Sentences with phrase «to obtain salvation»

Those not belonging to the Christian fold who receive the grace of God and are saved obtain their salvation through an implicit faith in, love of and desire for Christ, his church and the sacraments — at least baptism (and the Eucharist).
Communion, whenever it is done, is for us to remember exactly what Jesus did to obtain salvation for us.
Two other basic ideas are commonly accepted, as for example by St. Thomas: (a) before the Mosaic law, people obtained salvation by professed faith in rites (such as sacrifice) of a sacramental type; and (b) among the Jews there were also rites of a sacramental type (such as circumcision and the immolation and partaking of the paschal lamb).
Without faith in Christ, no amount of civil righteousness obtains salvation.
The question of how a benign and loving creator could say, «That Christian child - molesting axe - murderer who spent 99 % of his life making people's experience in the world worse can repent and still obtain salvation.
Second, Christ is the supreme Savior and sole mediator of salvation: after Adam committed sin, no one has been able and no one will be able to obtain salvation except through dedication to Christ's person.
As early as AD 140, Aristides of Athens wrote, «If one of the faithful dies, obtain salvation for him by celebrating the Eucharist and by praying next to his remains.»
Hopefully it will be before you die in this world, so that you may convert and obtain salvation.
Actually, the chance of the believer picking the correct god to worship and find the right way to obtain salvation are near impossible.
There are religious texts that were written that attempt to explain where we came from and try and show us how to live in order to obtain salvation.
It is appalling that the word «atonement» is used, but they do NOT believe that Jesus Christ is the ONLY son of God and the ONLY WAY that one can obtain salvation - through His blood that was shed on the cross on Calvary!
Most of them are always talking about sin and doing something to obtain our salvation.
He who believes these divine acts — the incarnation, death, and resurrection of a divine being — can obtain salvation.
Sooo Jeremy, what all do YOU believe one has to do to obtain salvation / heaven?
The one reference that didn't work for me was 2 Timothy 2:10 (NIV) «Therefore I endure everything for the sake of the elect, that they too may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus, with eternal glory.»
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