Sentences with phrase «to obtain a divorce»

"To obtain a divorce" means to legally end a marriage and dissolve the bond between spouses. It refers to the process of seeking and gaining approval from a court to officially separate from one's partner. Full definition
If your spouse has already obtained a divorce in a foreign country and you haven't received a proper financial settlement, it might not be too late.
The mechanisms and procedures for obtaining a divorce differ from state to state as well.
People come to mediators for the purpose of obtaining a divorce with less pain than occurs in litigation.
The process would be easier and less expensive if you could locate your spouse, but you can still obtain a divorce without your spouse if it's absolutely necessary.
To officially end their marriage, couples need to obtain a divorce decree issued by the court.
Ensure you have your original marriage certificate (this is required in order obtain a divorce order).
A husband or wife can never prevent the other from obtaining a divorce if they desire to end the marriage.
In time, however, you will be able to obtain your divorce through the court, even if your spouse refuses.
Collaborative divorce is a subset of collaborative practice in which spouses can obtain a divorce outside of the traditional process of litigation.
Actually, married spouses have a two year limitation period in which to bring a claim for property division, after obtaining a divorce.
In 35 years of practicing family law, I have seldom encountered a spouse who obtained a divorce out of concern for his or her partner or for the sake of their children.
Generally, it is easier to obtain a divorce when you are not trying to assign guilt.
It is very important that you have a separation agreement dealing with all the issues arising from your marriage prior to obtaining a divorce judgment.
When spouses can no longer get along, obtaining a divorce quickly is often a top priority.
Thus, one of the major draws of the collaborative process is that the parties have more control over the costs of obtaining a divorce settlement than they would in a traditional divorce process.
The research concluded that spouses in unhappy marriages are better off obtaining divorces and pursuing their individual lives.
Every state now has no - fault grounds for divorce, permitting a spouse who is dissatisfied with the marriage to obtain a divorce simply on that ground.
Our lawyers can help you to obtain a divorce even though your spouse has said that they won't sign the divorce papers.
The process for obtaining a divorce varies slightly if there are children involved in the marriage.
Visit your city or county clerk's office to obtain divorce petition papers, and fill them out.
For married couples with children, obtaining a divorce generally does not end all contact between the parties.
The separation agreement makes it easier for the couple to obtain a divorce in the state.
Although states can vary, knowing at the outset the most common qualifications for obtaining a divorce will help you avoid unnecessary setbacks.
If these requirements are met, the parties can obtain a divorce without being physically separated under separate roofs.
Generally, spouses can only get divorced by filing a petition with their local court to obtain a divorce decree.
You may obtain a divorce order while the rest of your affairs are in the process of being finalized.
You are still married and need to obtain a divorce through the courts.
Thus, one of the major draws of the collaborative process is that he parties have more control over the costs of obtaining a divorce settlement than they would in a traditional divorce process.
Procedures for obtaining a divorce by default start with filing a petition for divorce with the local clerk of the court.
Our team of Calgary Divorce Lawyers have obtained divorces before the final settlement or trial but only if it does not prejudice a claim or tax planning for our high net worth family law clients.
If your spouse leaves you without your consent, you may feel deserted, but to obtain a divorce based on his desertion, you must be able to prove your spouse's behavior was «willful, continued and obstinate.»
The first step in obtaining a divorce from your spouse is finding a Rhode Island attorney who you are comfortable with.
Want to fast - track your way through all the information, misinformation, and misconceptions you read online about obtaining a divorce in Nevada?
If a parent obtained a divorce in another province, he or she must register a copy of the divorce judgment containing the custody order with the Court of Queen's Bench in Alberta before enforcement actions can begin.
Spouses obtaining a divorce in Washington are issued orders pertaining to spousal maintenance, child support, parenting...
Referencing this article by Lauren Daley, Bodine discusses the success that Cowell, Taradash has had with its Web site, Illinois Divorce, which helps clients obtain divorces over the Internet.
However, if your spouse does not respond, you can still obtain a divorce by filing a Default Request, Affidavit and Entry form with the court and serving it on your spouse.
Divorce Mediators typically offer guidance in legal conflict resolution, without the parties incurring the higher fees that typically come with obtaining a divorce through the Court system.
You can not obtain a divorce in New Jersey unless the courts have jurisdiction over you or your spouse.
When you are unable to locate your spouse, you may still obtain a divorce under Florida law, but it takes some extra effort and steps.
Since our law firm was established, we have helped more than 10,000 couples obtain a divorce in Long Beach, Orange County and throughout Southern California.
This means that one spouse can obtain a divorce over the protest of the other spouse by simply attesting that the marriage is «irretrievably broken.»
To obtain a divorce certificate, contact the Supreme Court registry that filed your divorce.
The legal process for obtaining a divorce usually will involve issues of spousal support, child custody, child support, distribution of property and division of debt, though these matters are usually only ancillary to the absolute divorce.
Our goal is to change the way people obtain a divorce, family law services, or custody and co-parent plan.
In 35 years of practicing family law, I have seldom encountered a spouse who obtained a divorce out of concern for his or her partner or for the sake of their...
She finally obtained a divorce 12 years later in January 2006.
You can obtain divorce records for Washoe County from the Second Judicial District Court.
Maria's additional desire to obtain a divorce led us to conclude that a divorce proceeding would be the action most likely to succeed.
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