Sentences with phrase «to pay back the money someone borrowed»

It is always a better option to leave the risk with financial lending institutions, if you have any doubts whatsoever of paying back the money borrowed from those close to you.
Once the loan comes due, graduates must pay back the money they borrowed in monthly installments that include interest.
This protects the bank in the event that you die and can no longer pay back the money you borrowed.
A Debt Settlement Agreement is used when a debtor is unable to pay back money borrowed in full.
Luke Wilson is Alex, a bestselling writer of romantic comedy novels, who finds himself in a pickle when two large Cuban men threaten his life because he can't pay back the money he borrowed due to a gambling addiction.
You then pay back the money you borrow, usually at a fixed interest rate, each month, much like you do with your first mortgage.
An Open mortgage is one where you can pay back the money you borrowed at any time, without penalty.Choosing a fixed - rate allows you to lock - in a set mortgage payment each month for the length of the term, without worrying about fluctuations in the bank's prime rate and the Bank of Canada's overnight rate.
As long as you have a steady income and resources to pay back money borrowed on time, a cash advance from a short - term loan company could help you out faster than your own bank, as most operate 365 days a year and can get cash to you quickly, some even operating 24 - hours a day.
Paying back the money you borrow hurts but it's the interest rate that does you in.
Lenders love it when you keep a low amount of debt compared to the credit you have available, because it's an indication that you'll have little trouble paying back the money you borrowed.
The advantage of negatively amortizing loans is that you can control cash flow (relatively stable payment), take advantage of low interest rates relative to the market at any given time, and pay back the money borrowed today at a depreciated value years from now (because of natural inflation).
Tidewater Community College has the right idea with having students put together a financial plan that involves paying back any money borrowed.
However, keep in mind that borrowing your cash value from your policy is not always the best choice because you will have to pay back that money you borrowed other wise you will end up minimizing your death benefit.
So the USA doesn't EVER have to pay back the money we borrowed from US citizens or foreigners who bought our debt!!!
The security interest allows the lender to foreclose on your home if you don't pay back the money you borrowed.
Don't forget, with both federal and private student loans, you'll have to pay back the money you borrow plus interest.
Just like your car or college loan, you will pay back the money you borrowed from your lender (most likely a bank) with interest — a percentage of the principal that you borrowed.
Knowing which route to choose rests largely on your answer to the question of how quickly (or not) you can pay back any money you borrow.
Once your emergency has passed, and you have paid back any money you borrowed, it's a good time to set up a new savings account with automatic monthly deposits, so that you'll be better prepared for whatever the future brings you.
Yee, for instance, has every intention to paying back the money she borrowed from her RRSP.
By demonstrating that you can pay back the money you borrow, in small or large amounts, you are establishing your credit history or credit worthiness which is reflected by your credit score.
If they fall, you still have to pay back the money you borrowed.
Remember, success isn't guaranteed and if your business fails, you'll still have to pay back any money you borrow.
, although payday loan debt might seem different than standard personal loan or credit card debt, they work the same way if you're unable to pay back the money you borrowed.
According to this article by National Debt Relief, although payday loan debt might seem different than standard personal loan or credit card debt, they work the same way if you're unable to pay back the money you borrowed.
Excluding interest, this is the amount you owe in order to pay back the money borrowed from the lender.
If you do change your mind you'll need to pay back any money borrowed and return (or make alternative payment arrangements) any linked goods, eg, a cooker purchased with a store's loan.
It shows the bank, credit union or credit company you can be trusted to pay back the monies you borrow.
As long as you pay back the money you borrow within the «grace period» of 25 - 30 days, you don't have to pay extra.
As with federal student loans, you'll have to pay back the money you borrowed, plus interest.
Investors who get a margin call are forced to come up with cash to pay back the money they borrowed, usually by selling more stock.
This is because you have to pay back the money you borrowed plus interest, fees and charges (depending on how much you borrow).
Your credit score doesn't measure if you can afford something (if you are needing to borrow then it is clear that you can not afford it at this moment or else you would just pay cash for it); it measures your ability to pay back money you borrowed.
As with federal student loans, you will have to pay back the money you borrowed, plus interest.
Your score tells any readers how good you're in paying back the money you borrowed.
The loan servicers and banks make money is you simply follow the terms of your loan agreement and pay them back the money you borrowed.
The most important part about building credit is demonstrating you can pay back the money you borrow to prove to creditors and lenders you consistently and responsibly manage debt.
Typically $ 300 to $ 500, this security deposit assures creditors that you will, indeed, pay back the money you borrow.
The answer is because they want to have a personal guarantee that you are going to pay back the money you borrow.
The answer is because they want to have a personal guarantee that you are going to pay back the money you borrow.
You can pay back the money plus accrued interest or, if you choose to not pay back the money borrowed, it will simply be deducted when the policy's death benefit is paid, or else deducted from the cash value when the policy is cashed in.
By 1991, all three credit reporting agencies were using a FICO model to generate a number between 300 - 850 that quantifies an individual's ability to pay back money borrowed.
Then you pay back the money you borrowed, plus interest, and profit from the difference.
For more than a century, rating companies have published information helping investors gauge the likelihood that companies and governments will be able to pay back the money they borrow.
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