Sentences with phrase «to promote good health»

A clean cage is not as susceptible to bacteria, and can also promote good health in a hamster.
It does not promote good health for the hips - as it may cause hip dysplasia - and it can also affect the spine as well.
This product boosts the immune system and also promotes good health of skin and coat of your dog.
These nutrient dense superfoods help promote good health and healthy skin to keep your dog's coat shining all season long.
We'll teach you how to promote good health through healthy diet and exercise - without a ton of supplements.
It is a rare thing to find a delicious beverage that also promotes the good health of the consumer.
Ready to lose weight while promoting better health against diabetes, obesity, liver damage, and more?
What role do you believe schools should have in promoting better health among students?
One possible explanation is that the Hispanic lifestyle, perhaps nutrition and / or strong social support networks, promote good health outcomes.
By now it had become clear to me that processed pet foods, not only did not promote good health, they produced positively bad health.
Despite the problems, many veterinarians still believe recent advancements in animal therapies represent a positive trend toward promoting good health.
We want to be there for your pet — not just when he or she is sick, but to support and promote good health throughout the course of his or her life.
Instead of contributing to health problems like starch and sugar, fiber promotes good health.
I believe every pet owner who is serious about promoting the best health in their pets should have this book.
It helps to promote good health as well as the prevention of disease.
So how do you know if the fruits or vegetables you eat can really promote better health?
Let's look at why regular grooming promotes better health for the dog.
As humans we have learnt that good nutrition promotes good health, so why should this not apply to our pets?
It's like physical health: diet and exercise promote good health and prevent many problems, but some people will still need medical treatment for problems that do develop.
All of these things promote good health and can make your body more able to fend off illnesses.
It not just promotes good health but also prevent coronary artery and cardiovascular disease of the heart.
A reduction in cortisol prevents anxiety and excessive abdominal fat gain, thereby promoting good health.
Additionally, regular ear cleaning and teeth cleaning promote good health.
We offer preventive wellness care plans to promote the best health possible for your pet.
The project promotes better health, but the company might not be able to immediately realize this benefit.
An expert in food and nutrition, a nutritionist helps your child with dietary skills and promotes good health through proper eating.
The best dog bed provides comfort while promoting good health.
A specialized diet is only one way to promote good health in senior dogs.
These developments, aimed at accelerating discovery of genetic health markers and promoting better health for companion animals, will be continued under the new partnership.
Typically the main goal of an intermittent diet is for weight loss, the inclusion of organic cold pressed juices in this 2 day fast means that it also promotes good health.
Instead of contributing to health problems like starch and sugar, fiber promotes good health.
In its inaugural Climate Health Solutions Conference, the Medical Society Consortium on Climate & Health welcomed 280 doctors, nurses, and other health professionals from 21 member medical societies and 26 affiliated health and science - based associations to focus on promoting better health by advancing solutions to climate change.
In addition, the risk of milk contamination is essentially nonexistent, which promotes better health for the entire family.
The conference convened 280 doctors, nurses, and other health professionals to focus on promoting better health by advancing solutions to climate change.
«Canine Fitness Camp helps dog kick off the New Year with a fitness routine that will promote better health with exercise, stimulation and a bit of relaxation,» said Joanne Morris, vice president of Morris Animal Inn.
Still, others simply choose to go gluten - free, although there's little scientific evidence to indicate that eliminating gluten from the diet promotes good health if you're not sensitive or intolerant to the protein.
A couple nights may even be «meat - free», making it completely vegetarian (but without white potatoes and corn — we don't need those high - glycemic, grain - like metabolic processes occurring when promoting good health).
There is one dish, however, in which we can all agree on that not only promotes good health through its rich supply of RAW vitamins and nutrients, but complements a Thanksgiving meal nicely with its light and delicate flavor.
After all, we are what we eat - Research continues to prove that eating healthy food promotes good health and unhealthy food habits lead to a diseased body.
Beyond Halloween, sensitivity to food issues is part of an overall trend toward promoting good health habits, said Eileen Brett, principal at Wilmot Elementary School.
Drinking Kombucha promotes better health by detoxifying and improving the efficiency of your digestive system which boosts immunity.
And that a walkable community promotes better health, a reduction in greenhouse gases, a variety of transportation options, increased social capital and stronger local businesses.
They hope to be able to amass enough data about women's menstrual cycles, sexual behavior, mood, and diet that they can help any woman know exactly when to conceive, warn her about early problems like potential endometriosis, and over time, promote better health care for women in general by collecting large amounts of information that hasn't been collected before.
Packed with EGCG, green tea from Camellia sinensis leaves promote good health.
The Philippine government is also currently promoting better health among Filipinos through its advocacies under the National Year of Rice 2013.
A humidifier will do a lot to help make your baby's nursery more comfortable for him or her, prevent illnesses, and generally promote good health, but only if you keep it clean and working properly!
Breastfeeding promotes better health in vulnerable premature babies, but it is not common practice.
Integrating breastfeeding into child care settings promotes good health for the baby and mother, saves money, and contributes to the overall wellbeing of a community.
UPPAbaby uses environmentally safe materials for their strollers that promote good health too, like the bassinet on the Vista.
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