Sentences with phrase «to publish this information»

"To publish this information" means to make it available to the public, usually by printing it in a book, newspaper, or magazine, or by sharing it on a website or social media platform. Full definition
It seems so easy: when a smartphone manufacturer wants to keep an upcoming device secret, it shouldn't publish any information about the phone.
Even if you are concerned about what others may think about your decision, it is important to remember that consumer bankruptcy is not published information in the newspaper.
This means when a young person is appearing before the court, the media can not publish any information which would identify the young person.
This is a very interesting report with good publishing information for 2013 - 2014.
There is a wealth of published information describing interactions between drugs used to treat cardiovascular disease and the genetic variations that can affect how patients respond to them.
Like every other politician in the area, I am on their email press list and occasionally publish information from them.
Credit providers also publish this information on their websites.
I was a bit confused and having read so much self publishing information, I just needed something simple and straight to the point.
Although we can not say yet about details, we will publish the information at the official site in the near future.
You are expected to produce the original work which will contribute to the already published information on the topic.
As markets change continuously, previously published information and data may not be current and should not be relied upon.
Anyone who publishes information to any platform (print, online, video, etc.) can use an editorial calendar to keep content marketing organized and on schedule.
This is the second report of its kind and we will continue to publish this information annually.
Many businesses regularly publish information online that ranks insurers on a wide range of qualities, including customer satisfaction, professionalism and other essential qualities.
I knew that most states, including mine, now publish this information on the Web.
Online Dating Blog I also regularly publish information on my online dating blog (which you are reading now!).
This could include publishing information about your industry recognition on social media, your website, as well as in any press releases.
The financial watchdog has not published any information concerning the claims as of press time.
It's a private, secure website that lets patients publish information about their lives.
This list was leaked to a website, which insisted today that it was genuine, and that it intended to publish the information tomorrow.
They will often publish information about travel opportunities and funding.
My goal with this site is to provide the latest in indie publishing information.
I'm thrilled about this self publishing information here.
So you can publish your information too if if it is valid.
But when is the best time to publish information pertaining to the climate debate?
For me, it sets a general standard for non-fiction and published information provision.
Our public service community news page publishes information, news, and legal trends that you can actually use and apply to better your life.
It is also proposed that larger employers publish information on pay for people from different ethnic backgrounds as part of a plan to tackle the «race gap».
You also need to specify gadget - related publishing information associated with the skill.
The company seems to have accidentally published information about it via the Play Store.
Your own well - researched blog is one of my best sources of publishing information.
This change also requires manufactures to publish information in larger / bolder type and to disclose actual amounts of nutrients.
As of this month schools are required to publish information about how they have spent the pupil premium money online.
Have a list of the athletes along with their emergency contact names and numbers but do not publish this information.
Large employers — already required to publish information on gender «pay equity» — should likewise have to report on «care equity», detailing who is taking family - based benefits.
We're also publishing information about the project that got us here and what the new rule means for consumers.
We originally published this information as transparency data.
To minimize conflicts between and among partners about claiming origination credit for a new client or matter, it is recommended that the firm publish information regarding new client files so that every partner may periodically review the list of clients for which origination credit is being given.
More than that, why have a committee when you are asking the general membership about issues that ought to be addressed, to - wit: The Board has asked the members to consider not just whether or not to make it possible for writers to join on the basis of self - published works but also the issues that would have to be addressed, such as confirming income, sales, and other publishing information from self - published writers.
When a licence is suspended, the Registrar may also notify the public by publishing the information in the provincial newspaper, in accordance with Commission Bylaw 839.
When Fiori's research first began, there was very little published information available.
I will reveal never before published information of how program trading runs the Crude Oil Trading Markets.
In another twist, UKEF has, following a lot of pressure from the Jubilee Debt Campaign, just published information showing that overseas countries owe the UK millions of pounds as a result of defaulting on payments for weaponry bought by the likes of Egypt's General Mubarak and Iraq's Saddam Hussein.
Nice post.Thank you for taking the time to publish this information very useful!
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