Sentences with phrase «to oppose the application»

The grandmother opposed the application on the basis that it was premature.
Several of the local public school systems in which the charters will operate opposed their applications.
This narrow interpretation «raises the bar even further for native title parties who seek to oppose applications [for arbitration] under s 35».
Writing for a 5 - 4 majority, Justice John Sopinka noted, at para. 9, that cross-examination of the executive director of the centre revealed that «[it] had been unsuccessful in opposing applications for production of records in the past and ultimately determined that it would combat the practice by following a policy of taking notes that would be misleading if ordered produced and of shredding files with police involvement before being served in relation to criminal proceedings.»
NAR opposes the application of state or local sales tax to rent real estate services and other professional services, including real estate broker commissions, title searches, appraisals, home inspections, property management services, and any other services related to the real estate transaction.
In a landmark judgment delivered by Mr Justice Hayden on 8 February 2016, Christina Estrada successfully opposed an application by her ex-husband, Saudi billionaire Dr Walid Al - Juffali, to strike out her claims for financial relief following their divorce in 2014.
The prosecutor, Okoli, did not oppose the application for variation of bail conditions, but urged the court to consider the nature of the charges against the accused before granting the application.
But Uche would not take any of that as he vehemently opposed the application for adjournment and urged the court to proceed with the hearing of the motion.
representing a claimant company in successfully opposing applications to set aside two default judgments in the Chancery Division that we had obtained on the claimant's behalf against the defendant, who was a guarantor of a loan of # 5 million from our client that had not been repaid.
fact that no media organisation opposes an application, or even the fact (if it be such) that there is consent to the order, does nothing to relieve the court of its obligation to apply the law on open justice for the benefit of the public at large.
The defence opposed the application on the grounds that the issue was one of identification from a CCTV tape and the previous convictions would not assist in that issue, and that the evidence was simply to be used to bolster a weak case.
Executor Fred Streed opposed the application with the support of the Canadian Association for Free Expression.
Acted for the Defendant school governing body, opposing an application made by the Headteacher for an injunction to compel completion of a contractual disciplinary procedure by a certain date (in the High Court, Chancery Division).
Google opposed the application, arguing if such an order were appropriate, it should be confined to links appearing on not worldwide.
These booklets opposed the application of modern critical historical approach to the Bible and the traditional dogmas of Christianity, because in their opinion, it would destroy their supra - national and supernatural elements which belong to their very essence.
The U.S. Army has filed a challenge opposing the application of the NHL's newest franchise to register the trademark «Vegas Golden Knights.»
EFCC, Dasuki Oppose Application A major twist has crept into the prosecution of the alleged $ 2.1 b arms fund diversion charges as former Sokoto State...
«Because we believe there is no merit to plaintiff's lawsuit, we are vigorously opposing their application for a preliminary injunction and we will demonstrate that the challenged actions were in all respects lawful,» he said.
The defence counsel, Rickey Tarfa (SAN), however opposed the application for adjournment sought by the prosecution on the ground that the prosecution did not have a time frame within which the payment would be finalised.
However, counsel to EFCC, Sylvanus Tahir, strongly opposed the application describing the explanation given by the defence as unreasonable.
Since board members opposed the application for other reasons, Li suggested, it seemed unfair to give McCarthy false hope.
Former Attorney General Martin Alamisi Amidu has filed a suit at the country's Supreme Court, opposing an application filed by businessman Alfred Agbesi Woyome for a stay of proceeding as regards his examination.
However, counsel to the Economic and Financial Crimes Commision (EFCC) Mr Sylvanus Tahir opposed the application for adjournment.
While Community Board 3 decided to oppose the application last spring, the board did not play a particularly active role in advocating its position before the SLA.
The revenue department opposed the application and said that the «translation» and «dictionary system was not a core feature.
Mr. Roy opposed the application, arguing that he no longer had a relationship with B, and that her biological father should be responsible for her support.
Zamin opposed the application on a number of grounds, including the following:
For example, in Re CT Chrissie's adoptive parents opposed her application to return to her natural family.
The children's mother opposed the application, relying on the Article 13 (b) defence of the Convention, setting out that there was a grave risk that the children's return to the USA would expose them to physical or psychological harm or otherwise place them in an intolerable situation.
«Although the member and his client were successful in opposing the application at the Court of Queen's Bench, the law society successfully appealed to the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal and obtained access to the complete file.
«Most of the delay in this case is attributable to the legal battle that ensued when the law society sought the member's complete file for review and the member and his client opposed the application based on concerns pertaining to solicitor and client privilege,» wrote committee chairman Sanjeev Anand.
M's guardian and the authority opposed the application on the ground that it was inappropriate for so young a child to have to give evidence and that, in the particular circumstances, it would be oppressive for M to have to do so.
In fairly mandatory words the Court of Appeal suggested that parties who opportunistically and unreasonably oppose applications for relief from sanctions, take up court time and act in breach of this obligation will be penalised.
AASECT opposes the application of labels such as «normal» and «abnormal» to these variations in the healthy sexual expression of adults, and AASECT believes that all sexual and cultural minorities should enjoy sexual freedom, equal civil rights, and parity of social opportunities and privileges.
Mr Umar Muhammed, Director of Public Prosecutions of the Federation, did not oppose the application, as according to him, bail granting was at the discretion of the court.
«We vehemently opposed this application, praying for an order to adjourn further proceedings to await the ruling of the application in the Supreme Court which will come in the distant future.»
The fact that no media organisation opposes an application, or even the fact (if it be such) that there is consent to the order, does nothing to relieve the court of its obligation to apply the law on open justice for the benefit of the public at large.
The Payne exercise (mother's motives for taking the child abroad, father's motives in opposing the application, impact of the move on father and child and impact on mother of refusal) were all part of the welfare analysis and none of the factors were deemed more important than the others.
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