Sentences with phrase «to play through something»

I did thoroughly enjoy this game and want to play through it again as soon as I get an additional chance.
An experienced gamer familiar with the genre can play through it in about 6 hours, the majority of which will be spent enjoying puzzles rather being frustrated by them.
It took me 18 hours to collect everything there is to collect in the game and beat the final boss, and I really had a good time playing through it.
It's a huge game and I couldn't bother playing through it on another platform, but it's always interesting to see the differences.
I highly suggest, once you've played through it once, to make a very stupid character.
A fitting title for the «game», because after playing through it, I'm left wondering what the hell just happened.
On first play through you will be hooked by the questions raised throughout the experience.
I'm playing through it for review at the moment and can confirm.
The combat is tight and fun, and I had a blast playing through it with friends on launch day.
Challenge aside, each mission is distinct enough with humorous narratives and exciting bosses that you'll want to play through them multiple times.
It runs about seven hours, and it's hard to imagine many will play through it more than once.
I have bought the first 6 Mega Man games on 5 different systems and played through them at least once a year.
BUT... given that the game has 13 different endings, I feel like many people played through it many different times.
For many, part of the appeal of visual novels, especially romance - centric ones, is playing through them over and over to see the different paths and outcomes.
You'll play through them so often during the course of your career that if it wasn't for the stat boost rewards you'd be sick of them before too long.
Overall the graphics are a much improvement not so much in the look of the game but more the smooth feeling you feel while playing through it.
To fully experience the game, I recommend playing through it twice.
It's rather slight in content, but I just finished playing through it and felt like sharing.
You'll also be able to craft playlists composed of your favorite missions across all the games, and then play through them all seamlessly.
I really enjoyed playing through it, but the game is not that long.
For those who already played through it on the 360, are these features enough to warrant a replay?
This additional story will take place in the world of Gravity Rush 2, and we think fans will have a lot of fun playing through it.
After getting to the final credits, I was ready to see it in, but luckily I waiting, and I'll probably play through it again soon.
On my second play through I figured out how to use crawl points and bottle necks to kill zombies easier.
In fact, I'm actually playing through it on my lunch breaks at the moment!
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to go play through it again at a higher difficulty.
They defended fiercely but we still played through them into good spaces.
It's easy enough for anyone to complete but complex enough to feel kind of smart playing through it.
Overall, the game has some nostalgic appeal to me, however, I don't think I ever want to play through it ever gain.
These are enough to make some gamers (who are unfamiliar with RPGs, to be sure) wonder just why anyone would bother playing through it in the first place.
Having recently played through it, I can firmly say I'm in the latter camp — I loved it.
I had a blast playing through it and doing all the kinds of crazy moves that only happen in the movies.
I am playing through it right now, and it's a great little game!
I thought the controls were absolutely terrible but come to find out on my 2nd play through I was just doing them completely wrong.
The side missions do add a nice little touch but on my first play through I tended to ignore them in favour of completing missions and heading for the end game.
My mom enjoyed watching us play it, and my sister also played through it after watching me play.
In fact, if customization is at the heart of their interest, run game simulations instead of actively playing through them.
Its clear levels were designed with multiplayer in mind first, despite being able to play through them alone.
I haven't finished playing through it yet, but I'm back!
But given that your choices in - game have an effect on the TV - show and also on the game later on, it is well worth playing through it a second time.
Because playing through it blindly is what makes it so horrifying, we won't mention anything more other than it's not what you will ever expect.
As I really love it, but wont play through it a third time «just for fun».
It's you and a friend (or stranger if you're playing through it online) or no one.
Playing through it unlocks lots of arenas and side missions, accessible through the hub, that don't have story hooks but are just as gameplay - filled.
Upon completion of each of these levels, you'll be granted with the ability to play through them again multiple times.
Unfortunately most of the levels will require you to play through them once, then replay on Free Play mode to find and collect the pink brick.
The game is designed in such a way that co-op simply enhances the experience, which is one of the reason I decided to play through it in co-op.
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