Sentences with phrase «to present the facts»

To present the facts means to provide information or evidence that is true and accurate. It involves sharing details or data without bias or personal opinions, allowing others to understand and evaluate the situation objectively. Full definition
We stand beside you every step of the way, to present the facts of your particular case and win the benefits you deserve.
It may be easier to just present the facts about your past experience and hope your next employer will figure out how that aligns with his or her business needs.
This post is more about presenting the facts as they are without adding too much commentary into the mix....
However, it doesn't do a spectacular job of presenting facts in a way that gets them to stick in your head.
For example, it's more powerful to present facts on a resume, like actual dollars saved.
Instead of just presenting the facts, use questions, problems, and scenarios to help students learn through their own agency and investigation.
Because people generally trust the church, it should be able to combat the irrational fears and rumors by presenting facts and respected counsel.
If you did not present a fact in the lower court the higher court can not consider it on appeal.
To engage with learners, go beyond simply presenting facts.
But the goal of every review post I write is to present the facts based on my analysis of the nutrition facts label and ingredients list.
The very fact that I come to this point shows that nobody is doing a very good job presenting the facts.
If you are looking for work, state your career objective before presenting the facts.
You can also bring photos, diagrams, or video of the scene to help present facts like key locations or landmarks.
Instead, politely present facts accompanied, wherever possible, with solutions for how to improve the situation.
If you want to present facts discuss all of them.
Trained journalists dare not report stories or write columns without in - depth thought but only present facts after thorough study of the subject / situation.
Facts alone: A writer should know the distinction between presenting facts and mixing it with opinions.
It may turn out that the best thing the web and blogs can do for scientific journals will be giving the authors a forum to present facts such as these.
The plaintiff's attorney presents the facts about the injury and how the defendant was responsible for the injuries.
The first opportunity a lawyer has to fully present the facts to those jurors, however, is opening statement.
He understands how to present the facts of your case and get you the results you want.
It also shows the network's efforts to engage with a general audience by presenting the facts, which are now open to public scrutiny.
That's where this book comes in, written by a mother and son team it aims to present the facts about how gaming is changing the world.
What assists the expert most is when a court engages in fact finding as a preliminary issue and presents the facts as found.
And wherever possible, you should present your facts in fresh and interesting manner that reflects who you are.
Most eLearning produced by folks with limited instructional design education and / or experience simply delivers basic linear (click next till done) lecture - based content that simply presents facts to learners.
Just present the facts, show that you've grown from the experience, and move on to the next question.
Pearlstein is clearly more comfortable presenting the facts from whatever source than in advocating any solution:
I have yet to back away from any conversation when presented facts, but rather illuminate the facts within the context as well as bring more facts to the table to see what is really being said.
They also (this happens a lot in politics) attack the credibility of those creating and presenting those facts making something that could be reasonably expressed into facts into the arena of «scientists make up these explanations to get more grant money» which people don't need facts to argue that.
This term was famously coined in 2010 when researchers at Dartmouth College conducted four experiments investigating if presenting facts is effective to change people's beliefs.
Any study trying to present facts instead of perpetuating myths should be welcomed, like this one from Dr.
Belief and faith is great if that gets you through but don't try to shoot down those who would present the facts so that our children can gain knowledge and be less ignorant.
In this video, Iain McLean explains what both options would entail, in plain language, presenting the facts without taking sides.
Theranos presented the facts to this reporter to prove the accuracy and reliability of its tests and to directly refute these false allegations, including through over 1,000 pages of statements and documents,» according to the statement.
It is valid for a static universe in which present facts alone count and the future is considered of no linguistic value or is reduced to present statements and in which reason is considered statically, that is, as adequate and sufficient for attaining all the meaning there is, when, as a matter of fact, reason is evolving.
Our firm has been handling medical malpractice actions for many years and is willing to expend whatever it takes to properly conduct the discovery to determine what occurred and how it can be prevented in the future, and to effectively present the facts and law to a jury if the opposing side is willing to offer a fair settlement.
I'm sorry, «AtheistsAreLosers», but your have presented no facts here, therefore you lose.
Babycenter, do some better research and present the facts more clearly!
The fact that some good may have come out of the first World War does not alter the other present fact that the war was evil and that it is still recognized as evil because it involved elements of mutual obstructiveness.
So as not to use a «libal media bias» tell me which sources you feel present the facts and I will give you the references.
Unless of course you believe in a God call «Man» who you feel can never be in error present facts when you accuse religion of being the most bloodiest wars.
The unity of this general present fact is expressed by the concept of simultaneity.
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