Sentences with phrase «to ordain a bishop»

The phrase "to ordain a bishop" means to officially appoint or consecrate someone as a bishop within the church hierarchy. It involves a formal ceremony where the individual is given the authority to carry out important religious duties and lead a specific group of churches. Full definition
A newly ordained bishop of the persecuted Church in China has chosen fidelity over personal comfort and political accommodation.
Guo was ordained a bishop on Saturday, the Vatican said, calling the unauthorized act «a grave violation of Catholic discipline.»
Whitehead, who was ordained a bishop in January 2016, maintains that both lawsuits were «handled in court and have been dealt with.»
And it is worth remembering that this applies not just to ordained bishops and priests, but also to catechists and teachers and, in a most particular way, to parents.
Of course it was always theologically absurd that a separate legal procedure had to be gone through: if the women who have been ordained actually are priests, it necessarily follows that they may be ordained bishop.
An old wheeze of Catholic black humor has it that, after a man is ordained a bishop, he'll never again eat a bad meal or get a straightforward answer.
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