Sentences with phrase «to obey one's laws»

However, insurance does more than help people obey the law in certain states.
Debt collectors must obey the law when trying to find people who owe money.
This is something that they will take with them there whole life, so does this mean that they don't have to obey the law as well?
As individuals you have the same right as any other citizen but as a group until you start paying taxes, not lobbyist, butt out and obey the laws made by the government.
Making law does NOT stop crime; obey law stops crime.
We should vote and then obey the laws of the land, and pray for those in authority.
Therefore I don't have to obey laws against murder.
Zero tenants who seem like they might have drama (obey the law carefully here).
Something to think about for the future is to simply obey the law and avoid accidents.
And this can cause a few gameplay problems such as your carefully executed plan failing because the water refuses to obey the laws of physics which your brain tells you it must.
The reason we don't obey the law is because we're not Jewish.
How is one suppose to obey a law when that law is not known?
What happens now is that those charters will simply have to obey the law as it was written or get the legislature to change the law.
(3) It gives us a God who obeys the laws of physics.
The driving record credit is being used as an incentive to reward drivers for obeying the law and practicing good driving habits.
It teaches that man does not need a saviour: that he can justify himself before God by obeying the Law of the Torah.
If love fulfills the law and if obeying the law can often be less loving than simply loving without the law, why doesn't the law consist of one word: «Love»?
Some of the Jewish people put their hope in Moses, and specifically in obeying the Law of Moses (see the discussion of Jewish hope in TNDT, II: 527 - 529).
It would remove a major cause of public cynicism about obeying the laws of the land.
These could include everything from teaching youngsters not to touch the hot stove to teaching your school aged child the importance of obeying the laws while riding their bicycle.
It is often taught that Jesus obeyed the law perfectly because we can not.
The beauty of a society is not just in the laws upon which the society revolves, but how the society regards, upholds and obeys the laws which set boundaries for a beautiful and a harmonious society!
In traditional Western thinking, people derived the virtue to obey the law because God, the Supreme Lawgiver, issued it through the king, who ruled by divine right.
In addition to that, they need to make sure that they are obeying all laws regarding auto insurance.
This includes obeying the laws against speeding and riding at a safe speed so as not to not be the cause of an accident.
The Supreme Court has ruled that the «negative right» to the free exercise of religion guaranteed by the First Amendment does not prevent individuals from being coerced into obeying laws of general applicability when doing so violates their religious beliefs.
Obeying the laws set for your protection and the protection of others, even when your dog «doesn't need a leash».
And I did enjoy the tutorial on «How to pack 3 people in a front seat with a gear shift while still obeying the law by wearing a seat belt.»
There's nothing intrinsically special about us in a universe that is blindly obeying the laws of nature.
We will see that Mary and Joseph obeyed the law so that Jesus could fulfill the law.
It looks and sounds great but I'm just not used to the car actually obeying the laws of physics in my racing games.
STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — Rep. Michael McMahon's campaign yesterday slammed Republican challenger Michael Grimm for filing his fundraising report late, saying that the ex-FBI agent and accountant should learn to obey the law before trying to become a lawmaker.
According to a Reuters / Ipsos poll released on Sunday, fewer Americans trust Facebook than other tech companies when it comes to obeying laws protecting personal information.
Keep your driving record clean which means paying off any outstanding tickets, paying your insurance on time, and obeying the laws at all times.
While it does not appear to me that bin Laden in any way obeyed the Laws of God, and thereby lived out of love, and therefore, yes, is more than likely facing eternal perdition, I can not know that.
And Capitalist, that is reason why I somewhat hope that some people don't stop believing in God because they are mentally unfit to obey laws apparently.
Just as I am not beholden to obey a law requiring that I not be alone with a man not my relative, though it is the law in some nations, I am not beholden to the old law.
Our bodies obey the laws of science, but we are not simply controlled by them — there is more to say.
For there can be no lawful constraint, based on justice, save when the situation is relatively calm, when citizens obey the laws and order actually reigns.
Matter obeys the laws of science, and that's all.
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