Sentences with phrase «to pay more attention to»

"To pay more attention to" means to focus or concentrate on something or someone with greater care, interest, or consideration. Full definition
It's time for pet owners to educate themselves on vaccines and start paying more attention to what vets are doing.
But I think its leadership needs to start paying more attention to how stakeholders — including the media — use reports.
I can think of those times I let myself go overdraft on my checking, wondering why I didn't pay more attention to how much money I had remaining in my account.
There is good evidence to suggest that we are making a serious mistake by not paying more attention to curriculum, classroom materials, and instructional design.
Some scientists think people pay more attention to faces from their own race or respond to them with greater emotion, and as a result remember them with greater accuracy.
Women senior men online pay more attention to detailed personal information of every man's profile.
With one less thing to add to your must - have list, you can pay more attention to other qualities and characteristics that matter to you.
In other words, those who pay more attention to how others express warmth may be attentive to warmth in general, including actual physical warmth.
While a conscientious drive must still devote considerable attention to the smooth follow of a trailer, they can now pay more attention to what is before them because of trailer sway detection programs.
You're so right about the details, and it's something I've started to pay more attention to when choosing my wardrobe.
This it does by ignoring short term gains and by paying more attention to long term opportunities.
If the substitute pays more attention to students who are behaving appropriately than to students who are not, they will be encouraging appropriate behavior.
Lenders are also paying more attention to debt ratios these days.
Start paying more attention to things that matter to your partner: the names of their colleagues and cousins, your anniversary date and their food preferences, for example.
In a recent study, researchers examined whether women pay more attention to men's status cues when women are most fertile.
The survey also revealed that consumers are paying more attention to food safety with 41 % of respondents saying they worry about food safety, a 5 % increase on the 2014 figures.
A recent study suggests that both men and women actually pay more attention to faces than they do to bodies when looking for a long - term lover.
Earlier this year, he asked inspectors to pay more attention to children who have been «off - rolled» and placed into other centres.
He said many companies pay more attention to securing laptop computers and other portable technology, while failing to protect equipment in their offices.
I don't know about you, but I definitely pay more attention to my print mail.
I now pay more attention to which papers are cited most and which talks my audiences react best to.
You probably pay more attention to good things; you may ignore some bad things.
By connecting to volunteers of information, permission marketing guarantees that consumers pay more attention to law firm's online marketing message.
High implementation schools paid more attention to the prescribed seven - step implementation process and displayed a higher level of involvement of all stakeholders, including the active involvement of the school leadership team.
It is to me more likely that we are simply paying more attention to what judges do, and are less tolerant of some types of judicial behaviour.
I'm going to pay more attention to price action trading strategy.
They may likely pay more attention to the overall credit utilization ratio.
$ 1 · This is a great way to work through distractions plus have your dog pay more attention to you.
I believe my students are always smart, but sometimes need pay more attention to make it work efficiently.
This means tech leaders need to be adamant about finding data - driven ways to assess employee engagement and happiness so they can pay more attention to high - potential yet restless employees.
This might be helpful if you're feeling frustrated by your child's behaviour and have been paying more attention to negative behaviour.
It's too bad that there aren't more movies like this around — movies that tackle political corruption in a way that challenges viewers to pay more attention to real politics.
He is looking for acquisitions, as long as they make sense, but he wants to pay more attention to building existing brands too.
Employers usually pay more attention to the big - ticket relocation items like home sales, household goods and taxes.
Well the last guy i went out with i found out that this man had a very bad past, women please pay more attention to whom you are involve with.
When reporting on similar studies, does the media pay more attention to those that are more negative about school choice?
Have you ever wondered why some candidates pay more attention to certain states and completely ignore others?
We just wish the designers paid more attention to the controls and did something dramatic with the gameplay.
I think the fact that you're paying more attention to labels, portion control and just that you're thinking about the things you put in your body is a huge success!
Both equipment manufacturers and government regulators paying more attention to such online threats.
If, for example, a video didn't pull well via search, then you know you need to pay more attention to keywords in future video descriptions.
So take it from someone that does nt even support this guy, if this was as extreme as he gets I might even pay more attention to him.
They certainly pay more attention to weather than most people (perhaps skeptical bloggers are the only ones that pay more attention than they do).
Pay more attention to preserving fabrics when washing at home and reduce the need to go to the dry cleaners by 50 %.

Phrases with «to pay more attention to»

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