Sentences with phrase «to prevent a government shutdown»

ALBANY — State lawmakers agreed early Monday to pass a stopgap budget to prevent a government shutdown after Gov. Andrew Cuomo and legislative leaders failed to reach a deal on a state budget over the weekend.
Speaking to reporters in the Capitol, Pelosi said Democrats will insist on safeguards for those in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program before the holiday recess, suggesting Republicans will be on their own to prevent a government shutdown if that language is excluded.
Late Tuesday night, House conservatives said there were enough Republican opponents to reject a plan by GOP leaders to prevent a government shutdown because of an impasse over border issues.
The chief place where parliamentary systems win out over the separately elected executive branch (at least in terms of preventing a government shutdown) is that the government (i.e. executive) is chosen by the legislative body.
On Capitol Hill, lawmakers are pushing a one - week funding bill to prevent a government shutdown as leadership continues to negotiate a larger agreement.
Republicans Chris Collins and Tom Reed are touting their votes to prevent a government shutdown by late Friday night.
The House has no budget and no specific plan for preventing a government shutdown or debt ceiling breach as it heads into its August recess.
State legislators will OK Gov. Paterson's emergency spending bill tomorrow — and prevent a government shutdown on Tuesday, Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver said yesterday.
House Speaker Paul Ryan tried pressuring Democrats to back legislation preventing a government shutdown this weekend — but also faced resistance from conservative Republicans, throwing any deal in doubt.
GEDDES, N.Y. — The two - month budget that state lawmakers agreed to Monday to prevent a government shutdown includes $ 70 million in funding for the New York State Fair.
Congress approved a $ 1 trillion omnibus spending bill which prevents a government shutdown and funds the government at updated levels through the end of September 2017.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo called for a two - month extension of the last state budget to prevent a government shutdown after he and state lawmakers on Sunday failed to reach agreement on a new spending plan.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said Democrats will insist on safeguards for those in the DACA program before the holiday recess, suggesting Republicans will be on their own to prevent a government shutdown if that language is excluded.
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, a rumored 2020 presidential candidate, says she is against Sen. Charles Schumer's bipartisan budget deal to prevent a government shutdown because it does not include protections for Dreamers.
CNBC's Kayla Tausche reports that the House of Representatives has voted for a funding extension to prevent a government shutdown.
Despite a Republican split, the 316 - 90 vote on Friday will send $ 15.25 billion to Texas and Louisiana, prevent a government shutdown, and lift the debt ceiling for three months.
The House and Senate are expected to vote on a massive budget deal that will prevent another government shutdown and increase federal spending by about $ 300 billion.
Conservatives say there's enough Republican opposition to scuttle a plan by House GOP leaders to prevent a government shutdown this weekend.
(AP) ALBANY, N.Y. — Gov. Andrew Cuomo called for a two - month extension of the last state budget to prevent a government shutdown after he and state lawmakers on Sunday failed to reach agreement on a new spending plan.
The White House on Monday offered tepid support for a two - week continuing resolution (CR) winding its way through Capitol Hill that would prevent a government shutdown.
ALBANY, N.Y. (WBEN / AP)-- Gov. Andrew Cuomo called for a two - month extension of the last state budget to prevent a government shutdown after he and state lawmakers on Sunday failed to reach agreement on a new spending plan.
The gondola project was included with $ 70 million allocated for the State Fairgrounds in Geddes in a two - month budget that state lawmakers agreed to earlier this month to prevent a government shutdown.
After discussions on key issues stalled, lawmakers passed a six - week stopgap measure to prevent a government shutdown.
The extension was part of the agreement between Trump and Senate Democrats to provide a $ 15.3 - billion aid package in the wake of Hurricane Harvey, in addition to raising the debt ceiling and preventing a government shutdown.
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