Sentences with phrase «to pass such legislation»

Let's dig just a little bit deeper and see where following the trail of passing such legislation logically leads.
Other states have successfully passed such legislation, although many are in the very early stages of implementing it.
Particularly if we're relying on these works to pass such legislation as cap and trade.
Many lawmakers have attempted to pass such legislation in state and city legislatures in years past and failed.
The window for passing such legislation is narrow, requiring that resolutions to overturn regulations be filed by the end of March.
If Parliamentarians could be convinced that assistance in suicide would only be available to a few very needy people who are suffering intolerably, and that sufficient «safeguards» would be put in place to obviate abuses, then they might have comfortably passed such legislation into the statute books.
However, that law only gives Congress 60 days to pass such legislation after a given rule goes into effect.
Michigan would be 24th of the 50 U.S. states to pass laws making it right - to - work, and the second in the industrial heartland of the country after Indiana passed such legislation earlier in 2012.
Last week, the Democratic governor signed an executive order allowing Schneiderman to oversee such cases, after the Legislature adjourned without passing any such legislation.
Yet only California has actually passed such legislation, and it only provides a weak alternative form that allows the failing staff to be dubiously «transformed» by additional training.
I am absolutely shocked and disappointed that the Omaha City Council would pass such an legislation targeting specific dogs.
Should the House pass such legislation and the Senate and House confer on these bills in order to reconcile differences between the two versions, please be assured that I will continue to keep your views in mind.
The U.S. Senate has twice passed legislation recognizing MFTs under Medicare (S 1 in 2003 and S 1932 in 2005), while the House also has twice passed such legislation (HR 3162 in 2007 and HR 3962 in 2009).
Oklahoma became the first state to pass such legislation in 2013.
Icarus... your idea of «safety derived from momentum» is still lost on me... I can't see any rational person who is on the fence about bike commuting think they should give it a try because they can now roll through stop signs... if lack of leg strength (which is a problem I don't have) is one of the only arguments for passing such legislation... what are the odds such a bill is going to pass?
As of January 2017 only one state, North Carolina, has passed such legislation into law.
Thompson said he'd like to see a higher minimum wage for New York City workers, but admitted the chances of passing such legislation are highly unlikely.
If Congress were to pass such legislation, state and local governments may be able to challenge it as infringing on the constitutionally protected authority of the states.
At that time, only a few states had passed such legislation and several others had the legislation in front of their Senate or House.
Silver Alert programs are enacted across the United States but Erie County is only the fifth county in New York to pass such legislation.
While bills promoting increased regulation have been introduced in both the state Assembly and the state Senate, Chin says Republican state senators are unlikely to pass such legislation.
Even though they would pass such legislation, users could find alternatives to express themselves and to communicate freely.
The Camden freeholders say they are only the fourth county governing body in the nation to pass such legislation.
Here is a list of the jurisdictions in the United States and Canada which have passed such legislation.
California is the first state to pass such legislation, though it is following dozens of its own cities and jurisdictions, which have passed similar measures on a smaller scale.
To date, thirty - one states have introduced pro-hemp legislation and nineteen have passed such legislation.
But according to Ronnie Cummins from the Organic Consumers Association (OCA), Monsanto is now threatening to sue the state of Vermont should it dare to pass such legislation, which has stalled it in committee.
Historical studies of the Ontario 1915 Workmen's Compensation Act highlight the important role played by the labour movement both in pressuring government to pass such legislation, and in shaping the final form of the Act.
The Chief Justice held that it was not impossible but that the laws so passed would have to abide the requirements imposed by s. 35: namely that a substantial and pressing objective is driving the Province to pass such legislation and that the impairment of the Aboriginal title is minimal and proportionate.
Kansas was the first State to pass such legislation in the spring of 1980, requiring revenues from surcharges placed on marriage licenses to be used to support child abuse prevention.
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