Sentences with phrase «to probe this question»

"To probe this question" means to explore, investigate, or examine the question closely and thoroughly in order to gain a deeper understanding or find an answer. Full definition
Even as the film turns into something downright seditious by asking probing questions about the lies that we, in our world, may be dealing with on a daily basis without ever realizing they may well be lies, it also recognizes a positive side to our ability to deceive and conceive: not only do we brighten our world and enrich our lives with how we use our imaginations, but — the film wonders — is it wrong to tell a lie if it makes someone happy?
Asking probing questions with a quiz can help your audience understand that they have a problem that needs solving.
Arrive with a list of probing questions in tow that prove you're prepared, interested, and can continue an engaging conversation with your interviewer.
The teacher's monitoring role involves offering support and suggestions to individuals by asking more probing questions of the fast thinkers to encourage them to think more deeply and asking more simple questions of those who need help to process information so that they can participate in group activities.
During the mediation and collaborative processes, clients may feel like probing questions from their mediator or attorney is pushing them to create conflict.
Ask probing questions such as: «If we got engaged, would you be willing to take the time to participate in as thorough of a Marriage Preparation Process as we could find?»
The writer will ask probing questions designed to encourage you to speak of your accomplishments.
Instead, ask probing questions like, «What would solving this problem mean for you personally?»
The suggestion condition, on the other hand, used probing questions with suggestive meaning put forth after Sam Stone's visit.
Stretch It is a practice that extends student understanding by asking further probing questions.
He refused to answer probing questions about the electric car company's mounting problems.
Pose probing questions which make reference to content that has already been learned by the learner.
A new congressional committee report stated «the call taker did not ask any standard investigative probing questions during the call,» and, «Despite multiple opportunities, the FBI did not share information with state and local authorities.
As I debated with a Muslim about the Bible and Jesus, I was soon surrounded by a large group firing probing questions at me, coming quicker than I could answer them.
It is 100s of questions long and asks many probing questions about religion and moral views.
Somerson also notes that RISD students «learn how to pose probing questions... and not just work from prior assumptions....
If you don't know their motivation, you'll want to prepare more probing questions for your meeting.
The companies ask probing questions on their non medical forms which are sufficient to expose most serious ailments that a person may have, unless it is something they know nothing about or have no symptoms for.
Julien's Western Unions: Small Boats, 2007, is included in The Restless Earth (28 April - 20 August 2017), which borrows its title from a collection of poems by Édouard Glissant, a Caribbean writer who probed the question of how different cultures can coexist.
On Monday, Cameron will present his deal to the Commons, where his own MPs — including, no doubt, Boris — will pose much the most probing questions.
People in the first group had to answer increasingly probing questions about themselves like, «If you could go back in your life and change any one experience, what would it be and why?»
By using this guide, you have the ability to integrate probing questions into your eLearning course, which will provide your audience with a multitude of critical thinking benefits.
Her most current work probes the questions of cultural perception and cultural authenticity through images of the Asian female body vis - à - vis plastic surgery.
Below I've added some initial reactions to Mr. Cascio's essay from others probing this question.
Described by Deborah Solomon in a New York Times profile as «one of contemporary art's most compelling painters,» Marlene Dumas has continuously explored the complex range of human emotions, often probing questions of gender, race, sexuality, and economic inequality through her dramatic and at times haunting figural compositions.
During a highly unusual earnings call, Tesla's chief executive officer cut off analysts and got defensive about probing questions pertaining to the electric - car maker's finances.
It's important to ask good probing questions that elicit your prospect's true concerns.
using appropriate probing questions and active listening skills with customers to examine issues from different points of view for effective problem resolution;
Bonventre said the senators did their job, asking very probing questions.
There is lovely footage of inquisitive Nouvelle Vague godhead Franoçois Truffaut firing probing questions at an Alfred Hitchcock who is clearly loving the attention, but what Jones has done is made a film in which he has roped in a host of other famous directors (David Fincher, Arnaud Desplechin, Wes Anderson, James Gray, etc.) to talk about Hitchcock and how his work affected their own work.
Dating Conversation Topics deeply emotional or intimately probing questions in the first stages of a Dating Conversation Topics; Dating
Garland's previous feature, the exceptional Ex Machina, raised probing questions about the nature of consciousness and humanity — and offered clear, if provisional, answers.
Not only do probing questions offer you the chance to get feedback from your learners and assess their knowledge, but they give learners the power to further explore their thoughts and opinions about the subject matter.
Powerful questioning and probing questions help move job seekers into a position of thought — they may experience the «Ah Ha» moment, as they are moved to action considering ideas they may have not thought of otherwise.
Asking the students probing questions during these times of exploration can open up further doors for assessment and development.
The congressmen said the call - taker failed to ask «investigative probing questions» during the call.
pattern of their self - other defeating behavior gradually becomes clearer as the counselor listens and asks gently probing questions to clarify how each responds in their negative cycles of interaction.
Company executives are not going to answer serious, probing questions honestly when they haven't been doing it for 30 years.
In Geneva, Armand rages at any mention of his ex-wife, while his granddaughter's probing questions try to stop his memory from slipping into the shadows of dementia.
Leichtman and Ceci proved that preschoolers could be influenced or persuaded by stereotypes or led on by suggestive probing questions.
Remember to ask probing questions early and often when engaging with new customers, and try to avoid playing out of position as a result of a poor scouting report.
Even now, why have Facebook's leaders not scheduled a press conference, in which they would not be able to control probing questions by informed and independent journalists?
In reading it, I could leave behind probing questions about girls I liked, peer pressure to make a clown out of myself (which I excelled at), and chaotic and sometimes cruel social circles.
To assist with this process, some sales professionals break probing questions down into four categories represented by the acronym SPIN.

Phrases with «to probe this question»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z