Sentences with phrase «to pray something»

I am just praying we do not get any early snow storms that will set us back.
It's not like if you don't pray you get punished.
Seriously these guys should be learning from experienced class players, I just pray we don't get embarrassed against at home on match day 1.
It's breaking my heart and I just keep praying we find the right home (but how to do that I don't know).
I'm a very caring man, I have been betrayed in the past and pray it never happens again.
Well, I only pray we win, but I don't expect us to.
I will pray it goes super quick for you!
Very excited for you and praying you continue in and on the journey He has for you.
You can pray all you want - all day, all night, whatever - just not on government time or on the government's dime.
We just put a bid on a house and I am praying it comes through.
I just pray they make some significant changes to the game itself.
In the states you are extra screwed because every carrier has their own version of the phone, so basically you can only pray they leave the software alone for the most part.
You can't pray them away from the voting booth!
I started praying we sign him, we didn't.
I hope and pray you guys can accomplish these things!
I'll admit, I just started throwing things in a bowl and prayed it worked.
I'm praying He gives you extra grace today.
Under the old system, you'd send your manuscript off to a publisher, wait to hear back, and pray they liked your book.
And then pray you hit the * next * lottery and go viral enough to quit the day job and be famous while doing what you love.
I'm feeling strong and healthy and am praying I feel this way for a lot longer.
I was praying they fit, and was shocked at how well they fit.
I'm praying he grows out of this allergy, like he did with his former egg allergy.
I agree with you and really pray it happens this season.
I also pray he has his eyes opened to the truth.
If you get shot while praying it's a pretty good guess that prayer isn't the cure to getting shot.
They were delish!!!!! Now just pray they help him in the bathroom department!
I, for one, am among the many who pray him well with what I hope will be his continuing ministry in a position appropriate to his considerable gifts.
I never thought there would be a time when I would miss my period, but I am actually praying it returns soon.
While we were praying you walked up with exactly what we needed, plus water, a sandwich and fruit.
I am praying I caught this early enough to get a good prognosis.
We all have to make sure and pray it ends.
He is one of those characters that if you saw walking down the street, you'll silently pray he does nothing to you when he passes by you.
The man recommended that we pray this prayer at least once a day, but he said that those fishermen who had the most success prayed it at least three times a day.
I just always pray he will soon grow out of it.
I can't be too sure but pray they improve.
I must hope and wish and pray you choose me to win your giveaway!
Just pray you survive long enough to enjoy it!
So I decided to pray it again, even louder this time.
I guess since I have never traveled with her before I just don't know what to expect and been praying she adjusts well!
I laid still for some time and felt the sun against my face praying you would decided to be born that day.
I hope and pray it truly was a mistake — that the airline is right and she never realized there was a dog inside the bag.
While everyone else prayed they wouldn't get blown up, he prayed there was nothing stuck in his teeth.
I noticed in the article that he went to the street to pray, that's fine if he needs to pray I applaud his decision.
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