Sentences with phrase «to press one's case»

I'm excited to see such an influential and thoughtful figure pressing the case for action, and acknowledging the need for dialogue.
The coalition spent $ 500,000 on a campaign, which included hiring lobbyists to press their case with legislators who were on the fence, and running targeted online ads in their districts.
So acting confidently and pressing your case if you think you've had unfair charges is crucial.
There are also pressing cases where you absolutely need to get your feline in a bath tub.
Also, external factors like vacations and other pressing cases can have a dramatic impact on settlement talks.
But the rigor, clarity, and energy with which the authors press their case make this book one the teacher unions do not want you to read.
The plaintiffs pressing that case are suing the state school board and the state education department for trying to implement Common Core.
The media know how to press a case like this.
Tenure reform, New Jersey style, took a few more twists and turns yesterday, with Gov. Chris Christie pressing the case in public while legislators and staffers continued to work in private on a couple of fronts.
In Chile and during an airborne press conference returning to Rome, Francis had accused the victims of «calumny» for pressing their case against Barros, demanded they present «proof» of their claims, revealed he had twice rejected Barros» resignation and insisted: «I am convinced he is innocent.»
Schneider, who was 65, spent decades studying the forces influencing climate and the policy implications of human - driven warming, as well as pressing the case for action to curb emissions of greenhouse gases even as he battled and subdued a rare cancer in recent years.
REALTORS ® will also press their case when they're in Washington May 17 — 19 for the Midyear Legislative Meetings.
If you do not press your case for lost earnings, methinks the bad Mr. Mann will do what Lois Lerner did: Cop out to retirement.
After the ruling on Thursday evening, Trump tweeted in call caps a vow to continue pressing his case for the executive order.
Had they the luxury of pressing their cases at the apex court, perhaps they would have been certified okay to swim into power in the blood of others, just as their governor!
Adobe initially pressed the case, but, after meeting with EFF, called for all charges against Sklyarov to be dropped.
Against Goldhagen, Littell wants to defend «senior scholars» who have spent decades pressing the case for serious research of the Holocaust «long before any young writer or eager publisher could capitalize on the brute fact that today «there's no business like Shoah business.
I am not prepared to press the case very hard, however, since I also harbor the suspicion that it is futile to try to specify what is aberration and what is normality in the American experience.
Neither Chris Smalling nor Phil Jones have put together a particularly pressing case for a first - team spot, and there can't be many defenders in Europe that haven't been linked with United at some point over the season.
Ozil and Sanchez are the most pressing cases regarding contracts and I just wondered how we all feel if thier future at the club depends on Wenger's.
Dozens of congressmen - about 100, according to several lawmakers present - arrived on Capitol Hill on Sunday to receive a classified intelligence briefing from administration officials who pressed the case for intervention.
While the headlines may have shifted to the bigger story of Assemblyman Vito Lopez's collapse and Speaker Sheldon Silver's prior efforts to shield him, Ms. Rivera's main opponent Mark Gjonaj is using his hefty campaign account to further press the case.
Expect him to press his case Monday when he testifies in Albany.
It's not immediately clear if Mr. Grimm's campaign intends to continue pressing their case legally, but it seems much more likely than not that the Independence line on the ballot will be blank this November as Mr. Grimm battles Democratic challenger Mark Murphy.
Mr. de Blasio stayed away from discussions in Albany, but continued to press his case on the phone and in public rallies.
Whoever, wins the leadership, the Left must continue to press its case within the Labour Party on policy issues and the reform of the party structure.
Advocates and opponents in the heated debate over a «living wage» bill pressed their case at a City Council hearing Tuesday, but the lawmaker who controls its immediate fate, Speaker Christine Quinn, didn't take a stand.
A freedom - of - the - press case from the 1730s, called «The King v. John Peter Zenger,» influenced early American political thought on the law of libel and the powers of juries.
The group of about 25 parents who traveled to Albany to press its case included residents of the Bellmore - Merrick, East Islip, East Meadow, North Babylon, Oceanside, Patchogue - Medford and Rockville Centre systems.
Three days later, Senator Skelos pressed his case with the Nassau County executive, Edward P. Mangano, a fellow Republican.
João Zilhão of the University of Barcelona in Spain, an author of both papers, has spent years pressing the case that Neandertals were the mental equals of modern humans, and he sees the newly dated paintings and shells as full vindication.
The New World represents an especially pressing case where surmounting the difficulty of translating an overwhelmingly personal experience of art into words becomes essential.
San Francisco Police homicide inspector Gavin Cain is overseeing the cold case investigation when he is abruptly called away by his lieutenant for a more pressing case.
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Yao Ming, the 7 - foot -6-inch N.B.A. veteran, is on the road again pressing the case for curbing the ivory trade and the relentless poaching of elephants.
In Foreign Affairs in 2014, Milosz Reterski pressed the case for the United States to move to nuclear - powered icebreakers.
On solutions, Charles Komanoff of the Carbon Tax Center has rounded up 32 signatories, including four economics Nobelists and three former cabinet secretaries — George Shultz, Robert Reich and Steven Chu — for a letter to Paris climate negotiators pressing the case for taxing carbon dioxide emissions.
Here's my overarching question for CFACT and anyone pressing the case for action to end energy poverty, whether or not they do so as part of a position on global warming:
Campaigners pressing the case for action (or inaction) on greenhouse gas emissions tend to be particularly keen to pick out findings that suit one of these agendas and ignore or attack those that don't.
Exelon is still pressing its case, and power sector analysts have noted its fleet continues to be at risk of unprofitability in PJM markets, squeezed by low natural gas prices and high operating costs.
The gas industry's leaders say they will descend on Capitol Hill in coming weeks to press their case about the advantage of gas, including that it emits about half the greenhouse gases as coal.
Then we will press your case forward relentlessly.
Bloomberg Law Reports Jeremy Goldmans article on the e-discovery issues in the Fairey v. Associated Press case.
The Law Society and the judiciary quite properly press the case for retaining legal aid on the grounds of public interest.
When the Pixel Buds are in the charging case, you need to press the case button to toggle between the battery of Pixel Buds and charging case.
Flywheel has also hired Neal Kwatra — a high - powered consultant with ties to Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Mayor Bill de Blasio and Uber — to press its case in New York City.
What's more, he set out on a mini-tour in the summer months to press the case against Bush's leadership.
We'll continue to press our case with ESD, Fort Schuyler and any other state development agencies that attempt to shield their spending of tax dollars from public scrutiny.
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