Sentences with phrase «to overturn the ban»

"To overturn the ban" means to reverse or cancel the prohibition or restriction that was previously put in place. Full definition
Greening was included in back - room discussions between the DfE selective education team and grammar school heads to discuss steps in overturning the ban on grammars.
Legal challenges have succeeded in overturning bans on passing along the fees for credit card payments.
Supporters of overturning the ban filed suit to challenge the measure, arguing its outdated and against the spirit of the First Amendment.
President Bill Clinton overturned the ban by executive order in 1993, and federal funding for fetal tissue research was formally authorized in a similar NIH bill passed later that year.
OTTAWA — The Supreme Court of Canada overturned a ban on physician - assisted suicide today, unanimously reversing a decision it made in 1993 and putting Canada in the company of a handful of Western countries where the practice will be legal.
A federal judge overturned the ban on the controversial delicacy, creating beef with animal - rights activists.
This week, the Supreme Court overturned the ban on sports betting, giving states the ability to legalize it if they want to.
An Indian judge later overturned the ban, saying that there was insufficient evidence of a connection to the trading, and that India's securities regulator did not have the power to impose the penalty.
But a powerful federal appeals court this month overturned a ban in Redondo Beach, Calif., against soliciting work from passing cars.
Campaigners are today taking their bid to overturn bans against gay civil marriages and heterosexual civil partnerships to the European court of human rights (ECHR).
Rees revealed that he spent an evening with the civil rights campaigner Paul Stephenson, who organised the Bristol bus boycott in the 1960s that resulted incampaigners overturning a ban on people from minority ethnic backgrounds working on the city's buses.
Congress, supported by the overwhelming majority of biomedical researchers, is about to pass a law overturning the ban.
Next up will be the College Transparency Act (CTA) which overturns the ban on a federal student record system.
After an outcry from residents living in manufactured homes, the council overturned the ban.
The MoJ in effect wants to overturn this ban by legislation which would enable a prosecutor to do that under the auspice of a DPA.
In February, the Supreme Court of Canada overturned a ban on euthanasia but suspended the application of its decision for a year to let Parliament draft new rules for when assisted suicide would be allowed, meaning the current federal law remains in force for now.
But almost a year after he received a $ 50,000 check from one of the LLCs, Cuomo seemed to come out in favor of overturning the ban.
As the first mainstream comprehensively - educated MP in the education secretary role, one of her first actions was to announce plans to overturn the ban on new grammar schools.
It asks the court to overturn the ban and also declare that the Russian company's products do not pose a security threat to U.S. government computers.
But a New Brunswick trial judge ruled that the charge violated constitutional law, overturning a ban on bringing alcohol across provincial boundaries.
The Securities and Exchange Commission today voted four to one that it will overturn the ban on publicly advertising that your company is raising money, what's called «general solicitation.»
If we do not act to overturn bans on smudging, we condone policies that, intentionally or not, foster racism.
The Boy Scouts of America have shut down a proposal to overturn their ban on openly homosexual troop leaders and scouts today.
I can't wait for DOMA to be overturned by the SCOTUS (and it will, because it is no different than overturning bans on interracial marriage).
Subsequent commissioners have been reluctant to overturn the ban.
Groups fighting to give terminally ill people the right to physician - assisted suicide in New York state are gearing up for another fight in the Legislature after the state's highest court rejected a legal effort to overturn a ban.
New York state is taking an expanded legal role in challenging Trump's executive order limiting immigration, with Attorney General Eric Schneiderman joining an ACLU - backed lawsuit to overturn the ban.
Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie sued to overturn the ban and New Jersey's case was heard in December with lawyers arguing that it constituted federal overreach.
In an interview, Hawkins said that activists still face many challenges, from fighting the inevitable industry lawsuits to overturn the ban, to challenging the fracking infrastructure of pipelines across the state and gas storage in the salt caverns near Seneca Lake, to campaigning for a «state plan for a rapid transition to 100 percent green energy to fight climate change, lower electric costs and create millions of new jobs,» he said....
The Republican Party filed a lawsuit Thursday to overturn the ban on unlimited campaign contributions that is the cornerstone of a 2002 law designed to reduce the influence of big donors in politics.
The US president's executive order seeking to overturn a ban on fossil fuel exploration in Arctic waters is unsafe and irresponsible, says Owen Gaffney
After a 13 - year caffeine headache, the Turkish Sultan Selim I overturned the ban.
With 125 employees and more than $ 120 million in annual revenues, the ACC and its members are using their deep pockets and extensive political connections to overturn bans on plastic bags, cast doubt on legitimate scientific studies and even file lawsuits against anti-bag activists.
Ministers are to overturn a ban that prohibits gay men from donating blood for 12 months after having sex.
The Conservative government plans to overturn the ban on grammar schools introduced by Labour 20 years ago.
Ministers are said to be considering ways to open new grammars without the need to overturn the ban on new grammars through a legal change.
Over the past two years, more than 100 municipalities across the USA have overturned bans and other restrictions that target dogs in the pit bull family, and opposition to BSL comes from sources as diverse as the American Bar Association, animal rescue groups, the Center for Disease Control and even President Barack Obama, who said in August that the laws are largely ineffective while doing nothing to improve public safety, and are often a «waste of public resources».
Bayer, BASF and Syngenta are suing the European Commission to overturn a ban on the pesticides that are killing millions of bees around the world.
If it is allowed to intimidate the European authorities with impunity, then the pressure to overturn the ban will be huge.
«My father and founder of Nature's Path, Arran Stephens, successfully fought in the three - year battle with the United States DEA to overturn its ban on the sale of healthy hemp foods and I'm proud to follow in his footsteps by supporting Hemp History Week.»
Sherman recently teamed up with name partner David Boies in a failed attempt to overturn the ban on cameras in New York state courts.
He is known for his advocacy for cameras in court, and was involved in many cases of significance in media law, including Dagenais v. Canadian Broadcasting Corp., the decision that overturned the ban on broadcasting CBC's film The Boys of St. Vincent.
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