Sentences with phrase «to play for a few minutes»

Playing it on a computer seems arbitrary, especially since you're only usually playing it for a few minutes at a time.
This group may only play for a few minutes until they build up endurance or you find something that they really enjoy.
At release it was common to see complaints from players about getting a headache after playing for a few minutes.
That being said, it's still enjoyable to play for a few minutes here and there.
In that case, the Heat should just try to find someone who can play for a few minutes if someone gets hurt and then be ready to contribute in a couple years.
They are entirely self - contained, and this is a game you can just jump in to play for a few minutes whenever the time crops up.
There isn't much more to say about this one, except that it's worth playing for a few minutes.
The structure of the game felt based around playing it for a few minutes a day, as long sessions could become repetitive.
Having something I can play for a few minutes on the subway helps me get through the day.
There were times where I simply played for a few minutes and times where I played for far too long.
The dog played for a few minutes with the kids and then jumped onto the sofa and promptly went to sleep.
After playing it for a few minutes it turns out to be quite a brutal and competitive game.
I might end up only playing for a few minutes, but it's cool to go in there and see what's cooking.
The game is super addictive as it has that «one more try» feel about it and it's easy to just pick up and play for a few minutes then come back to it later on — which made it perfect for a mobile game, the question is, did it transfer well to a home console version?
So if rain has stopped play for a few minutes take a look at our Best Bits this week for inspiration from the wonderful world of weddings.
I can just play for a few minutes, or for an hour if I want to try to get all 12 artifacts.»]
Markovic should also return alongwith Glen Johnson who played for few minutes in the last game after returning from his injury.
Robin and I had a play date in the play yard, and mostly they ignored each other but they did play for a few minutes.
As the story progresses, you'll spend most of your time as Mario, but will get to play for a few minutes as Peach and as Bowser between each chapter of the main story.
I have only played them for a few minutes yet, but for what I can tell you: Split / Second is a dynamic racing game witch charged visuals, in which racing is joint to explosive events on the road.
The Nintendo Switch is an amazing gaming system that lets you jump into a world of play for a few minutes or a few hours.
While I was only able to listen to the music Google played for a few minutes, it was loud enough to fill a medium sized room comfortably.
Those games tend to be the kind you only play for a few minutes at a time anyway, and I have a feeling people who had never heard of the series would be absolutely hooked.
If you are looking for something to just pick up and play for a few minutes then this is nothing you need to consider, however if you want a game that you can bring with you on long trips, or something to play in bed, on the couch or somewhere you relax then Harvest Moon: A New Beginning is your perfect game.
Urban Trial Freestyle has a tinge of «time waster» about it, one of those games you can play for a few minutes here and there, especially with the extra Challenges, which are ridiculous fun.
After playing it for a few minutes, it's easy to understand why it's so highly regarded.
The second GBA title broke the levels up into segments, providing a bit more structure to the game and making it a bit friendlier to those who want to just play for a few minutes.
It's a simple platformer that can be played for a few minutes at a time, yet its level creator also utilizes the device's various touch inputs in useful ways, which is more than can be said for a lot of Vita games.
Just feel sorry for poldi and Campbell, just don't know why they only deserve to play for few minutes.
For example, give your child a snack after school and then let him play for a few minutes.
Most of their bouts lasted less than 60 seconds, whereas the mother - reared chimpanzees were more likely to play for a few minutes at a time.
It's a very well made basic «play for a few minutes» type of thing.
Of course, you need to be careful that you don't lose an hour or four when you only meant to play for a few minutes.
This isn't a game where you can play for a few minutes and put down but rather one that requires concentration.
By her second social she was venturing forth, playing for a few minutes, then retreating to her safe place under my chair.
Tennis in the face is one of the addictive little puzzle games you play in between the bigger titles, you can play for a few minutes or sit for a full night completing all of the challenges and obtaining all of the crowns, it's simple to play style and comical characters are enjoyable to beat down with a tennis ball, if you enjoy physics based puzzle games I'd advise you check it out and for # 3.99 it's pretty much pocket change!
It's perfect to pick up and play for a few minutes at a time, and it looks and runs fantastically in both portable mode and in docked mode.
It is a game that can be played for a few minutes or for a much longer period of time.
Also it didn't help that I got into matches where the game would lag and make me completely useless, or the ones that just had me playing for a few minutes to then boot me back out of them.
Overall, the game was very enjoyable, and easy to just pick up and play for a few minutes and then put it back down.
If you want a serious and in - depth soccer game, you'd probably be better off with the latest EA FIFA game, but if you just want a quick soccer game that you can play for a few minutes at a time alone or with some friends, SFG Soccer is a good choice.
Play for a few minutes, and you'll learn that certain in - game events will lead towards clearing lines.
If you are looking for challenging gameplay with different enemies and different puzzles then this is not your game at all, however if you are looking for something easy to just pick up and play for a few minutes or hours then go right ahead and try it out.
The game runs so smoothly and efficiently it's almost become a nice «pick up and play for a few minutes and see how long you last» experience, something which is nice to play this time of year whilst there isn't all that many big releases on the horizon.
You can download a trial version of each table which allows you to play for a few minutes; I think a little longer would have been ideal to really get a feel for the table without having to restart every time.
But the great thing about this being on Amazon Underground is that if you want to check this out, perhaps out of curiosity, perhaps because you don't feel like paying for a curiosity you might play for a few minutes at parties.
Whether you decide to play for a few minutes or a few hours, you're always guaranteed a fun time.
It's still fun to see how many levels you can move down, though, so exploration mode is still fun for someone who just wants to play for a few minutes.
At first, i thought this would remove that oldschool feel i have with the game, but play for a few minutes, and you don't even notice this anymore, mostly because they still did a great job of animating the movement, crash sequence, and somehow it still looks a bit like a Ferrari car, be it without the iconic stripes on the door / side pannel.
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