Sentences with phrase «to pass into breast milk»

Although many medications do pass into breast milk, most have little or no effect on milk supply or on infant well - being.
Other medications don't pass into breast milk in significant quantities.
It is not known if the medications in this product pass into breast milk.
This medication passes into breast milk, but is unlikely to harm a nursing infant.
It is not known whether this drug passes into breast milk.
This is because small amounts of what you consume pass into your breast milk, and to your baby.
Other hormones are larger and may not pass into the breast milk well, or at all.
This hormone does pass into the breast milk, and it may help to stimulate the production of red blood cells in the newborn.
It's safe to breastfeed your baby when you have a common illness, like a cold or the flu, because these germs don't pass into breast milk.
This medication passes into breast milk and may have undesirable effects on a nursing infant.
More good news: The toxic byproduct of alcohol metabolism, a compound called acetaldehyde, doesn't pass into breast milk at all.
Lithium: Used to treat bipolar disorder, lithium passes into breast milk in significant amounts.
If you are breastfeeding it is important to get medical advice from your doctor before ever taking a thrush tablet / capsule as the active ingredient passes into breast milk so always seek medical advice from your doctor.
Caffeine enters in your bloodstream and passes into your breast milk rapidly after the consumption and peaks within an hour.
Only small amounts of progestin pass into your breast milk, and research to date shows no adverse effects from the minipill on a baby's weight gain, health, or development.
It is also reassuring to know that the drugs injected for epidural blocks and other types of regional anesthesia during childbirth do not pass into breast milk sufficiently to cause longterm harm, though they may make your baby a little sleepy at first.
This is because caffeine is a stimulant that readily passes into breast milk.
For women who are breastfeeding: Omeprazole passes into breast milk and may cause side effects in a child who is breastfed.
Marijuana's active compound THC passes into the breast milk, which means that it will pass into the baby while breastfeeding.
He'd explained how only small amounts of a drug pass into your breast milk, and how it's cheaper for drug companies to say, «Don't take while breastfeeding» rather than do trials to prove the drugs are compatible with breastfeeding.
Even though trace chemicals from tobacco do pass into breast milk, the benefits of the disease - fighting cells in the breast milk outweigh the negative effect of those chemicals.
A small amount of hormones from NuvaRing may pass into your breast milk.
Gas from the mother's intestinal tract can not be passed into her breast milk.
As with progestin - only methods, these hormones can pass into your breast milk.
But, since there are hormones in these methods, a little bit of these hormones will pass into your breast milk.
Alcohol does pass into breast milk, and it could affect your baby.
However, lactation experts have varying opinions on this point and some claim that traces of carbohydrates from these foods may be passed into breast milk, causing gas, while others believe that these remain in the mom's digestive system and do not get into their milk.
According to La Leche League International, the amount of alcohol (or drugs) that passes into your breast milk is proportional to the amount you consume.
If this helps your baby's symptoms, then he may have a milk protein intolerance (allergic colitis), and the milk proteins from your diet that are passing into your breast milk could be causing a problem.
Fenugreek does pass into the breast milk.
Certain medications can pass into the breast milk and harm your baby.
Any medication that passes into your breast milk can be potentially dangerous.
When you drink alcohol, it passes into your breast milk at concentrations similar to those found in your bloodstream.
In addition, we know that proteins from mom's diet can pass into breast milk, and some babies seem to be allergic or intolerant of these proteins.
Human breast milk typically does not cause allergic reactions in breastfeeding infants, but mothers sometimes worry that their babies may be allergic to something that they themselves are eating and passing into their breast milk.
These delicious nature's candy can pass into the breast milk, causing your baby to experience painful gas, fussiness, sleepless nights, constipation, and more.
You shouldn't nurse if you are receiving radiation in any form or are taking medications that pass into the breast milk and can hurt the baby, like antithyroid medication, chemotherapeutic agents, and some mood - altering drugs.
It is not a surprise that the junk that is in processed foods can pass into breast milk and cause all kinds of harm to your baby, including fussiness, sleeplessness, problems pooping, issues with development, and more.
Breastfeeding is not recommended while on the IV form of this medication, because of the amount that may be passed into breast milk.
When a breastfeeding mother drinks alcohol, it passes into her breast milk at concentrations similar to that in her own bloodstream.
As the Mayo Clinic's website explains, while nearly any drug that's present in your bloodstream will pass into your breast milk to some extent, most medications do so at such low levels that they pose no real risk to most infants.
The official stance on medications and breastfeeding, supplied by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) website, is as follows: «Although many medications do pass into breast milk, most have no effect on milk supply or on infant well - being.
While nicotine does pass into breast milk, the biggest issue is the risk of secondhand smoke to the baby.
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