Sentences with phrase «to prove problematic»

That has proven problematic for multiple reasons, including the fact that booming calcium supplement sales have resulted in marginal results at best.
This could prove problematic in certain situations, such as when children are exposed to stereotypes about groups of people.
Not only will it be difficult to drag up to the ward, but it may also prove problematic when it comes to find particular items in the bag.
But this choice may also prove problematic under certain conditions.
This way you can definitely be sure that the meeting will not prove problematic since the meeting will be in a very crowded area.
This could prove problematic if you are located in an area that doesn't attract such professionals.
This sleep deficit can prove problematic on any journey — and you may be feeling consequences long after you arrive home.
However, this has proven problematic because principals can not develop each teacher in their building alone.
I noticed content does not have dates on individual articles, so this could prove problematic going forward.
The authors of that study also proposed a technique wastewater treatment plants could use to minimize the formation of these by - products if they do prove problematic.
However, adjusting for flex and strain in the support structure proved problematic.
While pleasantly surprised by the styles, the sizing proved problematic.
On occasion, however, this feature proved problematic when I stood close too long with no intent of opening the door.
This is all before even touching on some of the other areas that also add value where Android tablets prove problematic — such as security.
Part of the reason the company has been so quiet is likely that they knew the platform — now said to be much improved — initially proved problematic.
The mandatory spay / neuter laws were started with good intentions, but their execution proves problematic.
Moreover, the code's own monitoring processes have repeatedly proven problematic.
That is all good, but then, the display panels proved problematic.
It's a category that's proving problematic for more than one automaker.
One problem could be his nationality, with the Nigerian yet to venture onto the international scene, which could prove problematic in acquiring a work permit.
The TFT display looked great even from extreme angles, and we especially liked that fingerprints didn't prove problematic.
While widespread experimentation with tokens is a good thing, the current reliance on ICOs could prove problematic going forward.
Most asthma medicines work best when delivered directly to the lung, but this has so far proven problematic with antibodies, as they are challenging to formulate for inhaled delivery.
Similarly, while there's no acreage limit with VA loans, properties with a lot of land can sometimes prove problematic in terms of finding good comps.
While the company plans to sell some non-core assets to pay for these transactions, that strategy could prove problematic now that crude has fallen below $ 45, because it will likely drive down the value of those assets.
Placing a general tax on junk food proves problematic, because one kid's treat may be another child's dinner (ask two people to define junk
Of course, both Willian and Mkhitaryan are versatile and adaptable enough to play in the No. 10 role, but with Oscar tipped to have a big role to play under Conte and Eden Hazard sure to bounce back from an awful season, it could prove problematic fitting everyone into the side.
In the face of the Supreme Court decision, the EPA could still refuse to control tailpipe emissions of greenhouse gases, but such action will prove problematic given the decision and the EPA's mandate to regulate dangerous pollutants under the Clean Air Act.
However, he cautioned that it may ultimately prove problematic for financial institutions to «appropriate» technologies such as Ethereum that were designed for different purposes into the requirements of traditional finance.
Offshore acquisitions and becoming a global champion have proved problematic from time to time for others, such as National Australia Bank.
But those ties proved problematic when his close friend Richard Nixon resigned in the Watergate scandal, leaving Graham devastated and baffled.
And though Ikea's UK marketing manager is concerned by the headlines surrounding Facebook, it's not proven problematic enough to pause media plans for this latest campaign.
Unfortunately Wenger's sideways tactics could prove problematic once again as PEA's success is largely predicated on the manager's ability to make the necessary tactical and personnel changes so that our newest strikers are provided with the proper service.
The turnover on this staff, coupled with a first year OC proved problematic.
However while the four nations have expressed interest separately, according to Radio New Zealand, a bid from New Zealand and Samoa is more likely to involve the countries jointly hosting the event - a move which would do much to bring the game to a wider audience, but could prove problematic financially for the sides competing.
His movement off the ball and creative passing proved problematic for Chelsea.
Going forward Alonso proved problematic, but defensively he failed to stop a number of Arsenal moves.
Barcelona are aiming to get a # 45m deal done for Arsenal's Hector Bellerin before the end of June, but will turn to Benfica's Nelson Semedo if the signing proves problematic.
Getting companies to comply without adequate financial compensation for the costs naturally proved problematic, so Tony Blair decided that using Brussels as a backdoor route was the perfect solution during the UK's EU presidency in late 2005.
Summit Park, which includes a long - term care facility, mental health center, and skilled nursing facility, has proven problematic due to its insufficient revenue streams, which limits its long - term feasibility as a solution to the county's health care needs.
Kumar called these hypothetical objects «black dwarfs», but the name proved problematic.
But multiple reactor sites proved problematic at Fukushima Daiichi, where an accident in one rapidly became a crisis for multiple reactors and spent fuel pools.
A group of hikers stumbled upon the cave while exploring Wollemi National Park in 1995, but getting a research team there proved problematic.
The foods themselves, though high in specific nutrients that have been previously proven as beneficial, when taken in therapeutic doses, most often required in the form of high dose supplementation - are being offered in scientifically proven problematic foods.
For both men and women, posing with a friend or animal proved problematic, but full body photos increased messages by a whopping 203 %!
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