Sentences with phrase «to obtain food»

Our food service company would only obtain foods from certain vendors and refused to offer foods from others.
Some consumers enjoyed the feeling of obtaining their food directly from the producers, almost as if they had grown it themselves, and producers had opportunities to capture some of the marketing margins.
For families requiring assistance, the support worker may provide information on how to obtain food stamps or enroll in healthcare programs.
Like most men from his tribe, his survival solely depends on his weapon — the instrument with which he shall obtain food for his family.
They observed that an infusion of triglycerides in the brain reduces the animal's motivation to press a lever to obtain a food reward.
An overwhelming majority (73 %) obtained food safety information from media, and 22 % of those used cooking shows as their primary source of information.
You are living in a landscape of fear, where your ability to survive depends on your ability to detect and escape predators as well as obtain food.
I also learned that chemistry is a part of everything, including the development of alternative fuels and how plants obtain food by photosynthesis, which is really another fuel.
Whatever you do, it is imperative to pick a puzzle toy that is relatively easy to obtain the food inside.
In some areas, you may be required to obtain a food handler's certification.
All it would likely enrich is our supermarkets, which is where most people obtain their food.
Those who had more cloth than they could use obtained the food they needed.
Early man obtained food and fuel from the wild plants and animals of his environment.
I'm also interested in cooking with wild game and sustainably obtained food sources.
The evacuation sites should have or be able to readily obtain food, water, veterinary care, handling equipment and facilities.
Before this first agricultural revolution, people relied on hunting and gathering to obtain food supplies.
This therefore means that anything that can be found easily in nature by using these forms of obtaining food is included in the plan.
Do not feed any animals or allow them to obtain food from you.
Whatever cook roles you're applying to, obtaining food safety and sanitation certifications — and highlighting these skills prominently on your resume — will bolster your chances of getting hired.
The brain's reward system learns the actions that produce positive outcomes, such as obtaining food or sex.
I am very interested in obtaining a Food Service Worker position opening at the Advocate Health.
Weston Price observed traditional people going to great lengths to obtain foods high in fat - soluble vitamins for pregnant women.
The first group obtained their food list from a US Food and Drug Administration list.
To obtain a food server position with Hunger Foods where exceptional hospitality skills, customer service acumen, and friendly demeanor will be utilized to ensure customer loyalty.
Co-written with her husband, Stephen L. Hopp, and her daughter, Camille Kingsolver, this book details her family's experiences during the year they decided to become locavores, trying to obtain their food locally, either from their own garden or farms close by, and thus eat seasonally.
Fast - casual Mexican restaurant chain Chipotle (CMG), for example, is known for its «Food with integrity» campaign that touts that company's efforts to obtain food ingredients with the highest respect for animals, the environment and farmers.
Pool filter grade diatomaceous earth has been heat and chemically treated and will poison an animal or human who ingests it, so it is always of utmost importance to only obtain food grade diatomaceous earth to use in and around your household.
He explained he had kidney problems, stomach ulcers and haemorrhoids and because of these pre-existing health issues was having trouble obtaining food in the detention centre that he could digest.
While 12.2 percent of children obtained food and beverages from pizza restaurants in 2003 - 2004, that number dropped to 6.4 percent in 2009 - 2010.
Bees therefore obtain both food and bacteria from flowers.
To replenish herds or obtain food crops, they may raid other agriculturalist communities.
The more challenging task required birds to obtain food hanging below their perch on a 50 - centimeter - long string.
had to do with the amount of time required to be spent on obtaining food.
In fact, teachers often obtained their food and lodging in students» houses.
However, as the timeline of events in 1983 shows, the bear family obtained food from people on June 12 and the sow was killed on June 14.
After obtaining food and equipment from people, Sister became the last bear destroyed at Brooks Camp.
Diversity abounds, as corals protect these species and many more from predators, provide a safe place for brooding young and for juvenile fish to seek shelter, and act as a platform from which crabs or other invertebrates obtain food.
Even though the wholesalers obtain their food from much farther away, often unsure exactly where it came from, their big trucks are significantly more efficient on a per - pound basis than the pickups and box trucks used by small farms.
According to section 364, you may also not «pretend to have baggage» in order to fraudulently obtain food or beverage.
The paper quoted a political rival of Janet DiFiore, who accused the DA of improperly using her influence to obtain food stamps, Medicaid and other government welfare benefits for her long time live - in servant.
This was shown in an experiment in which females had their flight feathers trimmed, so that they had to expend more energy during flights to obtain food for their broods.
«Bivalves such as oysters are also filter feeders that obtain their food by pumping water through their system and filtering small organisms,» she said.
They can learn to unscrew jars to obtain the food inside — even from the inside out.
After a brief learning phase, they keep their tools safe nearby without dropping them while feeding until the last of five difficult - to - obtain food rewards has been retrieved.
In order to obtain the food lists from either the Whole Dog Journal or the Truth about Pet Food, you must either subscribe or pay a user fee.
Successfully planned and executed... (obtained food handlers certificate) Receptionist / Office Assistant 06/2006 to 09/2007 Frequency Electronics
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