Sentences with phrase «to protect against the virus»

This combination vaccine protects against viruses that cause life - threatening respiratory and gastrointestinal issues.
There is a flu vaccine for dogs to help protect them against the virus.
Again you should ensure that your dog has been fully protected against the virus before boarding.
These microbial buds contain proteins and genetic material, which may influence the growth of other marine microbes and even protect them against viruses.
You need to ensure that your computer or laptop is fully protected against any viruses.
With our DigiCert SSL certificates, gain customer and visitor trust by protecting against viruses, hackers, and cybercrime.
Antivirus software doesn't just protect against viruses, but against many types of malware — except, sometimes «potentially unwanted programs», which are not always harmful, but are almost always a nuiscance.
Trend Micro Maximum Security is an awesome solution that protects against everything mentioned above and it also protects against viruses.
Although mature milk contains less immunoglobulins, your baby is still protected against viruses and bacteria as long as you continue breastfeeding.
A new Zika vaccine candidate has the potential to protect against the virus with a single dose, according to a research team led by scientists from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.
A 30 - day trial of Mcafee Mobile Security protects against viruses and allows you to back up your data.
It could be getting clever with creating new account passwords, or installing a quality antivirus software to protect against viruses utilized by scammers.
Install and update virus protection, to protect against viruses corrupting your computer and to prevent hackers installing Trojan Horse on your computer.
In large companies, internal systems may stop e-mail attachments from entering the company network to protect against virus infestations.
A firewall protects against virus infection and unauthorized access to your computer or network when connected to the Internet.
And the mobile threat is not about just about protecting against viruses, Kevin Mahaffey, chief technical officer of Lookout Mobile Security, which specializes in security services for Android and BlackBerry handsets, told USA Today.
This combination vaccine protects against viruses that cause life - threatening neurologic, respiratory and gastrointestinal issues.
The doctor may recommend that premature infants and babies born with lung or heart disease receive a series of shots during the RSV season that, like the flu shot, help protect against the virus.
Some ways to protect against the virus are covering exposed skin and using insect repellent with DEET.
One reason vaccines using weakened flu virus are not used in the elderly is that they have been exposed to many strains of flu virus over the years and have more antibodies in the nasal tract, which can inhibit the weakened flu virus from infecting and stimulating the immune response necessary to protect against the virus.
«These bacteria may persist in insects to protect against viruses,» says evolutionary biologist Ary Hoffmann, a Wolbachia expert at the University of Melbourne who is part of the research team.
Marasco said the antibody has been produced in sufficient quantities to begin testing in non-human primates and mice to determine if they protect against the virus.
LONDON (Reuters)-- Researchers announced the launch of two big studies in Africa on Thursday to test a new HIV vaccine and a long - acting injectable drug, fuelling hopes for better ways to protect against the virus that causes AIDS.
A vaccine that protects against the virus that causes Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) has been shown to be effective in camels, a new study finds.
Researchers at the Mailman School of Public Health and Columbia University Medical Center studied the impact of text message reminders for the second dose of influenza vaccine required for many young children to protect them against the virus.
Experiments have previously suggested that the CD8 T cells could protect against the virus, but the study of 341 staff and students at Imperial College London published in Nature Medicine is the first «natural experiment» to test the idea in humans during a pandemic.
The two big ideas Ying Kai Chan is tackling in science — reducing the harmful side effects of gene therapy and developing better vaccines to protect against viruses — might seem wildly different from one another.
They learned that mice with mutated polyomavirus strains had a reduced T cell response, the major part of the immune system that protects against the virus.
HPV usually goes away on its own without treatment, although vaccines can protect against the virus.
The immune system, meant to protect against viruses and bacteria, now mistakes the body for an enemy.
Once broken down into animo acids, it helps build and repair tissue, supports the work of antibodies to protect against viruses and bacteria, forms enzymes which carry out important chemical reactions, give structure to our cells, and carries messages as hormones to help our systems communicate.
Improves mental alertness, protects against viruses, supports detox.
If an herb helped with physical exhaustion, but did nothing to protect against viruses, it would not be adaptogenic.
They also help regulate your immune system, protect you against viruses and reduce inflammation in tissues all throughout your body.
This immune cell barrier reduces inflammation, wards off bad bacteria, and protects against viruses and diseases.
Couples can protect themselves against the virus by informing current and future partners about their condition and what can be done to prevent the spread of the Herpes Simplex Virus.
Protect yourself against viruses and malware that cause popups and unwanted ads with Avast Mobile Security and Antivirus, the world's most
Protect yourself against viruses and malware that cause popups and unwanted ads with Avast Mobile Security and Antivirus, the world's most «Security Notice» email claims that your Apple ID has been locked because the company noticed an attempt to sign in from an «unrecognized device».
Vaccinations are another critical component of the wellness exam, as they help protect against viruses and diseases like rabies, Bordetella, and feline leukemia.
These vaccines all protect against viruses, which are easy to protect dogs against.
Not necessary after 16 weeks, cats own immune system will protect against virus.
Most often this is administered in a 5 in 1 shot that protects against viruses and bacteria that are known to cause the disease.
Something that protects you against viruses but opens you up to other vectors of attack is not good security.
With SECUREit, users will have data - protection software installed to help protect against viruses, spam, and malware.
It automatically runs in the background, ensuring all Windows users are protected against viruses and other nasties.
Furthermore, because Chrome OS, (the OS on Chromebooks) is web - based, deploying updates, and protecting against viruses has also been a benefit of a Google environment.
Two thirds of young people (67 %) help their parents or carers use the internet, including one in six (17 %) who help with safety features like privacy settings and one fifth (21 %) who help parents / carers set security settings to protect against viruses and spyware on the family computer.
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