Sentences with phrase «to peel»

«We didn't do a good job peeling back the anger toward the establishment and Washington.»
Spanish company, Pelamatic, sells automatic fruit - peeling machines that could make the lives of fruit fans much easier.
Legere keeps the pace rapid and the tone solicitous, doling out cash rewards (peeled off a stash of rolled - up $ 20 bills) for those brave enough to query him.
The backstory here is I had been sunburned the previous week, and was starting to peel.
Peeling, flaking, redness, and any sort of burning or tingling sensations that accompany those are all «signs of chronic inflammation,» according to Dr. Karyn Grossman.
She looked right into my eyes and whispered, «I want to peel all your skin off.»
Each cover slide comes with an adhesive sticker, which you peel off and stick to your device; all you have to do is line up the cover with the camera on your phone, tablet, or computer.
But if you keep going, and live with the problem and peel more layers of the onion off, you can often times arrive at some very elegant and simple solutions.»
They'll love ya'til they don't (hello, Groupon); they're always waiting for you to slip on that banana peel and take a tumble.
Or does it seem more probable he sees Trump as the likeliest tool for achieving his long - held vision of peeling back the tentacles of government and freeing up individuals like himself to build new worlds?
His favorite lesson: Good things come to those who keep their eyes peeled.
Legere earned money making fries at a fast - food chain, running a ride at an amusement park, washing floors at a candy store, making plastic cowboy hats and peeling potatoes in a diner — the list goes on.
The peeled shrimp and bacon one ($ 19) at Vancouver's Bacchus is a cut above.
For the business owners that were «late to the party» for Yelp and Google Reviews, here's your chance at redemption, so keep your eyes peeled.
The plus - sized peeler act served as a mission statement for the show: don't expect these fat folks to fret constantly about their girth.
And as you peel back that social conditioning around the idea that admitting you have a beauty routine must mean you're frivolous or maybe shouldn't be taken too seriously, you start to realize almost every woman has something to say — «Actually, I've been using this same mascara for 10 years, and it's the most amazing product.
And really, when all the gloss gets peeled back, what will the real purpose of social be in the years to come?
Plastic from Pineapple and Peels?
On day two she peeled off the smoke - tinted window film that shielded the C - suite from view and tore down fencing around the executive parking lot.
Keep your eyes peeled for individuals and businesses that might buy from you, and the earlier the better.
At the same time, we're doing enforcement activity in our remote [exclusive economic zones] to make sure that there's not illegal fishing activity taking place, and we were not seeing that activity, but it was peeling off a lot of our resources toward what I would consider a relatively benign threat, and then we're providing other resources to do exercises with the military in the remote parts of the world but with really no strategic outcome that I could discern where the Coast Guard was providing a unique capability.
«This is why you can have one airline lose 10 % of its market cap for breaking a guitar, but another airline can have its roofs peeling off its planes in mid-flight and barely break the front page.
Someone like that would have a shot at peeling away Trump's core support.
Each facet of the due diligence peels back another layer of the onion and raises further questions about risk.
But casual supporters with a broad clientele have peeled away, leaving niche concerns motivated by ideology.
Brazilian scientists have developed a process to take the cellulose fibers of agave, pineapples and banana peels and turn it into lighter, stronger and more eco-friendly plastics.
In a sense, this is simply an effort to peel the consumer onion a little more and get tighter and tighter views, but at the moment no one is even thinking about looking at the customer through this new lens.
It was such a scene that her father had to peel her off the door (don't know where the husband was, probably cowering) and people who didn't know her that well all left.
That number might sound like a lot, but it's nothing when you factor in the 17.5 million minimally invasive procedures, like fillers, chemical peels, Botox, and laser hair removal.
Dermabrasions can be performed on small areas or the entire face and can be combined with other procedures such as facelifts, scar removal or revision, or chemical peels.
A quick press and peel later and the gold KnowRoaming circuitry is affixed.
Target will revitalize sad - sack shopping plazas characterized by peeling paint and potholes in the empty parking lots.
Charred wallpaper has peeled away from the walls.
«They cut him from his sternum to his pubic bone, peeled him open, and took everything out and put it all back,» James says.
The nose packs lots of citrus: lemon, lime, grapefruit and toasted citrus peel, with a whisper of wood and spice.
Kids peel each layer, revealing tiny bags filled with trinkets, stickers, messages or other doll accessories as they go.
While the FDA has concluded that pesticide residues pose no risk of concern for infants and children, certain kinds of conventionally grown produce contain higher doses of pesticides — even when washed and peeled — which means you should prioritize buying them organic.
You feel like you can peel off a Netflix movie or a high - res photo as though it were a high - quality brochure, and it's an engrossing way to work.
Those are still popular this year, as well as small Hatchimals eggs that need to be peeled by hand.
I was reluctant to peel back the curtain and expose the numbers.
«They might start peeling back the onion and looking at how the company is managed, and not like what they find.»
Ask for a volunteer to continue by peeling another word from the wall.
Nestled between an organic - food market and a sushi restaurant in the hip Bushwick neighborhood of Brooklyn, the door is plastered with peeling stickers for obscure punk and indie rock bands.
You get a craving for food you know is bad for you, but you're just too lazy to peel yourself from the couch to go get it.
Peeling back the sticker on my coin felt eerily like rolling up the rim on a Tim Horton's cup.
Peeled Snacks makes healthy snacks like organic dried fruits that are natural sources of fiber and have no added sugar.
Since 2010, Dubner has been hosting «Freaknomics Radio,» which peels back at least one extra layer more than anyone else.
Still, he made the best of it, peeling potatoes in his father's restaurant as a kid, and later working as a car salesman and a bail bondsman.
Of course, Welch could peel the onion or dive deep whenever he needed to.
Smart data cuts to the heart of the issue faster, allowing executives to peel back the layers of extraneous or distracting information and look directly at the important issues,» says Koeck.
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