will never, ever notify you via email, mail or phone that you have been selected», he said.
As far as new routines / templates are concerned, you'll get notified via my email newsletter if / when I publish a new routine (or any other article, tips, etc.).
These winners will be notified via email no later than 07/26/16.
Artists will be notified via email Wednesday, October 6 by 8 pm if the work has been accepted into the exhibition.
Then enter your case details and the opposing party's information and we will notify them via email asking them to participate in the VCH online process.
It monitors links to pins from your website, and notifies you via email when someone pins from your site.
The winner will be chosen and notified via email within 24 hours of giveaway's end.
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