Sentences with phrase «to obtain payment»

It is also highly advisable to promptly obtain payment for services rendered.
This party usually assumes responsibility for obtaining payment from your clients.
Successfully obtained payments from 10 delinquent accounts by continually following up on them.
Therefore, if some hacker were to obtain your payment details, they would be completely useless — protecting your account.
Home loan modification is not guaranteed, nevertheless many homeowners are successful in modifying their mortgage obtaining a payment they can afford.
After submitting the above form, we will contact you to complete registration and obtain payment method.
We have helped countless people who have been injured obtain payment for their medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages.
However, if your fall is caused by a property owner's failure to adequately maintain the property, you may be able to obtain payment for losses.
Obtained payment on insured's claims against insurance company for property damage after the insurance company denied the claim.
Many wallets can obtain a payment address by scanning a QR code or touching two phones together with NFC technology.
Merchants who wish to obtain payment processing services from Chase Paymentech must submit an application.
They can not also obtain payments for jobs or contracts done for government, register their vehicle at the DVLA, bid for contracts from Government agencies, conduct business with ministries, departments and agencies, and conduct business with metropolitan, municipal and district assemblies.
There are 3,300 million workers, of which 900 million obtained a payment less than $ 2 a day, with 456 million earning less than $ 1.25 a day and apart from them we must not forget to add 200 million more are unemployed.
Should you fail to meet your repayment obligations, then the lender would have to take legal action against you in order to confiscate your property, or to otherwise obtain payment from you.
Moreover, IRS will generally issue a Notice of Federal Tax Lien if the taxpayer obtains a payment plan for over $ 50k.
A client can normally accomplish a refinance in this situation, although the client may have to tolerate some delays while obtaining a payment history and go through the borrowing process with a new lender.
Collection agencies may harass co-signers to obtain payments if they think chances are better of recovering money from co-signers than the borrower.
For example, in welfare benefit cases from this study, 29 % of specialist firms obtained payments for their clients but only 13 % of non-specialist firms did so.
If you filed a claim with your insurance company after getting injured in a car, truck, motorcycle, or drunk driving accident, and are having trouble obtaining payment, please contact the Tenge Law Firm today.
These claims can help a victim obtain payment for their damages like medical bills, surgical costs, rehabilitative care, time missed from work, pain and suffering, and the loss of a normal life.
Contact Commercial, Medicare, Medicaid and Managed Care insurance payer by telephone or through correspondence to obtain payment status for Pain Management, Home Infusion Therapy, Surgery and Imaging claims that are Out Of Network and Work Compensation and or personal injury Claims.
Debt Collectors, or Debt Collection Attorneys, help businesses obtain payment from debtors who have not cooperated in paying back what they owe.
Execute closing and obtain payments due, disburse funds to appropriate parties, and maintain follow up necessary for transaction completion and issuance of policy
Advised customers of necessary actions and strategies for debt elimination and obtained payment arrangements.]
In Louisiana, as in other states, child support guidelines help determine the amount to be paid, and the state can help a custodial parent obtain payments.
Compensation for your current health expenditure is a question of obtaining the payment of the remainder of the health expenses which your health insurance organization did not pay in full: pharmaceutical expenses, hospital expenses, paramedical expenses, and miscellaneous medical expenses (orthoptics, nurses, physiotherapy, speech therapy, etc.).
Filing and obtaining payment on proofs of claim (including requests for administrative priority claims), and opposing objections to claims.
Finally, Hitchcock normally worked forty hours a week, worked out of the Company's offices, and obtained payment information for the Company from clients.
Our «Unpaid Invoice» flowchart outlines the correct procedure companies should follow to maximise the chance of successfully obtaining payment.
AK claimed that the bank's solicitor's negligent misstatement prevented Kel from obtaining payment from Mellabond or from Paelten and / or that Kel was prevented from obtained a re-vesting of the ownership of the vessel, and this crossclaim should be set off against the guarantee claim.
The ACCC has alleged Coles provided misleading information to suppliers about the savings and the value from the program and used influence and unfair tactics to obtain payments.
Democrat Todd Kaminsky faces Republican Chris McGrath in the April 19 Senate election for the seat long held by ex-Senate Leader Dean Skelos, a Republican convicted last year of using his position to obtain payments and jobs for his son.
Legal action many be taken by the lender to obtain payment, and the borrower may not be able to secure student loans in the future.
You will not permit the check to be presented, returned or otherwise used to obtain a payment that would duplicate the payment sought by the deposit made via the Business Remote Deposit service.
If you do not pay your bill and your card issuer has to go to a collection agency to attempt to obtain payment from you, you may be liable for the cost of the collection agency's services.
collection agency [top] If you fail to pay a credit or charge card bill, the card issuer may send your overdue bill to a collection agency, a company that will attempt to obtain payment from you.
If for any reason PayPal is unable to withdraw the full amount owed for the Services provided, You agree that PayPal and the Chow Chow Club, Inc. may pursue all available remedies in order to obtain payment.
If for any reason the Chow Chow Club, Inc. is unable to withdraw the full amount owed for the Goods and / or Services provided, or if the check or Money Order is returned unpaid, You agree that the Chow Chow Club, Inc. may pursue all available remedies in order to obtain payment.
Only 52 percent of veterinarians report actually having a written financial policy1, and we have done ourselves no favors by making the discussion of payment as difficult and uncomfortable as possible — in most cases leaving our front desk people the miserable job of trying to obtain a payment or deposit from a pet owner with little or no funds.
Successfully settled a complicated real estate and lease litigation matter for a national landlord involving a commercial / retail tenant resulting in landlord recovering possession of the subject space, selling tenant's collateral, and obtaining payment for prior lease debt.
Our attorneys will help you receive benefits to pay for job retraining and obtain payment for:
Litigation of a statutory action to intervene in probate proceedings and obtain payment for a creditor of an heir in Milwaukee County Circuit Court.
Legal damages are sought in order to obtain payment from a negligent party to cover material losses and to punish the negligent party for their actions / inaction.
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