Sentences with phrase «to promote religion»

Saying that by allowing these holidays you are promoting religion in schools.
Atheists who don't like religion are now promoting the religion of atheism... that makes a whole lot of sense.
So please, please, please do not promote religion by claiming that it maintains peace and stability - use other arguments.
I'm just interested in promoting my religion by advertising the goodies.
If people are wondering why religion is much less popular with young adults today than a before, they only need to see people who promote religion today.
Certainly, no one should be trying to get the power of government to help promote their religion.
Current laws forbid bias on account of religion and yet I do not believe these laws promote my religion or any religion.
For example, let's say someone comes to my home promoting their religion / beliefs.
The case was about the town inviting ministers in to lead a prayer: the government body was actively promoting religion.
I heard on TV, that he was promoting a religion of kindness... sounds like a great concept for all religions and individuals to catch.
Insistence any verbal prayer essentially promotes a religion or becomes meaningless.
Ironically, these two men are often caricatured as promoting a religion of wild emotional excess, when in fact they took pains to insist that a life of love and joy does not rule out reasoned reflection or active social involvement.
Conservatives are deeply aggrieved by Supreme Court decisions in the past 30 years that have struck down laws against abortion, laws on homosexuality and certain laws and policies promoting religion in the public square.
Vic You are here promoting your religion, dare I say preaching Christianity but can't seem to take the push back from those that believe your religion is any more than a myth, one of the ugliest versions of the god myths BTW.
Though professors of religious studies have won academic legitimacy by pledging allegiance to the rigorous methods of empirical science, behind this facade they still promote religion — in some instances through an implicitly Christian theology, in others through a broad endorsement of the religious posture.
All you have to do is look at the main and other pages of this blog and you will see that there are several examples of signs promoting religion, and more examples are requested.
You Said:» either way, your perception of this phrase somehow promoting religion in the U.S. is wrong»
Gov. Kathleen Babineaux Blanco of Louisiana, responding to a recent complaint, maintains that a state - sponsored Web site promoting abstinence education does not cross the legal line into promoting religion and so is consistent with a 2002 court agreement.
The Court of Appeal state at para 61 that the undercover officer did not compel any action for a religious purpose, because the Charter does not contain an establishment clause that would forbid state action promoting religion.
Insistence on any verbal prayer essentially promotes a religion or becomes meaningless.
Still no answer from those who support prayers in public government meetings as to why they care if it's not an important attempt to promote religion in politics...
Christian soilders erected it and the army is not promoting any religion it just happens to be on government ground.
They have compromised the DOJ, encouraged activism in the courts, appointed progressive activist to commissions to promote its religion, sought to ingrain the progressive's religious version of «Social Justice» and «Spread the Wealth».
@ Jason: Your attempt to silence free speech in the USA is offensive, especially so as you would silence it to promote religion.
communism is a social and political believe system that really doesn't have much to do with the fact it's secular and promotes no religion.
The notion of a religious «think tank» is ridiculous, unless a person wanted to violate the law to promote religion and needed help in thinking of ways to distort the truth in self - serving ways.
Ayesha Khan, legal director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, which represents Galloway and Stephens in the lawsuit, said in a statement that «legislative bodies should focus on serving the community and stay out of the business of promoting religion
If the state can't promote religion, neither can it denigrate it: As Justice Hugo Black put it in Everson, «State power is no more to be used so as to handicap religions than it is to favor them.»
you can be 6 years old or 99 years old, age is not an issue, promote your religion, promote islam, sponsor the 100,000 converts tomorrow if you provide the information, hurry before your muslim neighbour turns him in sooner.
You are SO offended by millions spent to promote secular values, while BILLIONS are given to promote religion every year.
But the duty of the state to promote religion (in the fundamental sense) remains.
I'm trying to determine what is sillier: the restaurants sorry attempt to promote religion or the FFRFs trying to make it into a civil rights issue, unless certain details were left out like they had to utter a specific prayer.
irrational experience We do not understand it because when schools preach the Bible is just a religion like all the rest that is promoting another religion.
He is promoting religion of sheep, not a self - empowered and enlightened existence.
Prothero ignores the fact that praying in a courtroom is promoting religion in gov «t. pray on your own time, pray at home, pray in a church, pray at the park or at a beach - but you don't get to pray in a coutroom.
It may be that, given Milwaukee's present mix of private providers, the bulk of the aid to parents would have wound up in the hand of schools that promote religion; but this is not something in itself forbidden by federal law.
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