Sentences with phrase «to present someone with»

Also proves that hatred is the fruit of atheism even when presented with acts of kindness and love.
As a general rule, a dog who is fed a healthy, balanced diet comprising easily digested food will not present with symptoms of an upset stomach.
If the infection becomes severe diarrhea may be bloody and the dog may also present with symptoms of severe dehydration and overall weakness and lethargy.
Patients who present with unique orthopedic conditions can sometimes appear as though there are no solutions available.
When patients present with tumors too large to safely remove, radiation therapy plus chemotherapy are recommended.
I was then presented with several options, from a basic pesto recipe to a pesto pizza.
Then, you're presented with more information, so the site can match your personal preferences with other singles.
Patients do not often present with symptoms until the disease is advanced.
Life often presents us with challenges and obstacles that limit us in reaching our full potential.
The Fact Sheet was well presented with many good photos.
Very rarely have I been in a conversation with someone who, when presented with new evidence or a strong argument, immediately changed their mind....
Testing players by presenting them with challenging puzzles and limited resources to keep themselves alive.
Is there someone out there who, if presented with all those books, you could tell with a straight face «you'll like mine more»?
When life presents us with challenges such as these, it can help to know that you are not alone.
However, if presented with new evidence, I am more than able to adapt and even change that conclusion if provided with evidence to the contrary.
And if approved, typically presents you with several different options.
Even when presented with evidence based research doctors refuse to change their ways.
Even when presented with good evidence for a new idea, people are not usually motivated to use that information.
The scheme has been incredibly successful so far and students are presented with opportunities which they otherwise would not have access to.
It is particularly important, when children present with anxiety concerns, that families are supported and involved because, if the child has anxious parents, they are likely to have anxiety themselves.
You will notice that your match list increases, too — when you are more active, you are presented with other more active members.
The students have really risen to the challenges presented with such questions!
Each day is unique with different patients presenting with different problems.
There are a lot of other online dating tips for men which are very possible for all those individuals who desire at present with ideal dating lover.
Students are constantly being presented with information not only in the classroom, but also from their friends, parents, the internet, films, television, radio, newspapers, and magazines.
I never could have imagined that I would get to do so much, meet so many people, and be presented with so many great opportunities just from starting a blog.
More often, however, food allergies in dogs present with skin - related symptoms.
In honor of the hospital's decades - long commitment to small - animal care, the association recently presented it with a plaque.
We don't want to just present you with endless pages of profiles.
There are multiple forms of infection which present with different symptoms and levels of severity.
These dogs usually present with coughing as their primary complaint.
We'll not only present you with the price that you have earned, but we'll also introduce you to some impressive upgrade options!
It's when we learn to let go and listen to our body's needs that day and simply stay present with what is, oddly the more control we have.
Everyone was then presented with facts supporting both positions.
We often see avid cyclists who present with similar symptoms.
The pride and excitement over a new skill is just as present with potty training as it is with rolling over, grabbing things, and everything else.
Some people may not have the sweet craving yet still present with all the other symptoms.
From what we can see in the trailer the new game presents us with a huge open world for us to explore.
I treat people who present with problems related to anxiety, depression, stress, mood disorders, self - esteem, anger management and relationship issues.
25 years after the game first presented me with this question, I still find myself contemplating it.
Many clients present with depression, anxiety, trauma, divorce and other problems but they are also dealing with underlying addiction.
Life always presents us with challenges — some which may seem impossible to win.
Get your learners inspired and engaged, by presenting them with situations that require thinking and problem - solving.
By presenting her with choices, you can let your baby take the lead while still staying in control.
While growing up, life presents you with numerous opportunities to learn something new.
So I'm fully present with my kids, with my husband, my friends, and the same when I'm at work.
We are especially grateful to our distributors for presenting us with this recognition for the second year in a row.
My favorite holiday memory would have to be trying to peek into presents with my sister!
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