Sentences with phrase «to plagiarise»

Moreover, there is a probability of plagiarised work in the homework as student tends to take references from many other sources, so the reliability of the work decreases and students end up scoring low grades in their academics.
Please don't accuse the mods on SG for plagiarising content on here guys, unless you have convincing evidence.
Majority of the essay writing services offer you with plagiarised papers in exchange for a lump sum amount of money.
Hillary Clinton's long - time pastor has apologised for plagiarising the writings of another minister in... More
Plus holy water sprinkled onto plagiarised paper, quantum socks show entanglement, minister targets laser pens, and more
SNSM's characters are somewhat plagiarised from Street Fighter, and some of these characters would go onto appear in the Street Fighter series in different guises.
Submitting plagiarised content can create problems for clients and affect your career and reputation.
To give you a Canadian example, the CBoC recebtly got nailed with plagiarised material in their report on illegal file - sharing.
You need to have permission to use the photos and you can't plagiarise other people's diagrams.
- and neither new in Brown's work nor a case of Brown plagiarising other people's efforts.
The 34 - year - old artist shrugged off suggestions that much of his work was plagiarised by saying he simply wanted to take the work of great artists to a new audience.
A leading member of the Shadow Cabinet plagiarised Barack Obama in her acceptance speech after being re-elected last year, PoliticsHome can reveal...
There are some shady authors out there in the erotic arena who are shamelessly plagiarising material and masquerading it as their own.
When writing services have a pay for essay option for your essay help, you don't want to be penalized for submitting plagiarised work because universities are now getting strict on their policies.
Our academic writers offer plagiarised and proofreading facility so that students can avail the original assignment work with ease.
For example, if an author plagiarised several paragraphs from a story you've written, that author may be liable for that infringement.
If you are wondering how to plagiarise without getting caught, you aren't alone.
Originality The custom essay writing service comprises of a group of talented writers who are acknowledged for preserving their repute by providing the students with accurate and plagiarised piece of work.
That Wegman's demolition of Mann's shoddy statistics may be somewhat plagiarised, does not in any way invalidate his argument or revive the Hockey Stick.
There are also risks of being plagiarised which it is very difficult to act against.
In my more recent life as an editor, I've seen highly paid consultants plagiarise other reports I've edited and (gasp) wikipedia!
C'm on man this is not the day after Pearl harbour Plagiarising is cool tho
Maybe uniport where your dumbo Jona plagiarised to buy his PhD.
If this were in the academia, they would be guilty of plagiarism, but because it's politics, they are shamelessly plagiarising Ortom's idea and imitating his mode of empowerment without acknowledging him as the source and inspiration.
He himself admitted that he often ruthlessly plagiarised.
Adult / Inappropriate / Duplicate or Plagiarised written Profile Content.
French Hachim Bahous has claimed the Star Wars artwork plagiarises his album posters from 2015.
He may well plagiarise but his knowledge of world cinema and the heavy influence it has on his films, in some ways, allows a wider audience to access some wonderful cinematic ideas they normally wouldn't.
For example, the Unicheck Plagiarism Checker Add - on for Google Docs allows students to not just avoid accidental or intentional plagiarising, but also check their citations and references.
Original, Relevant, Non Plagiarised, and Confidential Work: Our writing is original and well researched providing you high quality content that is unmatched in terms of its relevancy and meeting the requirements.
Here you just run the risk of submitting plagiarised documents that would not only fetch would poor marks but also get you in the bad book of your professors.
«The game takes inspiration from / plagiarises everything from Monty Python to Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
Enslaved: Odyssey to the West preview — looking incredible, despite blatantly plagiarising certain elements of other games (namely Prince of Persia and Uncharted)
The Turner Prize winning Artist Anish Kapoor has been infuriated by a Chinese sculpture clearly plagiarising his iconic «Cloud Gate» AKA «The bean» sculpture in Chicago.
The Chinese known for their knockoffs have already plagiarised a building complex by Zaha Hadid and have made reproductions of a number of Jeff Koons» «Balloon Dog» polished steel sculptures.
Even those outside of the graphic design bubble will have seen their work: this is the gang behind that oft - plagiarised John & Paul & Ringo & George T - shirt, set out in Helvetica and reinventing the band top in doing so.
In several instances since 1999, Hirst's works have been challenged and contested as plagiarised, both in written articles by journalists and artists, and, in one instance, through legal proceedings which led to an out - of - court settlement.
The Stuckists suggested Hirst may have seen this at the time and copied it, and pointed out that whether Hirst plagiarised Saunders work or not, Saunders was the real pioneering artist.
He has even been known to plagiarise portions!
Plagiarised within ten minutes in a tweet response I was already doing to a programmer friend who's become a behavioural economist of late.
Accused of submitting plagiarised contracted reports on water issues to the Hasan Foundation.
There obviously are real gains that come from that approach but to plagiarise Verna Allee somewhat, the high end delivery bit on KM comes from gaining understanding and actions that result.
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