Sentences with phrase «to oppose the amendment»

The phrase "to oppose the amendment" means to be against or disagree with a change or addition being made to a document or law. Full definition
In a joint statement released Friday by the offices of Reps. John Faso, Tom Reed, Elise Stefanik, Claudia Tenney and Lee Zeldin, Cuomo is criticized for his rhetoric in opposing the amendment in the overall American Health Care Act.
CDT joined other advocates in a letter strongly opposing the amendment.
(c) A manager of a measure who opposes an amendment thereto is entitled to close controlled debate thereon.
[29] The Government opposed the amendment, and it was defeated by 434 votes to 36.
Opposition MPs gleefully mocked the prime minister as he failed to oppose an amendment which the government has admitted was illegal.
In his letter, Sessions opposed an amendment by Oregon Democratic Rep. Earl Blumenauer and California Republican Rep. Dana Rohrabacher that prevents the Justice Department from interfering with states» medical marijuana.
I found that Cruz has said that Democrats opposed his amendment because
On January 10, 2013, Virginia's Supreme Court allowed trial judges to amend drunk driving / DWI charges to reckless driving, at least where the judge has not yet found guilt of DWI and where the defendant does not oppose the amendment.
This will fail, if it is debated, because Labour will vote with the government to oppose the amendment on the grounds that it would place Britain in breach of its EU obligations.
«The coalition will also unveil new campaign literature opposing the amendment, which will be distributed to voters in an extensive campaign at subway stations and polling sites,» according to the advisory.
Hughes noted that conservative groups like Young Conservatives of Texas (which endorsed Hughes) and others opposed the amendment for which Simpson voted in the state House.
After his own government caved in & abstained - Cameron only defeats Raab amendment because Labour and LibDems opposed it
Along with 52 other members of the National Coalition for Public Education (NCPE), NSBA opposes any amendment to Fiscal 2016 Senate Budget Resolution (S. Con Res.
The Defendant opposed these amendments of the claim because they were premature and were not yet the subject of a failed FSCO mediation.
Both gubernatorial candidates oppose Amendment 3, a proposed constitutional amendment that would allow governors to appoint a majority of the members of the appellate judicial commission and give governors four nominees, rather than three, to choose from in appointing appellate judges.
Of course, the NRA vehemently opposes amendments to the state Constitution that restrict firearms, regardless of public support.
The Administration strongly opposes amendments that would authorize FHA guarantees of loans greater than the conforming loan limit as the program should remain targeted to traditionally underserved homebuyers, such as low - and moderate - income families.
Theresa May has told cabinet ministers it is «very important» that the government opposes the amendments, and a substantial whipping operation is under way.
At the same time, the «radical» Republicans, led by cantankerous abolitionist Thaddeus Stevens (Jones), oppose the amendment because they want the South to pay reparations to the former slaves.
The conflicts here between the congressional Democrats (who oppose the amendment) and the Republicans (who were themselves fostering a shaky alliance between opposed internal camps) are only barely more civil than the soldiers on the battlefields.
President Donald Trump on Thursday criticized the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act hours after the White House press secretary released a statement saying the administration supported the law and opposed an amendment that would impose limits on the government's surveillance authority.
Others, like the majority of delegates at the recent Minneapolis Synod Assembly of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, oppose the amendment.
But in a letter to one of his constituents a couple of weeks ago, David Cameron indicated — without giving any reasons — that he opposes the amendment.
And Alexander today in a policy motion speech to conference certainly did his damnedest to defend the coalition, opposing an amendment to his «Generating Growth and Jobs in a Time of Austerity» motion to abandon the coalition's fiscal mandate.
«Today, Democrats may have one last opportunity to save their Senate seat by opposing an amendment to fund Obamacare,» reads a release the National Republican Senatorial Committee is sending to five states that have a Democratic senator and large numbers of conservatives.
All credit to the sports minister, Tracey Crouch, for encouraging her colleagues to oppose the amendment in Wednesday's free vote.
The list of those opposing the amendment includes the state Conservative Party, religious groups like the Catholic Church and people worried about problem gambling.
Sports minister Tracey Crouch has been busy urging fellow Tory MPs to oppose the amendment.
The government opposed the amendment.
Former Culture Secretary and Labour peer Lord (Chris) Smith explained why he opposed the amendment:
Mr Cameron's decision to abstain will split the coalition Government, as Liberal Democrat ministers have been told to oppose the amendment in the House of Commons this afternoon.
But when Majority Leader Don Hineman, a moderate from Dighton, stood up to oppose the amendment, most believed he would take a lot of other moderates with him.
September 29, 2016 - On Friday, September 23rd the Georgia School Boards Association's Board of Directors, at their regularly scheduled meeting, overwhelmingly voted to formally oppose Amendment 1.
NSBA also urges Congress to oppose any amendments to make vouchers part of a reauthorized Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) or the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
Immediately contact the Speaker of the House as well as your own Representative and ask them to oppose this amendment.
Bob Baker, executive director of the Missouri Alliance for Animal Legislation, opposes Amendment One.
Join us in opposing the amendment to HB 253.
We urge India, Brazil and all other countries who have been opposing the Amendments to join China and the United States and form a global consensus to phase down HFCs under the Montreal Protocol this year.
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