Sentences with phrase «to observe the child»

"To observe the child" means to watch and pay attention to a child's behavior, actions, and development. Full definition
One principle states that teachers are to form the curriculum from observing the children in front of us.
She did this by observing the children of a researcher.
I have the knowledge of observing children for both developmental issues and health patterns and able to identify most abnormal health issues in the preliminary assessment.
She would then closely observe the child engaged in play.
Once in a while, the mediator has occasion to observe children who are in such severe emotional distress that they seem in need of psychological treatment.
But good teachers who carefully observe children during recess, know when to stand back and observe, and when to intervene.
A parent can observe their child play by watching which toys that he / she takes more interest in.
While throwing and catching with a five year old, parents carefully observe the child so that every throw is delivered in a way that allows the kid a chance to be successful.
Parents learn and support each other, observe their children with other children and practice parenting skills.
Adults observe children at play, learning how young children interact within the different stages of development.
The therapist may also observe your child's interactions with you, as well as alone at play.
On secondary outcomes, significant overall effect sizes were found for parenting styles, parenting satisfaction and efficacy, parental adjustment, parental relationship, and observed child behaviors.
If you have ever observed children as they approach the sandbox, you know some jump in and start connecting with others and playing right away.
Take the time to observe your child on a regular basis.
The study involved observing children between the ages of 12 to 18 months responding to a situation in which they were briefly left alone and then reunited with their mother.
Researchers observed the children in the classroom and analyzed reports of their behavior from parents and teachers.
Taking time to observe children doing everyday things can help us understand the meaning behind their behaviour.
This paper provides a detailed overview of how observing children can support the development of warm trusting relationships.
By observing a child through play, I can help them work through whatever concerns they have going on.
The test included observing the children's reaction to a brief (1 — 3 min) separation from their parents, meeting strangers, encountering strange objects, and playing with the parent.
A recent study of an adult's ability to recognize these canine body language cues found adults observing child - dog interactions do not always recognize anxious or fearful dogs.
In the study, researchers observed children between the ages of 12 and 18 months as they responded to a situation in which they were briefly left alone and then reunited with their mothers.
In the study, kindergarten staff observed the children during the normal day.
As part of their state's licensing requirements, students are required to directly observe children in a classroom setting, but how could this be done in an online course?
Instead, assessments are given either by asking them a question or observing the child complete a task.
How has observing your child made you better at partnering?
When other girls are visiting, you get the chance to quietly observe your child's social interactions.
The best way to tell if your child has a problem is to observe your child reading.
As a preschool director as well as a parent and teacher educator, she knows that in order to do this you must learn to observe your children well.
You can also learn more by observing your child interacting with peers.
The investigators observed the children and took reports from parents and teachers every two years from the ages of three to 11.
It's done through observation and through normal practice within a classroom observing children.
By creating an open - door policy in your classroom it will give parents the opportunity to help out, or observe their child whenever it is convenient for them.
Throughout the school day, teachers will observe child interactions and collect work samples during routine classroom activities.
Clinical interviews with parents and child and questionnaires completed by parents, teachers and student are used to gather pertinent information from people observing the child in different settings.
We've taken that as a lens to observe all children now.
Parents and carers can build their reflecting and responding skills by closely observing children and other caregivers.
His work as a pediatrician allowed him to observe children at all stages of child development.
We also observe children's performance to determine how to adjust and modify instruction.
They may also need to observe your child during and after a feeding.
To avoid aggressive child behavior, you have to observe your child while he is playing with his friends or while interacting with them.
It also might help to observe your child in school, to see if they are successfully getting their point across to their teacher and peers.
When early childhood staff observe children they are concerned about, it is important they focus on particular behaviours and get as much detail about these behaviours as possible.
When observing children's behaviour, it is helpful to include details such as
An IR - 4 / IH - 4 is issued to a child when (1) the foreign country's laws only permit the adoptive parents to obtain guardianship of the child rather than to fully adopt the child in that country and / or (2) the prospective adoptive parent (s) did not see / observe the child prior to the foreign adoption.
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