Sentences with phrase «to pair something with anything»

The trick to making a dress look modern and individual is by pairing it with anything from edgy ankle boots to fluorescent sandals.
My favorite thing about these pieces is that they're super versatile and you can pair them with anything in you're closet.
Also, they really are a style stable for Spring, and you can basically pair them with anything.
A good military jacket is a must - have in your closet and you can literally pair it with anything.
What's great about this colour is it's not SO obnoxious that you can't pair it with anything.
Pair it with anything red and you are asking for trouble.
I got these pants a while back, and love to pair them with anything but a plain top.
You can pair it with anything from shorts to denim or dresses.
I love that the shorts are basically neutral too, so you could basically pair them with anything — though I love the chambray!
My favorite way to style edgier pieces is to pair them with anything flowy and feminine.
I love the chambray dress from Target because I can honestly pair it with anything from sandals, vans, wedges, and little booties.
Crazy how you can easily pair it with anything, it's a cousin of the basic white tee.
I can wear it all winter long pairing it with anything from a ladylike blouse to a chunky turtleneck, and it still works well once spring finally comes along - due to the adorable pastel hue.
The trick to making it modern and individual is by pairing it with anything from edgy ankle boot / textured tights, to stacks of estate necklaces and a retro 1940's bolero.»
I hemmed the maxi dresses up to above the knee, which made them look a lot more contemporary, but sometimes it's still hard to pair them with anything without the outfit looking like a period costume.
Easily look good to pair it with anything in your wardrobe, so don't miss it!
Wear these camo leather earrings like a neutral and pair them with anything from olive green to coral to black to gray.
They have the perfect, sandy texture and are so tasty you don't really need to pair them with anything (although I will say they go very well with candy cane ice cream!)
Pair them with anything you would normally wear from a sundress to jeans.
With a very mild taste, you can pair it with anything and not have to worry about that «fishy» taste ruining the rest of your meal.
White and black contrast shirt with embroidered collar: I'm always on the lookout for a white blouse since you can pair it with anything.
Pair it with anything from a black halter top to a pale blue twin set for an elegant summer look that is sure to channel chic 1950s vacation allure for countless summers to come.
I love these flats as they are comfortable and you can pair them with anything.
We love the style and how you can pair them with anything and make the look more casual chic.
You can pair them with anything.
I am pretty sure, once you try on crispy white jeans, you gonna pair them with anything you want.
You can pair it with anything you want: jeans, little dresses, trousers, skirts.
I went with a neutral because I knew I could pair it with anything.
Pair it with anything in your closet.
You can pretty much wear them everyday and pair them with anything.
It's so versatile that I can pair it with anything I imagine and looks different every single time.
From jeans, to dresses, to skirts, I pair them with anything.
I pair it with anything and everything.
Obviously the brilliance of denim is you can pair it with anything, even more denim!
Pair it with anything you feel like wearing this summer — with distressed white pants and denim button down à la Ashley Tisdale, with a colored mini skirt and sneakers à la Kendall Jenner, with a colored shorts and ballet flats à la Taylor Swift or with a pleated maxi skirt and flat sandals.
I typically wear mine cuffed at the bottom and pair them with anything from flats, sneakers to heels — they're that versatile.
Moto jackets are one of my fave fall wardrobe staples — can pair it with anything, dresses, jeans, rompers, etc..
I love the brightness and how you can pair it with anything.
My rule of thumb is if I haven't worn it in at least 2 years and don't see myself being able to pair it with anything I really love currently, it's got ta go.
You can pair it with anything and everything.
«I think they are the white oxford shirt of interiors: tailored but informal, [they] never look out of style, chic but never trendy and you can pair them with anything, dress it up or dress it down,» she says.
White is so classic too, you can pair it with anything, and you can change colors easily.
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