Sentences with phrase «to pick up the signal»

Despite attempts to locate monitoring sites in places not affected by human activities, the stations are picking up signals of human influence throughout the Caribbean basin.
The more seizures you are prone to, the more opportunities your dog has for picking up signals that a seizure is coming.
On an exposition, our hero picks up a signal coming from a burned out building.
And then the satellite picked up those signals, incorporated it into the model component of the program, and ended up with what you see above?
An app on your smartphone could presumably pick up those signals and be programmed to let you know when that avocado sitting on your counter is perfectly ready to become guacamole.
The navigators aboard Delphy did have radio direction finding (RDF) equipment, which picked up signals from a station at Point Arguello, but RDF was new and the bearings obtained were dismissed as unreliable.
Suburbanites and rural citizens may prefer amplified antennas, which pick up signals over a range of about 50 miles, but also cost more.
The laptop works out the ship's position by picking up signals from Global Positioning System satellites.
Tracking units were also found to have problems picking up signals in buildings, and tall structures could block or distort the signals.
A ball moving into the field disturbs it and the antennas pick up a signal characteristic of the ball's trajectory.
It works by picking up signals sent from your brain when you think about saying something
Electrodes on their brains picked up the signals directing the cursor to move, sending them to an amplifier and then a laptop to be analyzed.
Radio astronomers are aware in the back of their minds that if there are other civilizations out there in space, it might be the radio astronomers who first pick up the signal.
Radar observations are unusual in astronomy because they aren't just about picking up signals from the universe around us.
Spanning the entire spectrum of creation, whether in terms of sex, politics, or religion, Christians affirm that God is speaking through the law written on human hearts, with individual consciences picking up the signals, either accusing or excusing them, until that day when God will finally judge all things by the criterion of Jesus Christ (Romans 1:15 — 16).
* the Montgomery glans on your nipples (the little bumps) actually pick up signals from your child's saliva which tells your body how to change the milk to meet your baby or toddlers needs for that day.
The Northern Youth for Peace and Development (NYUPED), a civil society pressure group headquartered in Tamale, the Northern regional capital, says it has picked up signals showing that Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia is being downgraded in the Akufo - Addo government.
If you've ever wondered what happens at a place full of huge missiles, Nathaniel Gill with the Missile Defense Agency said on the outside it's pretty quiet, but indoors computers pick up signals from everything being launched into the air all over the world.
Electrodes stuck onto his skin picked up the signals and relayed them to sensors on the prosthesis (above), which interpreted how he wanted to move.
On Earth, listening stations picked up the signal and tracked Schiaparelli's descent to Mars — even seeing a fluctuation likely due to the lander's successful deployment of its parachutes.
Further experimentation showed Lagasse that if he injected hepatocytes directly into the lymph nodes, the cells picked up signaling proteins (essentially SOS signals to grow) released into the bloodstream from the dying liver.
In two star - forming regions of the galaxy, ALMA picked up signals emanating from three complex organic molecules, including dimethyl ether and methyl formate, which had not previously been detected outside our own galaxy.
Cells in the bone marrow then pick up the signal and pre-program monocytes with the appropriate function to either protect or repair.
Ground stations have intermittently picked up signals apparently from the spacecraft on four occasions, raising hopes that the main body of the craft might be intact.
So when scientists picked up signals suggesting the volcano was stirring, they were justifiably worried.
When the first rat pressed one of two levers, either right or left, an electrode in its cortex picked up a signal.
A female spider can pick up the signal with parallel slits on its legs, known as the lyriform organ, which change shape under tiny forces.
Swift's X-Ray Telescope trained itself on GRB 090423 just 73 seconds after the satellite's Burst Alert instrument picked up the signal of the event, and Tanvir's team had the U.K. Infra - Red Telescope on Mauna Kea in Hawaii looking at the afterglow just 20 minutes after the burst.
In a new study, researchers picked up signals of the chemical compounds indigotin and indirubin, the key components of indigo dye, they report today in Science Advances.
«Although we have now completed our analysis of these signals, Curtin's Centre for Marine Science and Technology still has several recorders deployed that could conceivably have picked up signals relating to MH370.
As the smolts made the 1,000 - kilometre journey to the Pacific Ocean, acoustic receivers picked up the signals from the tags to monitor how many fish survived the migration.
Previous generations picked up signals first via electrical leads placed on the scalp, then by being surgically positioned at the brain's surface beneath the skull.
These interfaces pick up signals in the user's brain, bypass the damaged nerves, and allow the user to literally think his or her way through writing a letter on a computer screen or controlling a prosthetic hand.
But once the temperature fell, the niobium started to superconduct, and the accelerometers suddenly picked up a signal (Gravity's secret).
On Nov. 11, 2014, a global network of telescopes picked up signals from 300 million light - years away that were created by a tidal disruption flare — an explosion of electromagnetic energy that occurs when a black hole rips apart a passing star.
I definitely recommend this to bw who may be having a hard time picking up signals from wm. Use every option out there to possibly find someone.
An electronics expert searching for evidence of aliens picks up signals that he believes are from an alien spacecraft — and they are coming from a lake near town.
Especially when the signal party, after successfully picking up a signal, hears a terrifying looped message over the transceiver...
Two days ago I put the lens of this setup on the charts and picked up signals on AUDNZD and USDSGD.
The tracking device has several benefits - it is small enough to fit a cat's collar comfortably, you don't need to pay a data subscription, and it should pick up a signal within 400 feet.
Automated telemetry systems that would sweep the island picking up signal from all foxes on a daily basis and reporting to a single terminal.
The court agreed with the proposition by the government that users know that they convey their location when they make these calls, and that if they can not pick up a signal they are likely out of range from a tower.
The phone would lose network in areas where my other phone HTC 8X would have no issues picking up signals.
A nonamplified antenna picks up signals across a range of about 20 miles and is ideal for people in urban areas, who tend to live close to broadcast towers.
The research has revealed that a receptor called «P2Y2 - R», which picks up the signals to switch on this pump, is blocked when infected by the Toxoplasma gondii parasite.
It works by picking up signals sent from your brain when you think about saying something
Galileo - SmartLVS includes a 3D magnetic field antenna for picking up signals, an analog - digital converter, a satellite navigation receiver, acceleration sensors and a reserve battery.
Neuroscientist Gerwin Schalk of the New York State Department of Health has found that test sensors placed on the outside of human brains pick up signals that can identify spoken or imagined words.
The Square Kilometre Array should be able to pick up signals coming from aliens living halfway around the galaxy.
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