Sentences with phrase «to play a central role»

And the environment committee, which plays a central role in writing climate and energy legislation, hasn't held a hearing on climate science since early 2009.
Much of the focus at the new clinic is on therapies involving T cells, which play a central role in the immune system.
The team also plays a central role in driving and supporting the annual succession planning as part of the overall management strategy of identifying and growing internal managers and leaders (More).
Here the so - called bipolar cells play a central role, as the first retinal layer to process the output of the light - sensitive cells in the eye.
Teachers play a central role in supporting children who are starting formal schooling for the first time to settle in.
Culture plays a central role in shaping young children's social - emotional and behavioral development, influencing parenting behaviors and understanding mental health.
Parents often play a central role in developmental screenings of their children.
Principals play a central role in creating schools in which students thrive academically and the teaching staff is strong, stable, and supported.
The delegation leaders play a central role in the negotiation of the city's budget, making their selection important to the entire borough.
Free markets play a central role here in determining new investment patterns that will help us to adapt.
If you want to boost your fertility as a female and increase your chance of conception — your diet plays a central role.
Political parties play a central role in Canadian democracy and government, representing an important link between the state and society.
Although the company has continued to expand its footprint, it is still a small enough organization that everyone in its central office plays a central role in its growth.
By regularly attending services and social events at a place of worship, your toddler will come to see that spirituality plays a central role in the life of the community.
The liver plays a central role in all metabolic processes, including breaking down fats to produce energy.
For our purposes here, it does not currently play a central role.
This collaboration plays a central role in our strategy to build engagement with our clients and candidates.
The relation or tension between text and image plays a central role in her work, and with its attendant processes of visualization, interpretation, perception, manipulation, and translation.
Since attachment plays a central role in theories of social and emotional development, the scientific study of attachment has remained in the forefront of developmental psychology for the past several decades.
Within native title negotiations, this requires that traditional owners play a central role.
While the child welfare system has been plagued with challenges in recent years, it still plays a central role in the child and family service delivery system.
Early secure attachments with a stable primary caregiver play a central role in a young child's social, emotional, and cognitive development.
And we know of course, that small businesses play a central role in that, accounting for around 45 % of employment and about 35 % of output nationally.
This group of about 800 receptors plays a central role in transferring signals from the environment into the cell and is of great interest for drug development.
Recent research finds that melting sea ice plays a central role in this accelerated warming.
In larvae, the fat body plays a central role in regulating systemic growth in response to dietary protein [10].
Because dogs communicate with energy, our personal energy plays a central role in our relationship with them.
When we break property investment down to its basic core, we see that people's access to funding plays a central role.
We developed a 60 - item version of the scale to provide high levels of precision and power for smaller studies and studies in which these constructs play central roles.
Implementation research plays a central role in understanding and improving interventions at each stage of the cycle.
Content plays a central role in telling a company's story, so it's important to control the message and track when, how and by whom it's being received.
Part of that success is due to the progress we've made in evolving from diversity to inclusion, which I strongly believe plays a central role in driving productivity, innovation and growth.
In the making of such persons, integral occupations play a central role.
She's an atheist and I am agnostic, and I don't see religion playing a central role in our son's life.
Positive social support in essential relationships of new mothers plays a central role in the promotion of breastfeeding outside of the confines of medical centers.
The local community played a central role in shaping the vision.
The king played the central role in demanding a National government be formed.
It is a well - understood consequence of the electoral college that only a handful of swing states ever play a central role in picking the president.
One widely discussed idea is that educational and science knowledge differences play a central role in the public's beliefs about science topics.
One particular network that was especially affected plays a central role in the brain, essentially «holding it all together», and is linked to our sense of self.
The continental ice sheets play a central role in climate.
However, this study shows that view needs to change because many insects and soil organisms play a central role, alongside plants, in supplying the services we depend on.
Such epigenetic marks play a central role in the regulation of the genome's expression.
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