Sentences with phrase «to pay out of one's own pocket»

However, raising your deductible leaves you on the hook for paying out of pocket for small repairs and other losses.
Your deductible is the amount of money you're expected to pay out of pocket before coverage kicks in.
The right policy can also protect you from paying out of pocket if you are found responsible for a guest's bodily injuries.
A deductible is the amount of money you as a policyholder pay out of pocket when you file a claim for damages or loss.
The extra you'll pay on your premiums is worth it if it helps you avoid paying out of pocket in the event of an accident.
Property damage liability coverage can help prevent you from paying out of pocket for repairs or replacement to someone else's vehicle or property if you're found at fault for an accident.
If you have any of these structures on your property, it's a good idea to insure them to avoid the risk of paying out of pocket if an accident occurs.
Finally, please remember that our clients pay no out of pocket expenses for these cases and payment is only provided if we win.
If so, you may receive reimbursement by your insurance company, even if you have to pay out of pocket at first.
While coverage for your bike is not typically mandatory, collision and comprehensive coverage may help you avoid paying out of pocket for repairs or a new bike after an accident or theft.
A deductible is the amount you would pay out of pocket toward a covered loss at the time of a claim.
Our foster parents DO NOT pay out of pocket for expenses while fostering ANY animals in our Rescue.
So what can you do to decrease the amount of money paid out of your pocket over the life of a home mortgage?
Although this will be enough to drive legally, experts recommend getting more than the bare minimum to avoid paying out of pocket after serious crashes.
Medical treatments that you're paying out of pocket on an installment plan may also play a role depending on how timely you pay off the balance.
If you're in an accident, you may have to pay out of pocket with these minimum required limits.
If you have only minimum coverage, you'll be stuck paying out of pocket for damages to your vehicle.
If your television is destroyed, then you are going to be able to have it replaced without paying out of your pocket for it.
Points are paid out of pocket by the borrower in order to give the lender an incentive to offer a lower overall interest rate.
A small scratch in your paint or a cracked windshield may be an expense that is better paid out of your pocket rather than filing a claim.
As there is no pharmacy network, you will have to first pay out of your pocket.
It was such a relief to know I didn't have to worry about paying out of pocket for everything which amounted to thousands!
As a result, many families paid out of pocket, out of desperation, or simply went without needed services.
Teachers typically pay out of their pocket all year long to make sure their kids have the opportunity to learn.
Even paying out of pocket for a healthy number of trips around the country to see family, domestic flights don't really rack up a lot of points to spend on vacations.
Therefore, even though you're not explicitly putting down a deposit, you're still paying out of pocket.
That way, only the wealthy who could afford to pay out of pocket anyway are getting out of paying for health insurance.
Best practice here is to pay a monthly premium you're comfortable with but also take into account how much you can afford to pay out of pocket later.
To keep your premiums low, select as large a deductible as you feel comfortable paying out of pocket.
Imagine no more paying out of pocket, submitting paper claims, then waiting for approval and reimbursement.
In short, if 10 % of people paid out of pocket for for - profit education, there must be a reason, right?
Is that money that you can pay out of pocket today if a disastrous scenario were to occur?
If it's a minor incident, you might consider paying out of pocket for any medical expenses in an attempt to avoid the claims process and a potential increase in your premiums.
If you choose a plan like that to keep your monthly premiums down make sure you set aside a fair amount of money to help pay the out of pocket expenses of your policy.
Any amounts that exceed your policy's coverage will have to be paid out of pocket since you're at fault.
But if you use credit cards responsibly and are already paying out of pocket for the free services they provide, they can be financially worthwhile.
This means that a broken arm caused by a football accident may leave the policy holder paying out of pocket for a medical bill costing potentially thousands of dollars.
For those not familiar with the term, a deductible is an amount of money that you will pay out of pocket towards any claimed losses.
Government spending on education further reduced and people with children paying out of pocket for competent schools.
If I can put up with paying out of pocket same as a renter, might be able to make some money on appreciation.
A supplement option paid out of pocket should be available to the patient, but not paid by the business.
Or, if you're at a hotel and you don't mind paying out of pocket, you could ask hotel personnel for a recommendation to a local physician.
Are candidates paying out of pocket, or do they get some sort of compensation during their training?
If you want to keep your premiums low, you will be at liberty to choose a deductible that you can easily pay out of pocket in case of any accident.
You can always opt, however, to keep your current insurance policy on your home and continue paying it out of your pocket each month.
The thought of damaging the vehicle and having to pay out of pocket races through your mind.
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