Sentences with phrase «to pass the legislature»

"To pass the legislature" means that a proposed law or bill has been approved by the members of the legislature and is now formally accepted and becomes a law. Full definition
Despite my objections, the bill passed the legislature and was signed into law in 2009.
The flawed legislation is likely to pass the legislature today.
If the revised standards pass the legislature, students would need to read at the proficient level to advance.
The Republican - written budget, which passed the legislature in mid-September with a smattering of Democratic support but was vetoed by Malloy, would have created more pain for many cities and towns, he said.
You mean to tell me that legislation that reforms a massive and massively corrupt entity like the Port Authority passed the legislatures in both Albany and Trenton and it doesn't suck?
This provides funding for the state to implement the Early Start Act, which passed the legislature with bipartisan support.
His resolution unanimously passed the legislature by a vote of 11 - 0 Thursday afternoon.
In order for the bill to become law, it has to pass the legislatures of both New York and New Jersey and both governors have to sign it.
The IDC continues to strongly support all ten points of the Governor's women's agenda and is committed to seeing all elements of both plans pass the legislature this session.»
The governor published an op - ed this week detailing the measures he's taken to protect transgender New Yorkers in the absence of GENDA passing the legislature, where it has been blocked by the Republican - controlled Senate.
We were skeptical about the commission when it came into being, and we're just as skeptical about whatever «new and improved» reform can pass a legislature still run by Shelly Silver.
«It is obvious that the governor's proposal, including his devastating cuts to certain core services and shifting of state expenses onto towns and cities, would not pass the legislature in its current form,» he said.
The proposal to convert five vehicles passed the legislature by a 14 - 9 vote amid howls of protest from a score of speakers that the move was just trading one fossil fuel for another.
Bloomberg's group, Mayors Against Illegal Guns, backed the gun control package, which expanded background checks on gun purchases and limited the size of ammunition magazines, that passed the legislature earlier this year.
In 2001, the Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) program overwhelmingly passed the legislature and was signed into law by former Governor Tom Ridge.
One change to New Jersey's charter school law passed the legislature yesterday, while talk mounts that a broader rewrite of the state's 15 - year - old statute governing the semi-autonomous schools may be in the offing.
This will be an even bigger problem especially starting next February,» Chiang predicted to ANIMALS 24 - 7, «when all of the shelters in Taiwan are to become no - kill shelters due to the new zero - euthanasia policy that passed the legislature last year.
If the United States left its emissions untouched for the next decade and then tried to hit its target for 2030, the necessary cuts would become so drastic and disruptive that they'd never pass the legislature.
Legislation to prohibit Private Transfer Fees before they become a problem in Michigan passed the legislature this summer, supported by the Michigan Association of REALTORS ®.
The new amendatory acts, which passed the legislature with strong bipartisan support, allow Michigan animal shelters to deny adoptions under certain circumstances and to consider prior criminal history before adoption.
Madigan, who had kept the bitter and racially charged Chicago City Council fight out of the capital until last week, suffered a jolt when 14 black Democrats threatened to abandon the party in the November election if the park district bill passed the legislature.
«In fact, he wrote and sponsored the most sweeping ethics reform legislation to pass the legislature in a generation.
A bill that requires all new smartphones sold in California to come loaded with a «kill switch» passed the legislature.
He has been a vocal proponent against religious liberty laws and has threatened to cut back on Salesforce's business in states in which they law has passed the legislature.
Just remember that it is the Year of the Bible in Pennsylvania which passed their legislature.
I think the administration has made a best approximation at a single payer system, which would not have passed the legislature but I think they have a flaw when they conflate the tax power with the policy details.
Senator John DeFrancisco joined us live on Monday night to talk about the budget bills that passed the legislature.
An MP embroiled in controversy is also a hopeless ideologue crushed by the realities of compromise in government, while a Tory party wrestles to gather a Commons consensus to pass legislature.
Cuomo says he'll by pass the legislature and create a state board to examine increasing the state's minimum wage for fast food workers.
Governor Malloy, who vetoed a Republican - backed budget that passed the legislature, says the lack of a budget is costing the state jobs.
On Thursday, Gov. Andrew Cuomo addressed legislation that would have given him a stronger majority on the MTA board, which also failed to pass the legislature in its final week.
While the other reforms simply need to pass the legislature, the pension changes must come with a constitutional amendment and voter approval in 2017.
The bill was amended on the day before it passed the legislature, so that parties not recognized by the FEC as national committees need a petition of 1 % of the number of registered voters.
A bill that would protect dedicated transit funds from being stolen by Albany failed to pass the legislature this year, leaving riders upstate and downstate at continued risk of further service cuts at the hands of the state budget process.
$ 15 dollar an hour as minimum wage phased in over 5 or more years is not crazy, in fact polling here in NY show it to be quite popular, besides when and if it passes the legislature it most likely won't be as high as $ 15 an hour.
Two weeks ago Malloy vetoed a Republican - backed budget that passed the legislature.
If it passes the legislature, Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz has until October 2 to sign it in order for the act to be placed on the ballot in November.
Both passed the legislature unanimously, and both were endorsed by more than a dozen newspaper editorials and numerous civic groups.
The congestion pricing plan faces big hurdles in Albany, where it would have to pass the legislature.
The governor says he's been offered «no assurances» that it will pass the legislature.
It passed the legislature and took effect in 2009.
If the bill passes the legislature and Cuomo signs it, it becomes law.
In an interview Wednesday Mahoney said she expects the measure will pass the legislature and doesn't see a good reason for lawmakers to oppose it.
Governor may exercise line - item veto power over overall state budget plan, which passed legislature but has yet to reach his desk.
How fast any changes could pass the legislature before its session ends at the end of this month is unclear.
Backed by a wide coalition of education leaders and lawmakers, HB 2078 passed the legislature with unanimous support.
The program, which passed the legislature and was signed into a law, gives families money to pay for private school tuition, online courses, tutoring, postsecondary schools, textbooks and technology.
After it passes the legislature, the amendment question is placed on the next general election ballot, which will be in November 2012.
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