Sentences with phrase «to protect one's offspring»

So it's no surprise that muscle function is associated no only with physically protecting offspring from harm, but is directly influenced by sex hormones.
Although they spent most of their lives in water, the female protected her offspring by swallowing her eggs.
It's one of the things that makes parenting hard; going against your instincts to protect your offspring at all costs and, instead, teaching them how to be better humans.
Birds are normally pretty smart about protecting their offspring.
Sexual reproduction provides a kind of health insurance, protecting offspring from mutant genes thanks to DNA copies from each parent.
But they suggest that the ability to recognize these threat conditions is an evolutionary adaptation to help females protect their offspring - to - be from harm.
The researchers think that the falling testosterone levels are Mother Nature's way of protecting the offspring from male aggressiveness and also facilitating a caring mindset for the dad.
The difference between males and female biting behaviour in the aggressive strain is possibly due to their hormonal responses to stressful situations, as Dr Becerra says: «Stressed male rats might bite to protect themselves alone, whereas female rats might have the natural instinct of biting to also protect their offspring, so presumably will be fiercer.»
Thrips protect their offspring from desiccation, the first known example of this behavior in insects
These insects team up with symbiotic bacteria which produce an antibiotic cocktail of up to 45 different substances within a single species to protect their offspring against mold fungi.
Even the well - meaning Dads who just want to protect their offspring usually wind up doing the opposite by turning evil, letting work consume them or by losing the family farm to a rival rancher.
Although some parenting practices (e.g., nurturing and protecting offspring [37]-RRB- and parent — child interaction therapies are applicable across cultures [38], a discrepancy has been described between parenting styles in Asia in comparison to European - American cultures [39], with parenting styles in Asia being more controlling than in Europe and America.
Because maternal antibodies (IgG) may protect the offspring during the first 6 months of life [45], the data for the two age groups of infants were analyzed separately.
If studying the faces of offspring is mutually beneficial in the post-partum period, perhaps the increase in facial recognition during pregnancy is playing the dual role of protecting offspring from threats and preparing mothers for their unique bonding experience.
Pregnant women who consume fish rather than fish oil supplements are just as likely to protect their offspring from developing asthma.
... A brand new crocodile - parent will protect her offspring from any / all threats for a week or three... Past that time... A crocodile will gladly swallow any / all offspring, (aka, tasty morselets»!)
The enhanced ability of stressed women to read faces and empathize could underlie the propensity to bond under trying circumstances, which may have evolved as a way to protect offspring.
To survive, our early ancestors had to do several things repeatedly and very well: locate food, escape predators, mate and protect offspring.
«Mothers with history of herpes can protect their offspring from neurological infection.»
«When given to obese mouse mothers during pregnancy and lactation, we found it protected their offspring from developing symptoms of liver fat and damage that leads to NAFLD in early adulthood.»
The study, published online last week in the Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, is the first to demonstrate that PQQ can protect offspring of obese mothers from acceleration of obesity - induced liver disease.
Splash tetras leap from the water and spawn on the undersides of leaves to protect their offspring.
So the ladybug above may not be protecting her offspring — but she is protecting herself.
The study shows that a hormone acting on the placenta can protect the offspring of obese mice from being born overweight.
Control mice and those given very low doses of CRH displayed expected behavior, going on the offensive to protect their offspring from danger.
«They will also try and form bonds with particular males in the hope that they will protect their offspring and let the babies forage in good places with them — although males tend to be fairly lazy when it comes to this; it's up to the babies to follow the males to good food.»
This is helping him (and his family) to make ends meet, but his life is thrown into chaos one night, when he crosses paths with Shawn's son Danny (an unhinged Boyd Holbrook) and he subsequently embarks on the run with Jimmy, who has had to take matters into his own hands to protect his offspring.
It was fascinating reflection of our times to witness the difficulty fathers encountered while attempting to protect their offspring, occasionally being most responsible for the harmful circumstances that surrounded their children.
While the majority of dinosaur eggs were buried in hopes of protecting their offspring, there were a number of species that built nests and took care of their offspring similar to how modern birds do today.
Whether hunting prey, establishing territory, or protecting their offspring, each member must know their own role and be reassured by the role that others play.
All mothers have instincts to protect their offspring from potential danger.
The video shows the mother splashing and trying to protect her offspring, but Black thinks this mother and calf may have been skinnier than others, and therefore weaker.
Instead of dead or runaway mothers, we might fall into the other matron stereotype, where a woman lives only to take care of and protect her offspring.
The exhibition includes Crouching Spider, one of the large spiders in attack position, which will do anything to protect its offspring.
Incidentally, the black widow is even known for devouring the male spider — the father — after mating, in order to protect her offspring.
Are regulatory agencies doing enough to protect our offspring?
Before experiencing the added stress of protecting offspring, I caution Bergemann from drawing such conclusions.
Some parents are so worried that they remain in unhappy marriages, believing it will protect their offspring from the trauma of divorce.
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