Sentences with phrase «to prove one's love»

We don't require that our loved ones prove their love for us first before we return that love.
They have proven their love in very difficult times.
But we would much rather much around inside ourselves and other false gods which proves our love of darkness.
We love them anyway, and this card proves they love us.
But I have proven my love for animals many times, the fact that I invite you to look closely at.
The ending is one of those «big moment scenes» where the protagonist does something brave and against character to prove his love in front of a lot of people.
I am totally stealing this to prove my love of your recipes.
Her love for her father is as true and real as the sky is blue and the sun is a ball of hydrogen... but she can't prove her love in any objective manner.
«But God proves his love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us.»
compare this to the radio silence by almost all of the religious progressives who market themselves as change agents for a new kind of christinity where a zizek inspired faith proves Love Wins?
Deepika Padukone has yet again proved her love for the classic in the form of the above ensemble.
except they can prove love much more than they can prove god.
I can only prove my love for him by loving my neighbour, for my neighbour is He Himself.»
It was through our commitment to prove our love over the long haul that I learned that everything I do that hurts Lisa is not just a simple mistake or oversight.
When Paul spoke about the legendary giving of the Macedonian church he urged the Corinthian church to prove their love like the Macedonians proved theirs:
In fact, he was one of my original recipe testers for this dish, and I think his actions definitely proved his love for it, those actions being absolutely devouring his slice and proceeding unto a second slice immediately.
@gunnersrocks, assuming your lover is sinking in the river, and you still have chance to rescue her, will try rescuing her first or just follow her and sink together with her just to prove your love???? Considering you statement I guess you will go for the second option.
SEE MORE: Liverpool legend Steven Gerrard makes you feel sh ** about your Monday with Instagram picture Liverpool target proves his love for Reds with team shirt, playing them on FIFA Liverpool 4 - 0 Everton: Three things we learned as rampant Reds melted Toffees in Merseyside Derby
So, when I think about Valentine's Day I don't think about proving my love through expensive gifts.
Blake Lively and Penn Badgley, 2007 - 2009 Another of America's beautiful teen TV couples, Gossip Girl's Dan and Serena proved love could cross class divides.
I know that some people are skeptical about internet dating but our family is a real prove that love has no borders, no nationalities and no language barriers.
Patton further proved his love for movies by rattling off some of his favorites at this year's awards and he was not short of praise, «The crop of films they sent me was pretty stunning.
Now it's just a waiting game for Kathy, Tommy and Ruth until they «complete» their purpose — though there are rumors of deferrals should any of the clones prove their love for each other.
As he tracks the bewildering seismic shifts under way in America, Meno celebrates everyday marvels, including the hard - proven love between grandfather and grandson.
Also proves love is unconditional love is given & received by our furry friends!!!
Lorenzo, meanwhile, is as smooth as ever and his race this past Sunday with a broken collarbone proves his love for the sport.
I agree that it does not necessitate an interpretation where we are setting out to prove our love by keeping the commandments, thereby earning approval, but rather the obedience will result from a heartfelt love for Christ.
Her love for her father is as true and real as the sky is blue and the sun is a ball of ignited hydrogen... but she can't prove her love in any objective manner.
God proved his love for us and his friendly character by delivering his Son for our sins.
And if some amongst you, paralyzed by the gloomy likelihood of the catastrophe, should already have lost their courage, they, too, still have the chance to prove their love of man by heeding the cynical maxim: «Let's go on working as though we had the right to hope.
35 emotional photos that prove love wins.
The sassy and classy Deepika Padukone has time and again proved her love for traditional wear.
God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us.
Thanks a heap for the hurricane, to prove your love for your children.
Jesus has proven his love for us by giving his life for us, and we show our love for Jesus by listening to his voice and no other.
He proves his love by the gospel.
«It would make me happy if my family and friends could come together as a team and burn all the witches to prove our love for Jesus»
«Itâ $ ™ s not â $ œobey Me to prove your loveâ $, but instead â $ œlet Me prove your love by grace - ing you to obedienceâ $.»
And he proves his love with the sacrifice of his own son.
Paul is typical: «God proves his love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us» (Rom.
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