Sentences with phrase «to obtain a visa»

"To obtain a visa" means that you need to go through a process to get official permission to enter or stay in a country that is not your own. Full definition
This will prevent you from making legal errors that could prevent or delay you from obtaining a visa for your prospective adoptive child.
First of all I would like to apologize for my late arrival due to problems in obtaining a visa.
If a change becomes necessary, a substitute will be offered.Please check visa requirements with your local consulate (s); the responsibility for obtaining a visa rests with the traveler.
Dealing with Citizenship and Immigration Canada to obtain my work authorization was relatively straightforward, and, being single, I avoided the complications of obtaining visas for a spouse and children.
Those Americans, who do travel to Cuba, whether illegally or pursuant to a federally granted license, are required to not only present a passport but also obtain a visa from the Cuban government.
Visa: In Indonesia, 169 countries can now obtain a visa on arrival.
The Trudeau government's move to lift the requirement that Mexicans obtain visas before visiting Canada — a requirement that was seen by ordinary Mexicans as an insult — sparked a period of good feeling.
When I learned of Holland America's Cuba cruise I was immediately excited; the thought of going through the visa approval process always seemed daunting, but the process of obtaining the visa through the cruise line was shockingly simple and straightforward.
You can also obtain Visa gift cards, debit cards and the aforementioned CPG card.
The DASP online application system has been updated to obtain visa information from the DIBP where you have held a WHM visa.
Here are the nine countries for which I had the hardest time obtaining visas.
The lawsuit challenges the Department of Homeland Security delay of the International Entrepreneur Rule, which would have allow foreign - born entrepreneurs to travel to or stay in the U.S. to build their companies for up to 5 years without obtaining a visa.
It serves as a fast track through which to obtain a visa within 15 working days as from the date of presentation of the application and concludes with the obtaining of the Visa and an Identity Card.
The co-founder of Phone2Action, a civic - engagement startup based in Washington, D.C., had helped a few of her 65 employees obtain visas, but now the DHS was retroactively reviewing one worker's status.
After being thwarted for several years in obtaining a visa following the turmoil of the Arab Spring and the resignation in November 2011 of the dictatorial former president, Ali Abdullah Saleh, I was able to snag a visa and enter legally during a rare window of relative peace in January of 2014.
I was very impressed on how fast and efficient the team was in incorporating our company within a few days and the exceptional assistance I received in obtaining my visa well within the time advised.
The rule is that all non-European nationals must obtain a visa if they want to come to the UK in order to marry.
She said all Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) citizens would continue to be allowed entry into Ghana as per the provisions of the ECOWAS Protocol on free movement of persons, residence and establishment, which allows citizens of West Africa to travel within the region without having to obtain visas prior to undertaking their journey.
Cuomo's campaign received $ 30,000 from a company that helps foreign investors obtain visas through the controversial «Golden Visa» program.
Approval for genuine foreign investors to obtain visas at the port of entry to facilitate FDI investments.
The specter of long delays and uncertainties in obtaining a visa appears to be dissuading many international students from applying for graduate study in the United States.
To obtain a visa invitation letter, once you have a room reserved (above), then email your request for a PDF or fax copy of the hotel reservation * on hotel letterhead.
Alaska Airline certainly provides a desirable credit card opportunity to those who are devoted to the airline, but the main issue is obtaining the Visa Signature card over the Platinum Plus ®.
Foreign residents are able to obtain a Visa under a simplified procedure only in the Consulate of Russia
I called the Dominican airline for information about obtaining the visa and they advised me to call the US Consulate.
She discusses her visits to Yemen and Syria, the countries she had to hop in and out of, her issues obtaining visas, and the biggest surprises on the road.
5 April: The Calders obtain visas in New York in preparation for their voyage to Europe.
Persons from other countries seeking to enter the United States need a visa and often obtaining the Visa is a routine matter.
Is it harder to obtain a visa while in the US or when i arrive in London?
While you have already obtained your visa, you may now be wondering if you need travel insurance to enter the U.S., as many of the Schengen countries require a minimum coverage before entering.
That said, the current geo - political landscape has led to tighter conditions when obtaining visas, particularly for non-western workers, so we could see a change here in the future.
Typical duties listed on an Immigration Consultant resume example are offering information pertaining to immigration rules, helping clients to obtain visa approvals, conducting surveillance of submitted documents, and handling other related legal issues.
Vardi said, «What has become apparent is the availability of cash buyers coming from Latin countries and especially with the new bill allowing foreigners to purchase over a certain amount in real estate, they can then obtain a visa
If a change is necessary, a substitute will be offered.Please check visa requirements with your local consulate (s); responsibility for obtaining visas rests with the traveler.
Back in 1992, for example, Cary got a call from a potential customer looking for help in streamlining the process for obtaining visas for workers heading overseas.
In addition to the obstacles that most of the individual students had to overcome, FIRST Global officials faced the challenge of obtaining visas for each team.
Ghanaian President John Dramani Mahama announced in February his country's decision to allow citizens of member - states of the African Union (AU) to enter Ghana and obtain visas on arrival, with the option to stay for up to 30 days.
U.S. citizens are normally required to obtain a visa before entering Russia.
The best passport on Earth The Henley & Partners Visa Restriction Index considers the number of countries that a person is able to visit without obtaining a visa.
Thus, there will be cases where people will see to obtain visas through other means, and it is later discovered that the person presented false information to the United States Government.
The DASP online application system has been updated to obtain visa information from the DIBP if you have held a WHM visa.
In every case, prospective adoptive parents must meet the basic requirements of U.S. immigration law, and all children adopted through intercountry adoption must obtain a visa from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.
Immigration experts are warning companies to expect long delays in obtaining visas for skilled workers from outside Europe after a national cap on...
In the early months of 2017, McEntee was preparing to help several startup clients file the necessary paperwork to obtain the visa.
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