Sentences with phrase «to present both sides»

He does a good job of presenting all sides of this troubled story of a very unconventional relationship.
In any case, both live and on - demand shows are presented side by side.
At present neither side in this allied relationship is likely to be confident about how those bonds will play out in such circumstances.
Drinking in moderation does not present this side effect.
While I agree that she doesn't present all sides, it is an interesting take from a theologian's perspective.
The single most important tactic, he says, was presenting each side with the potential ramifications of not reaching a deal.
Anyway this article presents both sides of the issue and is in no way biased, and the consistent persecution complex from the right wing is annoying.
While I may not always present this side of my character in my everyday verbal communication with others, I love to express it in the way I dress up.
Because the plaintiff is left with the burden of proof, the courts allow you to present your side first.
I was wrong to only ever present a side of my infant feeding journey that was safe for me as a public breastfeeding supporter.
If attention problems are already present the side effect risk appears to be significant increased, as well.
This movie presents both sides, although not always fairly..
The approach used was one of balance, both sides of the court case presenting their sides and the film showing the events as depicted by the defense and prosecution respectively.
However, in the interests of effectively presenting both sides of the coin to you in this article, we're going to take a look at the pros and cons of each below.
The large - scale, black - and - white images presented side - by - side make a stunning visual statement.
In just four frames, that cartoon presents both sides of the coin of practicing as a solo.
Attorneys from the same firm present both sides of the case and prepare independently of one another.
Otherwise I like that this article presents both sides clearly without getting too political.
When targeted parents present their side of the case, they are often angry and frustrated — and as a result, they don't present very well in court.
For the past two years, these young galleries have been presented side by side with more established galleries.
Don't ignore a lawsuit summons, or you will lose your opportunity to present your side in court.
Does the article present both sides of an argument or just one?
By presenting both sides of the issue, your term paper will reflect a much clearer perspective of the research topic.
Their choice of the hot - button topic of Gun Control is a good one, but they smartly avoiding taking a stand on the issue by fairly presenting both sides.
We wanted to present the data for all of these trials at one time, because when presented side by side, a more comprehensive and synergistic understanding of the potential of blocking this pathway emerges.»
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«She's opened up the issue to public discussion and Yelp therefore is within its right to respond presenting its side of that very issue,» he says, adding that the tweet brings up issues of company culture.
In his book, The Dream: Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Speech That Inspired a Nation, Drew Hansen presents a side - by - side comparison of the speech as it was written by King and his team and as it was delivered by King.
Here also is religious verse presented side - by - side with poetry satirizing the chauvinistic poses of the time.
They also present side effects to the baby, such as:
They can actually present side effects, such as drowsiness, if used for the treatment of a cold.
Rationalizing, reasoning, and calmly presenting my side appear to have little effect.
Actual video images were then presented side - by - side with the computer's interpretation of what the person's brain saw based on fMRI data.
Tagged presents all sides of the debate, from the executives at Verichip who sell RFID implants for use in people and RFID advocates who tout their health and safety benefits, to Christians who believe that RFID chips are the «mark of the beast» predicted in the Book of Revelation and those who worry about government surveillance.
I'm always so hesitate to join any kind of structured eating groups from my past history and have commented on such that it could be another disguise of disordered eating, only to get chewed out by the author... I like how you presented it, fully presented both sides of it!
However, many of these drugs present side effects or can interfere with other medications, making them unsuitable.
Frankenheimer presents both sides of an issue — not only engendering extreme sympathy for Bruce Dern's psychologically unstable Vietnam War veteran who, in collusion with fellow Black September member Dahlia, is planning to wipe out an entire stadium full of people at the Super Bowl — but also critiquing American bottom - line values of the dollar: how no one would ever dream of canceling the Super Bowl even if it meant the potential death of tens of thousands.
I really appreciate that you didn't try to shove your opinions down our throats, but rather presented all sides of the situation and made us feel safe to answer either way.
So the next time you'll get the paper task «Discuss pros and cons of...», you can be sure that this a direct link to argument - led paper writing and you need to come up with some arguments and examples presenting the both sides.
Unlike simple argumentative essay, which argues only one point of view, this type presents both sides of the argument without author appealing to any of the sides.
The article by Richard Fossey presents both sides of the issue and pulling out part of it to raise criticism about could be seen as selective and unreasonable.
Relaxation of the border between North and South Cyprus allows a tour of all Cyprus - guides from North and South present both sides of the history and heritage of this divided island including both parts of Nicosia, Europe's only divided capital.
Adventure Lib presents a side - scrolling adventure experience in which your character moves to the left or right, examines and interacts with objects, while using his inventory, represented by a magical pocket, to store, combine, and use various things.
Just when you think motives are going in a certain direction, Eidos presents a side mission to straighten out your perceptions.
Beginning with an intricately rendered copy of a found photograph, the artist presents it side by side with its imperfect, mirrored double drawn entirely from memory.
BOTH AND consists of two screenprinted aluminium panels presented side by side to underscore their relationship to language.
Some pieces often separated when hung by movement or genre now find themselves chronologically presented side - by - side.
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