Sentences with phrase «to oppose the cuts»

"To oppose the cuts" means to be against or to disagree with the reduction or decrease of something, typically related to government spending or funding. Full definition
He declared that the deficit needs to be reduced and promised to be realistic by not opposing every cut.
The legal profession can consistently promote pro bono activity in practice while opposing the cuts to legal aid provision in principle.
That delighted residents who oppose the cutting of trees.
So they repeatedly opposed the cuts while having no plans to reverse them.
If he accepts, it makes it much harder to claim that Labour is just opposing every cut and won't set out alternatives.
Of course it's technically accurate to say that if somebody opposes a cut, it doesn't necessarily mean that they are promising to reverse it.
Coal industry supporters oppose these cuts, arguing that governments should invest more in coal projects in developing countries.
We worked very well together in opposing the cuts in working tax credits,» said Corbyn.
Majorities oppose cutting public employee benefits or pay in order to reduce state budget deficits or taking away some collective bargaining rights from public employee unions.
«New Yorkers strongly oppose cuts to its public schools and colleges,» said NYSUT President Richard Iannuzzi in a press release.
Labour controls 130 councils, and while Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell opposed cuts, they were clear that councils must set legal budgets.
In opposing the cuts Labour mustn't allow themselves to become too closely associated with the benefit recipients losing out from cuts, or the trade unions striking against them (hence, of course, Ed Miliband's focus on the «squeezed middle»)
The new directive came as a surprise, given Hunt — environment minister until a recent reshuffle after the 2 July federal election — did not oppose the cuts when they were first announced.
The Association will vigorously oppose the cuts proposed by the Administration.»
On Tuesday night, the Cooler Heads Coalition, an informal network of groups opposing cuts in greenhouse gases, sent an urgent Internet alert from its chairman, Myron Ebell.»
However much people may dislike austerity, they understand that you can't spend what you haven't got; by opposing every cut Labour seems to be turning away from reality.
Trump opposes cuts to both Social Security and Medicare.
A majority of Democrats opposed cuts to any, while Republicans endorsed shrinking just one, «assistance to needy people around the world.»
That letter came one day after 151 retired three - and four - star generals and admirals sent a letter to House and Senate leaders opposing cuts to the international affairs budget, to which the Trump administration proposed an almost 30 % budget cut in 2017.
With the Liberals and the NDPÂ opposing cuts to the federal corporate income tax rate championed by the Conservatives, it merits further debate.
A significant proportion of Conservative MPs opposed the cuts to welfare benefits proposed in Osborne's final budget, so many of them that the then Chancellor was forced to announce the speediest u turn in budget history.
The American Cancer Society opposes any cuts, noting that last year the program funded 25,000 cancer screenings for poor New Yorkers.
oppose Mayor Bloomberg's impending cuts to child care for children of working families and enlist the support of affected families, elected officials, community and other activists to oppose these cuts given the hardships they would cause;
Public worker unions are expected to soon air TV ads opposing cuts, emphasizing that deep cuts will mean layoffs for New Yorkers and reduced services for the elderly, the infirm and the poor, many of them children.
«I saw that meeting as my doing my job of trying to find a way to convey, in any way I could, that the public and even his voters had fierce opposition to the education cuts,» she said, adding that she told Bannon their polling showed half of Trump's voters opposed his cuts.
The only advantage I can see with a split bill is that Labour will not be tarnished with «opposing AV» when they are really opposing the cuts in MP numbers.
«Andy opposes cuts to child tax credits.
Jeremy Corbyn - the most left - wing of the contenders - had already declared he will not support Ms Harman's decision, while a spokesman for Andy Burnham today said he too opposed cuts to child tax credits.
Many Labour MPs and members are actively opposing cuts — to local hospitals, fire stations and other vital public services — plus 36 Labour council leaders are calling on the government to scrap the bedroom tax, which has itself generated a large number of local protests.
In London alone, Labour politicians have consistently opposed cuts to accident and emergency services, fire and police stations and London Underground stations.
A separate march by off - duty police officers opposing cuts to the Home Office's budget will also take place today.
Some 211 MPs from across all parties signed up to the original early day motion opposing the cuts and the Conservatives last night deliberately introduced an identical motion.
The poll also finds that more than 60 percent of Americans oppose cutting federal funding for college loans.
The majority oppose cuts to entitlement programs like Social Security & Medicare, and also cuts in national defense, homeland security, anti-poverty programs, education etc..
Young Invincibles strongly opposes any cuts or arbitrary caps to PSLF on behalf of the millions of young people watching anxiously as proposals like the PROSPER Act threaten this vital pathway to financial security
«I won't oppose every cut the coalition proposes... there will be some things the coalition does that we won't like as a party but we will have to support,» he said.
U.S. politicians who oppose cutting our country's emissions often argue that the real problem comes from China, India, and Russia, and that we could and should do nothing until those countries make the first move.
I note your comment ------ «Labour controls 130 councils, and while Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell opposed cuts, they were clear that councils must set legal budgets.»
McNally, with a dig at Labour's new found commitment to legal aid, wryly noted the trend for politicians «to cut legal aid when in office and to oppose cuts when in opposition».
NSBA has and continues to vigorously oppose cuts to education, which adversely impact public school students and school districts.
Schuyler Center joins groups opposing cuts to public health contained in the 2018 - 2019 Executive Budget, February 2018
A spokesperson for Mr. Zeldin offered the following response to the candidates» criticisms: «The Congressman did vote to expand Pell Grants and cosponsored bills that supported advance energy research at BNL and Stony Brook, while opposing cuts to the Department of Science.
When Labour decided to oppose ALL cuts in benefits, they showed their economic profligacy was not cured.
But more than half of that group, 61 %, oppose any cuts to the program.
«Once Parliament resumes we will work with any MPs prepared to oppose these cuts and fund enforcement services appropriately.
«These two groups are part of the coalition that opposes any cuts to spending,» Cunningham added.
Those opposing the cuts, some of which are rightly lamented, should stop blaming their failure to capture the public imagination on the rioters and the media and simply tell us what the alternative they want actually is.
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