Sentences with phrase «to optimize muscle growth»

This will optimize your muscle growth from the training you're doing.
Besides optimizing muscle growth, eating the proper foods will make you recover much faster from your workouts and will make you feel more energized throughout the day.
Several researchers have proposed that exercise - induced metabolic stress may in fact confer such an anabolic effect and some have even suggested that metabolite accumulation may be more important than high force development in optimizing muscle growth.
And certainly one without the refinement of Mauro di Pasquale, MD, The Anabolic Diet — the latter a scientific dietary approach to optimizing muscle growth without recourse to steroids.
The 80 - 90 % of «clean foods» will ensure that your nutritional needs are being met in terms of optimizing muscle growth, fat loss, recovery and overall health, leaving you with 10 - 20 % of your daily intake to play around with however you'd like.
From a muscle - building perspective, I need to train with higher weights and less sets and reps; based on how I'm made, that's the best way to optimize muscle growth and protein synthesis.
Craig ensured that he consumed a lot of protein with his diet to boost and optimize muscle growth.
In addition, this hormone is responsible for stimulating muscle catabolism by reducing protein synthesis, transforming protein into glucose and halting muscle growth, which means that it has the opposite effects compared to testosterone and growth hormone and it has to be controlled in order to optimize muscle growth.
Everyone needs to consume a different ratio of macronutrients in order to optimize their muscle growth.
Only with these efforts you can optimize muscle growth, produce good metabolic rate and prevent unneeded weight gain.
It has been repeatedly shown by numerous studies that you optimize your muscle growth by ingesting protein before, during and after the workout.
That's why it is very important to get at least 8 hours of sleep every night, otherwise, you would be shortchanging yourself of a valuable hormone that will optimize muscle growth.
Most weight - training athletes strive to optimize muscle growth to obtain more lean muscle mass and reduce body fat.
This post will talk about what to eat after a workout to optimize muscle growth and speed up muscle recovery at the same time.
Over the long - term, most studies have shown that you don't need to eat immediately after exercise to optimize muscle growth.
This will optimize muscle growth.
The diet leverages our internal hormone response with the timing of macronutrient consumption to optimize muscle growth.
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